300字范文 > 常见动物英文介绍:世界真奇妙之羊(双语)


时间:2023-05-08 23:40:51



· I live on all the continents except Antarctica.

· I can live almost anywhere its not too cold, from deserts to tropical rain forests.

· I don really have a house -- I usually just hang out in open fields.

· Ive got a chubby body, a long, narrow face, pointy ears and a cute little tail. I have hoofs for feet and I might have horns that grow long and curvy.

· My body is covered with wool or hair that can be white, gray or black.

· As an adult, my body is usually about 5 feet (a little more than 1.5 meters) long.

· I can weigh as much as 400 pounds (almost 200 kilograms), but I usually weigh 200 to 250 pounds (about 90 to 115 kilograms).

· My friends and I eat a lot of grass every day.

· Many animals can harm me, but I do not harm them. If I do get in trouble, Im quick runner and good climber.

· My family is huge! I have got more than 800 different relatives in all different shapes, sizes and colors with different lengths of wool and hair. 羊——地图上到处都是我的家 有趣的常识:当今,世界上有800多种羊群,共有10亿多只羊。羊最多的国家是澳大利亚,德克撒斯是美国羊最多的州。雄羊,又叫“公羊”,有长长的弯曲的羊角,而雌羊,又叫“母羊”,它们的角却短而粗硬。 · 除了南极洲,我住在世界上所有的陆地上。

· 我几乎能住在天气不太冷的任何地方,从沙漠到热带雨林。

· 我并没有真正的房屋-我通常就在露天居住。

· 我有一个圆胖的身子,一个又长又窄的脸,尖尖的耳朵和一条小巧的尾巴。我的脚上有蹄,我还有羊角,长得长而弯曲。

· 我的身体覆盖着羊毛,毛发可能是白色,灰色或黑色。

· 长大后,我的身体通常约5英尺(比1.5米多一点)长。

· 我能长到400磅 (约200千克) 重,但是,我一般体重为200-250磅(约90-115磅)重。

· 我和我的朋友每天吃许多草。

· 许多动物可能会伤害我,但我不伤害它们。如果我遇到麻烦,我擅于快跑和攀爬。

· 我的家庭很庞大! 我有800多不同种类的亲戚,它们有着不同的体形,大小和不同颜色,长度的羊毛和毛发。 编辑推荐(编辑:何莹莹)
