300字范文 > 雅思句子分析:状语从句嵌套宾语从句


时间:2020-04-27 18:04:26



英文原句 Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Court in effect supported the medical principle of “double effect,” a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects -- a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen -- is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect. 难点解析 本句的难点在于子句比较多,状语从句里面又嵌套这宾语从句,现在分词又带了宾语从句,宾语从句中又嵌套了定语从句…… 遇到这种句子,需要耐心地判断各个成分之间的关系,要对子句的特点非常熟悉。需要知道状语从句和宾语从句通常是一个完整的句子,而定语从句中是缺少成分的。而且,要能区分引导不同从句的引导词,比如although, if, that等。 句子分析 子句类型状语从句 连 接 词ALTHOUGH 子句内容It ruled something. 语法分析It [主语] ruled [谓语] something. [宾语] 子句翻译它做了某种裁决。 子句类型宾语从句 连 接 词THAT 子句内容There is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide. 语法分析There [表语] is [系动词] no constitutional right [主语] to physician-assisted suicide. [定语] 子句翻译宪法没有赋予医生帮助病人自杀的权利。 子句类型主句 连 接 词无逻辑连接词 子句内容The Court in effect supported the medical principle of “double effect,” a centuries-old moral principle holding something. 语法分析The Court [主语] in effect [定语] supported [谓语] the medical principle [宾语] of “double effect,” [定语] a centuries-old moral principle [同位语] holding something. [定语] 子句翻译法院实际上支持“双效”的医疗原则,这是一个存在了好几个世纪的道德原则,该准则认为某事。 子句类型宾语从句 连 接 词THAT 子句内容An action having two effects — a good one and a harmful one — is permissible. 语法分析An action [主语] having two effects [定语] — a good one and a harmful one — [同位语] is [系动词] permissible. [表语] 子句翻译具有双重效果(好效果和坏效果)的行为是允许的。 子句类型宾语从句 连 接 词THAT 子句内容A good one is intended. 语法分析A good one [主语] is [系动词] intended. [表语] 子句翻译希望达到好的效果。 子句类型定语从句 连 接 词THAT 子句内容A harmful one is foreseen. 语法分析A harmful one [主语] is foreseen. [谓语] 子句翻译坏效果可以被预见到。 子句类型状语从句 连 接 词IF 子句内容The actor intends only the good effect. 语法分析The actor [主语] intends [谓语] only the good effect. [宾语] 子句翻译行为实施者只是想达到好的效果。 全句翻译 尽管最高法院做了如下裁决:宪法没有赋予医生帮助病人自杀的权利,然而法院实际上却支持“双效”的医疗原则,这是一个存在了好几个世纪的道德原则,即具有双重效果(希望达到的好效果和可以预见得到的坏效果)的行为是允许的,前提是行为实施者只是想达到好的效果。 单词记忆 Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Court in effect supported the medical principle of “double effect,” a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects -- a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen -- is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect. 热门搜索: (责任编辑:张梦璇)
