300字范文 > 苏教译林六年级上册Unit3—4练习及答案


时间:2020-09-25 20:11:19






1. eat (过去式)________ 2. did(否定形式)________

3. they(宾格)_______ 4. radio(复数)_________

5. work(第三人称单数)__________

6. swim (现在分词)___________

7. take (过去式)__________ 8. could (原形)__________

9. China(形容词)_________ 10. teach(名词)___________

二、 英汉词组互译。(10分)

1. 看报纸__________2. 朝…外看_________

3. 在办公室__________4. 国庆节后__________

5. 开始__________6. write emails __________

7. wait for the answer __________8. make friends__________

9. come back __________10. a pair of paper shorts__________


( )1. He _______ at school yesterday.

A. isn’t B. wasn’t C. doesn’t D. didn’t

( )2. He wrote a letter ________ his mother last week.

A. for B. to C. of D. from

( )3. Can you make a sentence _______“have”?.

A. in B. on C. with D. by

( )4. ---_________ is it?

--It’s Friday.

A. What time B. What day C. What colour D. What about

( )5. ---What’s Helen________?

---Her new bag.

A. looking B. lookedC. look

( )6. The football match is very ________..

A. excite B. excites C. excited D. exciting

( )7. ______ your mother see a film yesterday evening?.

A. Are B. Did C. Was D. Is

( )8. He often ______ apples on the farm.

A. pick B. picking C. picks D. picked

( )9. I _______ you, but you _______ at home.

A. call; weren’t B. called; aren’t C. called; were D. called; weren’t

( )10. Everything ________ .

A. go well B. go good C. goes well D. goes good


1. Five years ago, he ______(can) ride a bike.

2. Now Tom can do many _______(thing).

3. I _______(not have) a mobile phone now.

4. Mike’s grandpa likes _______(listen) to the radio.

5. My mother _______(work) hard every day.

6. Yang Ling _______ (wait) for the bus now.

7. Please_______ (put) your hands on the desk.

8. I want _______ (be) your friend.

9. Where ________you ________(go) yesterday?


1. It was interesting.(改成否定句)

It _______ interesting.

2. He could draw the hill. (对画线部分提问)

What _____ he ______?

3. He ate a cake last Sunday.(用every day替换last Sunday)

He ______ a cake every day.

4. I caught some fish there yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)

______ you ______ ______ fish there yesterday?

5. The students played football last Wednesday. (用now 替换last Wednesday)

The students _____ _______ now.

6. Helen watched TV last night. (对画线部分提问)

____________ Helen _______ last night?

六、阅读短文判断正误,正确的写‘T’,错误的写‘F’。 (10分)

A mother camel(骆驼) is looking for water and grass with her son .The son is asking his mother,“What do water and grass look like ?”The mother is answering , “The water is blue as the sky, and grass is not blue, it’s green and nice . ”

After a day and night , her son cries(叫,喊), “Look, mother, there’s water and grass there .” “You’re wrong , child . The water and grass are on the left , and the desert(沙漠) is on the right .”The mother camel’s left eye is blind(瞎的) .

Now , the young camel finds an oasis(绿洲), but his mother thinks that’s not true . She says she knows more than her son and can’t be wrong. Her son is not happy . He doesn’t want to stay with his mother , so he goes away . He runs into the grass and eats his fill(饱) .


( ) 1. Three camels is looking for water and grass .

( ) 2. The mother says to his son, “ You’re right, child .”

( ) 3. The mother’s left eye is blind .

( ) 4. The young camel doesn’t want to stay with his mother ,because his mother is right.

( ) 5. The mother thinks she is right.


用一般过去时,以“My last weekend为题写一篇短文。要求:语言规范,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯,书写工整,不少于6句话。



一、Ate didn’ttheirradiosworks swimmingtook can Chinese teaching

二、Read the newspaperThe... Look out In the office

After the National Day Get started 写电子邮件 等待答案 交朋友 回来 一条纸短裤


四 略

五 略


七 略

标签:复习巩固 苏教译林六年级上册Unit3—4练习及答案
