300字范文 > 大众媒介批判 Criticism of the Mass Media英语短句 例句大全

大众媒介批判 Criticism of the Mass Media英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-27 19:39:02


大众媒介批判 Criticism of the Mass Media英语短句 例句大全

大众媒介批判,Criticism of the Mass Media

1)Criticism of the Mass Media大众媒介批判

2)media criticism媒介批判


1.On Media Criticism and Cultural Criticism of Frankfurt School;论法兰克福学派的媒介批判和文化批判

2.Chinese Research on the Critical Theory about Mass Media of the Frankful School;法兰克福学派媒介批判理论的中国解读

3.The Bombing Sugar-coated Bullets--Media Criticism on Star Advertising;轰炸的糖衣炮弹——明星商业广告的媒介批判

4.The Trend of Entertainmentization of TV. Communications:A Look within the Framework of Media Criticism;媒介批判视野中的电视资讯娱乐化现象

5.Criticizing the media is neither unnatural nor harmful.批判传播媒介既非怪事也无害处。

6.A Critical Interpretation of the Reading Predicament in the Age of Electronic Media;电子媒介时代阅读困境的批判性解读

7.The Society of Spectacle: a Kind of Criticism Words of the Ear of Media;景观社会:媒介时代的一种批判话语

8.Constructing the Media Critical Thinking Teaching Model of Higher Education;大学媒介素养批判性思维教学模式建构

9.Toward Critical Media Literacy:Core Concepts,Debates,Organizations,and Policy;迈向批判性媒介素养:核心理念、争鸣、组织与政策

10.Ladies Being Watched" -Semeiology Criticism on Lady Images in Mass Media;“被看的女人”——媒介传播中女性形象的符号学批判

11.Media Criticism Courses and the Cultivation of Critical Thinking:Course Instruction Cases at Tsinghua University媒介批评课程与批判性思维的培养——清华大学的教学案例

12.Mass media, football and myth--A critical interpretation from the perspective of the science of communication;大众媒介、足球与神话——传播学视野下的批判性解读

13.The Aim and Practice Methodology of Media Literacy in the Perspective of Critical Pedagogy;从批判教育学看媒介素养教育目标及其实现方法

14.Media Ecology and Technopoly:Neil Postman s Critique on Technopoly;媒介生态与技术垄断——尼尔·波兹曼的技术垄断批判

15.To Develop Critical Thinking in the Media Literacy Program媒介素养教育中批判性思维能力培养的教学设计

16.How to comprehend The Media Trial In Mass Media Era大众传媒时代,如何理解“媒介审判”?

17.Medium Revolution and Learning Revolution -- A Review of M. Macluhan′ s Medium Concept;媒介革命与学习革命——麦克卢汉媒介理论批评

18.The Critical Perspective:Media as the World--The Four Worlds of Western Media Criticism Theory;批判的视境:传媒作为世界(下)——西方传媒批判理论的四个世界


media criticism媒介批判

3)Mass media大众媒介

1.The mass media in the Iraq war and the competition of the media——perspectivity and introspection on the behavior of the mass media in the Iraq war;战争的媒介和媒介的战争——对伊拉克战争中大众媒介行为的透视与反思

2.Taking Tongjiang county of Sichuan province as a sample, this research intends to find out and clarify the status quo of mass media in depressed areas in the west of China, as well as the relation between information receiving and feedback.以西部贫困地区四川省通江县为研究个案,通过调查和分析,旨在了解和把握现阶段大众媒介在西部贫困地区的发展现状,受众与媒介在接受—反馈信息方面的联系。

3.In the media era,the spread of literature depends on the mass media.在传媒时代,文学的传播要依附大众媒介而进行。

4)mass medium大众媒介

1.It has analyzed the characteristics ofmass medium s sports dissemination by newspapers, broadcast, television and issues, expounded the latest situation of mass sports dissemination, that is, intensive competition amon.采用文献资料法,描述了当前国内大众体育传播的现状:参与媒介众多,受传人数可观,市场份额较高;分析了以报纸、广播、电视、刊物为代表的大众媒介体育传播的特征,论述大众体育传播的最新态势:即各媒介间激烈的竞争与多层次、多元化的合作并存,新兴媒介的加盟和挑战;指出了大众媒介与体育传播的必然联系及其现实意义:体育信息的大量需求是大众体育传播的前提,大众体育传播具有独特的社会功效,体育产业召唤大众传播。

2.For information society, one of the most important characteristics is the development ofmass medium.信息化社会,最主要一个特征,就是大众媒介的发展,人们的生活日益信息化,大众媒介在知识经济时代已经成为获取知识的主要途径,在社会教育与学院教育同等重要的今天,图书馆与大众媒介共同承担着继续教育的重任。

5)critical media literacy批判性媒介素养

1.Based on the explanation of American media literacy model, this paper deals with five core concepts ofcritical media literacy and introduces American typical media literacy organization, educational standards and teacher education.美国媒介素养教育并不发达,尤其是批判性媒介素养教育。

2.This paper deals with whatcritical media literacy focuses on at various stages from a historic perspective.本文从历史的角度分析了批评性媒介素养在不同历史阶段的关注重点,并辅以事例着重阐释了如何利用分析方法使批判性素养的理论与实践相结合,从而提高学生的批判性媒介素养,特别是随着多种新媒体的出现,更需要在文化研究的关照下关注新的媒介素养问题。

6)media critical consciousness媒介批判意识

1.The core of the new media literacy education is cultivating contemporary college students\"media critical consciousness to enhance their knowledge of media awareness of the initiative,to use critical thinking and analysis of new media to receive the message and to be their own master.媒介批判意识是受众主体性的表现,强调受众接触和处理大众传播媒介信息时保持独立思考的习惯,主要是指其使用信息的主动意识和主动权。


