300字范文 > 大众媒介功能 Function of the mass media英语短句 例句大全

大众媒介功能 Function of the mass media英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-05 12:58:26


大众媒介功能 Function of the mass media英语短句 例句大全

大众媒介功能,Function of the mass media

1)Function of the mass media大众媒介功能

2)Mass media大众媒介

1.The mass media in the Iraq war and the competition of the media——perspectivity and introspection on the behavior of the mass media in the Iraq war;战争的媒介和媒介的战争——对伊拉克战争中大众媒介行为的透视与反思

2.Taking Tongjiang county of Sichuan province as a sample, this research intends to find out and clarify the status quo of mass media in depressed areas in the west of China, as well as the relation between information receiving and feedback.以西部贫困地区四川省通江县为研究个案,通过调查和分析,旨在了解和把握现阶段大众媒介在西部贫困地区的发展现状,受众与媒介在接受—反馈信息方面的联系。

3.In the media era,the spread of literature depends on the mass media.在传媒时代,文学的传播要依附大众媒介而进行。


1.The Negative Culture Tendency of the Media and Media Management;大众媒介的消极文化倾向与媒介管理

2.Traditionally, television has been a medium of the masses.电视早已成为大众媒介。

3.Mass Media and the "End" of Literature;关于大众媒介与“文学终结”问题的思考

4.The Abuse of Power in Mass Media and Its Social Control;论大众媒介权力的滥用及其社会控制

5.A Research on How to Direct Public Opinion with Mass Media;论新时期政府如何利用大众媒介引导公众舆论

6.The Relationship Between the Interactive Medium and Public Medium: The Case of SARS Outbreak;从SARS爆发期看互动类媒介与大众媒介之间的关系

7.The mass media in the Iraq war and the competition of the media--perspectivity and introspection on the behavior of the mass media in the Iraq war;战争的媒介和媒介的战争——对伊拉克战争中大众媒介行为的透视与反思

8.Mass Medium and Star Culture State in Culture Consumption Ism文化消费主义影响下的大众媒介与明星文化

9.How to comprehend The Media Trial In Mass Media Era大众传媒时代,如何理解“媒介审判”?

10.The Changes of the Aim Groups of Advertising and the Media;从大众到小众:论广告传播受众与媒介变化

11.Media History:The Promoter of Mass Consumption媒介:大众消费的推进器——论媒介对大众消费的历史意义

12.The product attract a lot of interest in the media or a lot of media interest.产品引起了大众传播媒介的很大兴趣。

13.Media literacy education for university students under the background of mass media entertainment;大众传媒娱乐化背景下的大学生媒介素养教育

14.The wedding got massive media coverage.婚礼得到大众传播媒介的广泛报道。

15.The Effect and Influence of Mass Media on Rural Area;大众传播媒介对农传播的效果和影响

16.The Mutual-active between Mass Media and Sports Industry;大众传播媒介与体育产业的行业互动

17.Fission and Transformation in “Private Media” and Mass Culture;“私人媒介”与大众文化的裂变与转型

18.From Mass Culture to Medium Culture : a Decline of Elitism?;从“大众文化”到“媒介文化”:精英主义式微?


Mass media大众媒介

1.The mass media in the Iraq war and the competition of the media——perspectivity and introspection on the behavior of the mass media in the Iraq war;战争的媒介和媒介的战争——对伊拉克战争中大众媒介行为的透视与反思

2.Taking Tongjiang county of Sichuan province as a sample, this research intends to find out and clarify the status quo of mass media in depressed areas in the west of China, as well as the relation between information receiving and feedback.以西部贫困地区四川省通江县为研究个案,通过调查和分析,旨在了解和把握现阶段大众媒介在西部贫困地区的发展现状,受众与媒介在接受—反馈信息方面的联系。

3.In the media era,the spread of literature depends on the mass media.在传媒时代,文学的传播要依附大众媒介而进行。

3)mass medium大众媒介

1.It has analyzed the characteristics ofmass medium s sports dissemination by newspapers, broadcast, television and issues, expounded the latest situation of mass sports dissemination, that is, intensive competition amon.采用文献资料法,描述了当前国内大众体育传播的现状:参与媒介众多,受传人数可观,市场份额较高;分析了以报纸、广播、电视、刊物为代表的大众媒介体育传播的特征,论述大众体育传播的最新态势:即各媒介间激烈的竞争与多层次、多元化的合作并存,新兴媒介的加盟和挑战;指出了大众媒介与体育传播的必然联系及其现实意义:体育信息的大量需求是大众体育传播的前提,大众体育传播具有独特的社会功效,体育产业召唤大众传播。

2.For information society, one of the most important characteristics is the development ofmass medium.信息化社会,最主要一个特征,就是大众媒介的发展,人们的生活日益信息化,大众媒介在知识经济时代已经成为获取知识的主要途径,在社会教育与学院教育同等重要的今天,图书馆与大众媒介共同承担着继续教育的重任。

4)media function媒介功能

1.Juvenile periodicals are provided with specialmedia function,including cognition function,furtherance function,amusement function,optimization function and function of diffusing information.少儿期刊具有特定的媒介功能:顺化认知功能、内化助长功能、美化娱悦功能、优化设计功能、信息传播功能。

5)mass media大众传播媒介

1.This article introduces the basic aesthetic principles and scientific and rational objective laws should be followed by design,and discusses modern design methods from the operation ofmass media,the popularization of electronic media and the shock of network,in order to make the design to serve the market and to comfort the market requirement.介绍了设计应遵循的基本设计美准则以及科学合理的客观规律,从大众传播媒介的经营、电子传媒的普及、网络的冲击多方面论述了现代设计方法,以使设计服务于市场,适应市场需要。

2.Nowadays we are trying our best to build a socialist harmonious society,Themass media should pay special attention to the weak groups in our society.我国目前正致力于建立社会主义和谐社会,大众传播对弱势群体问题的关注体现出大众传播的内容对社会心理的影响和互动,大众传播媒介应利用这种影响力,协助政府保持社会稳定,推动我国社会平稳健康地度过转型期。

3.The development of themass media brings us a lot of benefits, and also challenges, especially the challenges to our cducation.信息时代,大众传播媒介不但是教育的有益补充,同时也对教育造成了极大的冲击和挑战。

6)modern mass communication现代大众媒介


