300字范文 > 商标名 brand name英语短句 例句大全

商标名 brand name英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-04 06:25:52


商标名 brand name英语短句 例句大全

商标名,brand name

1)brand name商标名

1.Thebrand name is regarded as "the window dressing" of the product.商标名是产品的第一"门面"。

2.After China entered WTO, how to translatebrand names has become more and more practical and significant.随着中国加入世贸组织,出口商品大量增加,人们更加认识到了商标名翻译的重大意义。

3.In order to get the Chinese market segment, the translation of theirbrand names is of vital importance.商标名在不同的国家和社会时期蕴含着一定的文化特征。


1.branded merchandise is that bearing a standard brand name.品牌商品是具有标准商标名称的商品。

2.Every Brand name and trademark has a separate patent.所有商标和商标名称均享有专利。

3.Vibramycin is the trade name of doxycycline.Vibramycin是强力霉素的商标名。

4.(trademark) a type of fiberboard.(商标名)纤维板中的一种。

5.(trademark) a kind of plasterboard.(商标名)一种石膏板。

6.a brand name for a roasting chicken.烤鸡用烤箱的商标名称。

7.all the Brand names and trademarks of our company are registered and patented.本公司所有商标和商标名称均已注册,享有专利。

8.brand:a trademark or distinctive name identifying a product or a manufacturer.商标:标志一种产品或制造商的商标或特有名称。

9.A trademark or distinctive name identifying a product or a manufacturer.商标标志一种产品或制造商的商标或特有名称

10.Article 6bis [Marks: Well-Known Marks]第六条之二 〔商标:驰名商标〕

11.Meanwhile Dongwei Brand has been assessed as "Shandong Famous Brand".东维"商标被评为"山东省著名商标"。

12.Some products are exported to USA, Southeast Asia etc.“天宝”牌商标被授予江苏省著名商标。

13.US Babies Get Global Brand Names美国父母爱名牌 宝宝与商标同名

14.The brand is named after Li Nine.就是用李宁的名字命名的商标品牌。

15.Liao Ning Industrial and Commercial Bureau awarded“ Liao Ning Famous Brand”.、辽宁省工商局授予的“辽宁省著名商标”。

16.Liao Ning Industrial and Commercial Bureau awarded “Liao Ning Famous Brand”.辽宁省工商局授予的“辽宁省著名商标”。

17.The Transformation of Trade Mark Into General Name of Goods关于商标转化为商品通用名称的思考

18.On the Conflicts Between the Right of Trade Marks and the Unique Name of Goods;论商标与商品特有名称的冲突与解决


brand names商标名

1.This paper proposes that the principle of Optimal Relevance should be followed in the process of translation to guide effectively the translation ofbrand names,since the current translation fails to display their multiple attributes.商标名具有多重属性特征、价值及功能,这使得其翻译标准及原则具有多元互补性。

3)famous brand驰名商标

1.Afamous brand as a trademark which has good reputation and credit standing in the market is familiar with public.驰名商标作为在市场上具有很高知名度和信誉、并为公众所熟知的商标,它的保护状况如何,在一定程度上反映了一个国家的法制状况和经济实力,历来受到世界各国的广泛重视。

2.Itis a tendency for each country in the world to providefamous brands with special law protection whenrelated law is made and enforced.给予驰名商标以特殊法律保护是世界各国相关立法和司法的趋势。

3.Thefamous brand has great commercial value.驰名商标具有巨大的商业价值 ,是企业开拓市场、占领市场的最有效的武器之一。


1.The Comparative Study on the Administrative Protection and Judicial Protection of Well-known Trademark;驰名商标行政保护与司法保护的比较研究

2.This paper discussthespecialstatus oftrademarkin a market economy ofinternationaland effect in a market economy of china ,pointing out several fault in the implementation of the strategy of trade mark ,and approach the strategy for enterprise implementation the strategy oftrademark in market econo my .文章论述了驰名商标在国际市场中的特殊地位以及国内市场经济中的作用, 指出国内企业在实施驰名商标战略中出现的失误, 并探讨了在市场经济中企业实施驰名商标战略应采取的对

3.Through the research of 967 Chinese famoustrademark names(up to February, ) which recognized by China National Industrial Conference Board, try to describe theories and unscramble symbols amongtrademark name and graph, letter, color, symbology, region, history, culture, in order to summarizes the Chinese famoustrademark naming present situation from the aspects of market and cultural.通过对由国家工商总局认定的967件(截至2月)中国驰名商标的命名性研究,对商标命名与图形、文字、色彩、象征、地域、历史、文化等方面的关联价值进行学理描述和符号解读,进而从市场及文化两个层面上总结中国驰名商标命名的现状。

5)well-known trademark驰名商标

1.On Law Protection of the Well-Known Trademark Our Country;论我国驰名商标的法律保护

2.On theory base of protection ofwell-known trademark;驰名商标保护理论基础探析

6)brand names商标名称

1.Among Chinese contemporarybrand names,74% use existing words,75.中国近代商标名称所用的词语有74%是选用已有的,有75。

2.The author adopts intercultural approach to the investigation and the study ofbrand names.本论文是语言的,作者从跨文化的角度对商标名称做了调查和研究。


