300字范文 > 年度生产计划 annual production planning英语短句 例句大全

年度生产计划 annual production planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-18 19:21:44


年度生产计划 annual production planning英语短句 例句大全

年度生产计划,annual production planning

1)annual production planning年度生产计划

1.Onannual production planning for iron and steel enterprises;钢铁企业年度生产计划的研究


1.Manage establishment of annual Production plan for budgeting and capacity planning.预算及生产能力的年度生产计划的建立及管理。

2.The annual production plan of ephedrine shall be examined and finalized by the state department of pharmaceutical administration.麻黄素的年度生产计划由国家药品管理部门审定。

3.a production schedule生产进度[计划]表

4.The State shall formulate a unified annual timber production plan.国家制定统一的年度木材生产计划

5.The annual timber production plan shall not exceed the approved annual cutting quota.年度木材生产计划不得超过批准的年采伐限额。

6.this is followed by a talk by the Manufacturing Director about plans for the year ahead,接着由主管生产的董事谈下一年度的工作计划、

7.Cone Denim( Jiaxing) Ltd. is targeted to commence its production in the first quarter of.嘉兴康龙纺织计划在第一季度投入生产。

8.Article 30 The State shall formulate a unified annual timber production plan.第三十条 国家制定统一的年度木材生产计划。

9.Set up supply chain strategy plan according to company annual sales &manufactures plan.根据公司年度销售与生产计划制定供应链战略规划。

10.Program and adjust production monthly plan according to production plan.根据计划编制及调节生产月度计划。

11.Production Planning and Scheduling for Piston Manufacturing;活塞加工生产计划与生产调度的研究

12.Charles informed me he had sent you our products schedule for the next 12 months.查尔斯告诉我,他已经把下一年度的生产计划交给你了。

13.Under the support and instruction of MBB, work out the six sigma annual OE plan including 6 sigma project, lean workshop project, direct cost saving and indirect cost saving.在黑带大师的支持下,制定年度六西格码和精益生产成本节约计划。

14.Make plans for product promotion.制定年度产品推广、促销方案、计划。

15.The factory be due to come on stream next year这工厂计划明年投入生产

16.The factory is due to come on stream next year.这工厂计划明年投入生产。

17.The workers are making efforts to fulfill this year"s plan.工人们正在努力完成今年的生产计划。

18.Study on Agent-Based Production Planning and Scheduling System;基于AGENT的生产计划与调度系统研究


Annual plan年度计划

bined with coal geological exploration practice,from 5 aspects of strategic planning system integrity,annual plan constitution,large-scale key project construction,deepening of geological exploration unit reformation and planning monitoring,evaluation system establishment carried .结合煤炭地质工作的实际,从完善战略规划体系、制定年度计划、建设大型骨干项目、深化地勘单位改革、建立规划监测与评估制度等五个方面,对总局"十一五"战略纲要的实施机制进行了分析和探讨。

3)Production planning and scheduling生产计划与调度

1.Integrated production planning and schedulingbased on workflow technology;基于工作流技术的集成化生产计划与调度模型

2.Research on Mas-Based Production Planning and Scheduling System for Corporations Manufacturing Moulds;基于MAS的模具企业生产计划与调度系统研究

3.On the basis of the above and from the real requirements of an automobile factory in Nanjing,a production planning and scheduling system for automobile assembly workshops based on.论述了汽车装配车间在企业顺利生产中的重要性,建立了车间生产计划与调度的同时优化模型。

4)production planning and scheduling生产计划和调度

1.According to the actual environment of the press shop and production warehouse in a body plant,this paper addresses an integrated jobshopproduction planning and scheduling problem of the press part with setup time and batches.根据车身厂冲压车间和生产库房的实际情况,研究了冲压件成批生产的Job-shop车间生产计划和调度的集成优化问题,给出该问题的非线性混合整数规划模型,并采用混合遗传算法进行求解。

5)production schedule生产进度计划

1.An approach to the establishment of die & mouldproduction schedule based on concurrent engineering,network planning technique and optimal production technology was put forward.在充分考虑模具生产的特点和生产活动之间并行性的基础上,建立了单副模具典型生产过程的细化网络图,提出了一种基于并行工程、网络计划技术和最优化生产技术(OPT,Optimal ProductionTechnology)的模具生产进度计划编制方法。

2.According to the traditionalproduction schedule method, the production capability is balanced and the production lead time and economic production quantity is fixed and invariable, however, suchproduction schedule cannot reflect actual production, so that actual production often fails to fulfill the quota on schedule.传统的生产进度计划方法假设生产能力是平衡的 ,生产提前时间和经济生产批量是确定的 ,以之为基础制定的生产进度计划不能反映现实的生产状况 ,实际的生产经常不能按预定的进度完成。

6)planning and scheduling生产计划调度

1.Basing the application and combining the production characters of a mould company ,this paper puts forward a construction ofplanning and scheduling.结合某模具公司生产实际,以应用为出发点,提出了一种生产计划调度方法,该方法采用2层计划,第1层是基于MRP思想将任务分解到工序级,第2层进行车间作业计划,采用基于一组规则的启发式调度方法,将任务下达到各车间,由人工最后确认。

2.According to the real practice of steel tube production in the iron company,theplanning and scheduling problem is analyzed by considering the rule of amount balance,the continuity of processing,the constraint of inventory and maintenance of machines.针对钢管企业中管加工工厂生产计划调度的实际,以均衡排产规则为前提,在考虑生产连续、产线定修和前置库存的情况下,构建两层数学模型,分步骤地解决带有大规模柔性路径选择要求的多目标计划调度问题,并利用ILOG公司CPLEX软件包对其大规模的数据实例进行求解,该模型及求解思路可指导管加工工厂的实际生产计划调度,运用到软件开发中已取得良好的效果。


电力年度生产计划技术经济指标电力年度生产计划技术经济指标technical and economical indices for annual production plan of electric powerd旧nlln旧ndu shengehonJ一hua JlshuJ旧gjl zh一brao电力年度生产计划技术经济指标(technicaland eeonomieal indiees for annual ProduetionPlan of eleetrie power)在计划中综合反映电力工业部门和电力企业年度生产活动的技术、管理水平和经济效果的指标。它包括:①产品产量和质量指标(发电盆、供热量、电压合格率、波形合格率、频率合格率、产值、工业增加值等);②设备利用和能源消耗指标(设备利用小时数、设备可调小时、设备等效可用率、供电煤耗率、发电耗水率、厂用电率、线损率等),③售电量指标。电力工业是能源转换型加工工业,它在生产中耗用一次能源和二次能源,消耗能源的费用一般占电力生产总成本的一半以上。电力工业把供电煤耗率及线损率作为电力生产的主要技术经济指标,它既是反映电力生产的技术水平和管理水平的指标,又是评价电力生产活动经济效果和考核电力生产能源消耗的指标。供电煤耗率简称供电煤耗。它是指火电厂每供应1 kw·h电量所消耗的标准煤量(g),其计量单位是g/(kw·h).计算公式为供电煤耗率一发电用标准煤量厂供电量g/(kw·h)或供电煤耗率-发电煤耗率1一厂用电率g/(kw·h)式中,厂供电量是指发电量与厂用电量的差额,其中厂用电量,是指火电厂在生产电能过程中所消耗的电量,kw·h;标准煤盆,是指低位发热t为.29308kJ/kg(7000 keal/kg)的煤t,g;厂用电率,是指厂用电t与发电量的比率,%;发电煤耗率,简称发电煤耗,是指每发1 kw·h电量平均耗用的标准煤t,g/(kw.h)。发电煤耗率计算公式为发电煤耗率~发电用标准煤量发电量g/(kw·h)线损率电力企业在供电过程中所损失的电t占供电量的百分比。计算公式为线损率一些擎瑟畏箭兴产‘,00%式中,供电量系本电力系统的厂供电盘与从其他电力系统翰人电量之和。
