300字范文 > 递阶生产计划 hierarchical production planning英语短句 例句大全

递阶生产计划 hierarchical production planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-08 05:58:45


递阶生产计划 hierarchical production planning英语短句 例句大全

递阶生产计划,hierarchical production planning

1)hierarchical production planning递阶生产计划

1.On the basis of studying the existent models ofhierarchical production planning and control,the authors propose that the interaction/prediction approach should be used to solve the problems of optimumhierarchical production planning and control of the Flexible Automation Workshops (FAW).本文在研究现有多种递阶生产计划和控制模型的基础上,提出用关联预测法来解决柔性自动化车间(FAW)的最优递阶生产计划与控制问题,文中首先建立FAW生产控制的数学模型,然后推导FAW递阶生产计划的关联预测算法,编写了基于该算法的IPA软件包并进行了算例研究,同现有的计划分解方法相比,这里的方法更适于将CIMS/MRPⅡ下达给FAW的中期计划最优分解成由FAW中各FMS执行的短期计划。

2.In this paper,ahierarchical production planning(HPP) model is developed to solve a production planning and scheduling problem in complex manufacturing systems with multiple constraints.应用递阶生产计划(HPP)模型研究多约束条件下复杂制造系统的生产计划与调度问题,通过引入三层递阶结构建立按时间和产品大类分解的多目标生产计划模型,针对制造系统生产计划的特点提出了生产作业管理的研究思路。


1.Modeling and solution of long term planning in hierarchical planning mode递阶生产计划模式中综合计划层建模及求解

2.Hierarchical production planning systems in a multi-product environment多产品环境下的一种递阶生产计划系统

3.Model of iron & steel enterprises group strategy production scheduling & planning based on theory of hierarchical optimization;基于递阶优化的钢铁企业集团战略排产计划模型研究

4.The Research of Production Planning Disruption in Two-Stage Supply Chain Based on Agent;基于Agent的二阶段供应链生产计划应急研究

5.Research on Optimal Model for Two-PeriodSupplier Production Planning Based on MC;MC条件下两阶段供应商生产计划优化模型研究

6.Method of product development scheduling based on ProA hierarchical decomposition;一种基于ProA递阶分解的产品开发进程规划方法

7.Hierarchical Optimal Production Control Policy for Production Systems in Processing Industry;流程工业生产系统递阶最优生产控制策略研究

8.a production schedule生产进度[计划]表

9.Input and Output Optimizing on Hierachical Manufacture Systems Integrating Context Knowledge集成情境知识递阶生产系统投入产出优化

10.planned throughput计划生产量(生产能力)

11.Research on Optimal Method for Two-Period Suppyier Production Planning Based on Process Industries Implemented Mass Customization;流程工业大规模定制条件下两阶段供应商生产计划优化方法研究

12.Study on the Hierarchical Intelligent Hybrid Optimization for the Adjustment of Network Train Operation Plan面向网络列车运行计划调整的分层递阶智能混杂优化技术研究

13.product-pay-back scheme以生产产品偿还的计划

14.The control plan for pre-launch and production shall take into account the design FMEA and manufacturing process FMEA outputs.在试生产和生产阶段的控制计划中要考虑设计FMEA 和制造过程FMEA 输出。

puter aided production planning计算机辅助生产计划

16.Such as just-in-time supported by an information system that permits access to production information at key stages of the process and is order driven.例如有可以在过程的关键阶段获得生产信息系统支持的,并由订单驱动的准时生产体系计划.

17.SAIC has the capacity to manufacture50,000 cars a year, but there are no initial production goals, sales targets or export plans.上汽公司每年可生产5万辆汽车,但它并未制定初始阶段的生产和销售目标以及出口计划。

18.Support BL team in the development stage in terms of quality planning and product release.在产品开放阶段,根据质量计划和产品实现计划,支援各个商业线.


hierarchical stochastic production planning递阶随机生产计划

1.The paper explores the problem of optimalhierarchical stochastic production planning and control in agile manufacturing workshops (AMW).研究了敏捷制造车间 ( AMW)中的最优递阶随机生产计划与控制问题 。

3)Hierarchical system of production plan计划递阶体系

4)production schedule生产计划

1.ARMA-BP model for optimizing masterproduction schedule in process enterprises;流程型企业主生产计划优化的ARMA-BP模型

2.Limited-capacity scheduling method in makingproduction schedules;生产计划编制的有限能力计划法

3.Control Study about the Production Schedule on the Basis of the Fuzzy Theory;基于模糊理论的生产计划的控制研究

5)production plan生产计划

1.Optimizing technology of logistics-orientedproduction plan in iron and steel enterprise;钢铁企业面向物流的生产计划优化技术

2.Talk about how to improve the implementation rates ofproduction plan;浅谈如何提高生产计划执行率

3.Design for the optimization model ofautomobileproduction plan;制定汽车生产计划的优化模型

6)Production Scheduling生产计划

1.Application of Checkout Technology on Multi-RouteProduction Scheduling;多路径生产计划校验技术的应用

2.A cost optimization model for production scheduling is built, which is a multi-mode project scheduling problem subject to the constraints of time, renewable resources and nonrenewable resources.建立了一种车间层的生产计划的成本优化模型,该模型是一个在时间约束、可重复使用和不可重复使用资源约束下的多模式项目调度问题;给出了解的定义,设计了一种时间可行的成本优化调度算法,通过改进成本优化调度算法达到时间-成本双优的目的;给出了模拟试验结果。

3.This paper describes an application of advanced simulation techniques, fuzzy methods and experiences to a production scheduling system.用高级仿真技术和模糊方法于某航空企业的生产计划系统,建立模糊仿真模型和软件系统,研究生产计划的可行性,以满足生产管理的需要。


