300字范文 > 互信息 mutual information英语短句 例句大全

互信息 mutual information英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-03 03:43:05


互信息 mutual information英语短句 例句大全

互信息,mutual information

1)mutual information互信息

1.Study on local extremum of object function inmutual information-based image registration;基于互信息图像配准中的局部极值问题研究

2.A method based onmutual information and gradient information for medical image registration;一种基于互信息和梯度信息的医学图像配准算法(英文)

3.Multimodality medical image registration based onmutual information and simulated annealing;基于互信息和模拟退火算法的多模式医学图像配准


1.Study of the Machine Learning Methods Based on Mutual Information and Prior Knowledge;基于互信息与先验信息的机器学习方法研究

2.Information Discriminant Feature Extraction Based on Mutual Information Gradient Optimal Computation基于互信息梯度优化计算的信息判别特征提取

3.message complementary sense信息互补(链),有义互补(链)

4.ASCII(American Standard Code for information interchange)美国信息互换标准代码

5.Analysis on the Interdynamic Relation between Information Consciousness and Information Policy;信息意识与信息政策的互动关系分析

6.The Affection Between Society Information and Government Informationization;政府信息化与社会信息化的互动影响

7.Research on Mutual Communication of E-Government Information Resources System;电子政务信息资源体系互联互通研究


9.Research on the Relationship between Gesture and Speech Information for Human Computer Interaction;面向人机交互的姿态信息与语音信息关系研究

10.Influence of information processing ability on human-information system interaction efficiency;信息加工能力对人-信息系统交互效率影响

11.Interactive Relationship between Information Industry and Logistics Industry in Logistics Infomationization;物流信息化下信息产业与物流产业的交互关系

12.Influence Mechanism of Matching on Human-information System Interactive Efficiency Within Enterprise Computerization Environment;企业信息化环境下人-信息系统交互效率

13.The Supplementary Effect Between Public and Private Information in China Stock Market;中国股票市场公开信息与私有信息的互补效应

14.Synchronous development of information of compulsory education and sci-tech information of countryside in west china;西部农村义务教育信息化互动农村科技信息化

15.Brief analysis of the function of university students as information members in information interacting浅析高校学生信息员在信息互动中的作用

16.Law of the Interaction between Information People and Information Ecological Factors信息人与信息生态因子的相互作用规律

17.Study on Influences of Interaction Characteristic on Human-Information System Interaction Efficiency under Enterprise Informationization Environment;交互特性对企业信息化环境下人—信息系统交互效率的影响研究

18.Information Exchange Activities and Student Interaction Network in Distance Learning;远程学习中的信息交互活动与学生信息交互网络


mutual information(MI)互信息

1.With modified mutual information(MI) measure,Powell search algorithm is utilized to realize mono-modality image registration.以改进的互信息为测度,用Powell优化算法实现了同模态医学图像的配准。

2.We discuss the principle, virtue, p- rogress and improvement of mutual information(MI).总结了20世纪90年代以来医学图像配准技术的发展,对目前得到深入研究和广泛应用的互信息法,从其原理、优点、发展及改进方面做了详细论述,并对另外两种相似性测度———基于Jensen差分的归一化相似性测度和f信息测度进行了分析研究,最后,对医学图像配准的发展趋势进行了展望。

3.A topic sentence extraction method based on Weight Fuzzy Clustering(WFC) and Mutual Information(MI) is proposed,which is to cover more topics and lower the redundant information of the text.提出一种基于加权模糊聚类(WFC)和互信息(MI)的主题句提取方法,使主题句尽可能全面覆盖全文主题的同时,缩减自身的冗余,以提高摘要效率,采用加权模糊聚类的方法对文本句子进行分类,对在同一类中的句子使用比较互信息的方法进行排名处理,从而获得高质量的摘要。

3)Mutual information (MI)互信息

1.A multi-stage registration approach based on mutual information (MI) and gradient information is proposed in this paper and applied in the registration of CT/PET.研究了基于互信息的医学图像配准方法,针对其缺乏空间信息而容易导致误配准以及计算量大,耗时长的问题,提出了一种梯度和互信息相结合的分步配准方法,应用于CT和PET图像的配准。

2.Mutual information (MI)-based global image registration has attracted much attentions in these years due to its high accuracy and robustness.基于互信息的全局配准算法是近年图像配准研究的热点之一,此法具有精度高、鲁棒性强的特点。

4)information interactive信息交互

1.Design and implement of the cascading style service for networkedinformation interactive system;网络化信息交互系统中级联式服务的设计与实现

2.Research and Development of Information Interactive System Based on MAS in ERP Environment;ERP环境下基于多代理的信息交互系统研究和开发

3.The tool information share between upper layer computer systems and the toolinformation interactive between upper computer systems and lower layer NC machining equipments in DNC can be carried out by.该系统可实现DNC中上层计算机系统之间的刀具信息共享以及上层计算机系统与下层数控加工设备之间的刀具信息交

5)mutual information互信息量

1.Overcome of local maximum inmutual information-based image registration;基于互信息量图像配准中目标函数局部极值的克服

2.Realizing generalized registration of medical sequence image usingmutual information criterion;利用互信息量准则实现医学序列图像的广义配准

3.Image registration using high dimensionmutual information;基于高维互信息量的图像配准

6)Mutual information交互信息

1.Research progress in mutual information of dynamic electrocardiogram;动态心电的交互信息及分析技术研究

2.Mutual information(MI) analysis is a general method to detect linear and nonlinear statistical dependencies between time series.交互信息是一种检测系统之间相依性的方法 ,它可以同时检测线性和非线性相关。

3.The dependence is measured by a mutual information criterion.运用交互信息准则测量相关性,提出了基于金融时间序列的交互信息准则的新方法。


