300字范文 > 科技政策框架 Framework of the Science and Technology Policy英语短句 例句大全

科技政策框架 Framework of the Science and Technology Policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-08 22:01:06


科技政策框架 Framework of the Science and Technology Policy英语短句 例句大全

科技政策框架,Framework of the Science and Technology Policy

1)Framework of the Science and Technology Policy科技政策框架


1.Theoretical and Practical Study on the Framework of the Regional Science and Technology Policy--the Actual Analysis According to the Science and Technology Policy of Hubei Province区域科技政策框架的理论和实证研究——以湖北省科技政策为例

2.An analysis framework for public S&T policies:the perspective of policy tools;基于政策工具的公共科技政策分析框架研究

3.Technical Cooperation Policy Framework Paper技术合作政策框架文件(技合政策框架文件)

4.The Mechanism Framework and Countermeasures of the Absorption by Underdeveloped Areas Governments to Enterprise Technology Professionals欠发达地区政府吸纳企业科技人才机理框架及对策研究

5.On legal framework for local governments to promote development of intermediary market of science and technology地方政府促进科技中介市场发展的法律框架

6.Promotion Policies Adjustment of Chinese High-tech Industry under WTO Frame;WTO框架下我国高技术产业促进政策的调整

7.On the Framework of China s Economic and Technical Coopcration Policy in the 1990s;90年代我国地区经济技术合作政策框架

8.A new system scheme of modern policy sciences based on the model of technological sciences;基于技术科学视角的现代政策科学体系新架构

9.On the Relationship between Trade and Competition Policies under the WTO Framework;WTO框架下贸易政策与竞争政策的关系

10.Money,Taxes,and Federal Transfer in an Endogenous Growth Model with Multiple Levels of Government;财政分权框架下的财政政策和货币政策

11.Biotechnology, International Trade and Human Resource -Framework Analysis of Theory and Its Policy Implication;生物技术、国际贸易与人力资源——一个理论框架分析及其政策含义

12.Optimal Policy Making of Technical Barriers to Trade: a Partial Equilibrium Framework;技术性贸易壁垒政策择优:一个局部均衡的分析框架

13.Agricultural Support Policy under the Framework of Public Finance and WTO;公共财政与WTO框架下的农业支持政策

14.Under the frame of governmental scientific and technological agreements, various professional departments also have signed scientific and technological agreements with their overseas counterparts.在政府间科技合作协定的框架下,各专业部门也与外国的相应部门签订了部门间科技合作协定。

15.On the Construction of Scientific Public Finance Frame System;试论建立起科学的公共财政框架体系

16.The Legislation Framework Design Researches on Natural Science and Technology Resources Share;自然科技资源共享立法框架设计研究

17.Study on Scientific and Technological Park Region:A New Theoretical Analysis Framework;科技园区研究:一个新的理论分析框架

18.Policy and Analytic Framework for Gender Equality两性平等的政策和分析框架


policy framework政策框架

1.constitute basicpolicy framework.纳税主体、征收范围、税目税率、扣除范围、计算方法、会计处理等构成消费型增值税的基本政策框架及其体系。

3)Policy frame政策框架

1.This article discussed ten relationships between health reform and development with its institution innovation and institutional frame design to provide theoretical support for health institutional construction and policy frame design.本文简要论述我国卫生改革与发展及其制度创新、制度框架设计应注意的十大关系,以期对卫生制度建设和政策框架设计提供理论支持。

4)science and technology policy科技政策

1.Scientometrics of thescience and technology policy in Song Dynasty;宋代科技政策的计量研究——以《宋史》本纪中记载科技内容为计量对象

2.National interests of the dominant trends in the development ofscience and technology policy analysis;国家利益主导下的科技政策发展趋势分析

5)S&T policy科技政策

1.The Analysis of nonlinear features inS&T policy system;科技政策体系中的非线性特征分析

2.A comparitive study ofS&T policy of China and Korea;中韩两国科技政策的比较研究

3.Research on theS&T policy of Lee Myung-bak Government in Korea韩国李明博政府的科技政策之探究

6)sci-tech policy科技政策

1.This paper introduces the connotations and origins ofsci-tech policy and the trends of domestic and foreignsci-tech policy research, compares thesci-tech policy of America with China’s, and expounds the importance ofsci-tech policy on enterprise.介绍了科技政策的含义和起源以及国内外科技政策研究的动态,对美国与我国科技政策进行了比较,论述了科技政策对企业的重要影响。


科技科学技术:高~ㄧ~资料 ㄧ~工作者。
