300字范文 > 公平税负 Fair tax burden英语短句 例句大全

公平税负 Fair tax burden英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-10 21:11:53


公平税负 Fair tax burden英语短句 例句大全

公平税负,Fair tax burden

1)Fair tax burden公平税负

1.Due to the running personal income tax is implemented as itemized collection,itemized deduction and itemized certainty tax rate,it is really hard to reflect the principle of the fair tax burden: No scientific way of collection and low level of the administration make it hard to develop the macroeconomic coordination of the Personal Income Tax.现行的个人所得税实行分项征收 ,分项扣除 ,分项确定税率 ,很难体现公平税负的原则 ;计征方法不科学 ,征管水平落后 ,很难发挥个人所得税的宏观调控功能。

2.Realizing the fair tax burden is not only beneficial to promoting our opening to the foreign countries but also beneficial to strengthening the effective management during collecting tax and preventing the loss of the national taxation.实现公平税负 ,不仅有利于促进中国的对外开放 ,实现企业之间的公平竞争 ,还有利于加强税款征收中的有效监管 ,防止国家税款流失。


1.Fair Tax Burden:The Realistic Think About The Reform of The Personal Income Tax;公平税负:个人所得税改革的现实思考

2.The Reflection on Realizing the Fair Tax Burden;实现公平税负的现实意义和有效途径

3.On the Ineffectiveness of the Principle of Fair Taxation Through the Differences Between Urban and Rural Taxation in China;从中国城乡税负差别看税法公平原则的失灵

4.Improving the Tax - burden Fairness rather than Tax Abatement;我国目前不应该减税 而应促进税负公平

5.The Way to Equalize the Tax Burden between the Demotic and Foreign Enterprise;促进我国内外资企业税负公平的对策

6.The Original Meaning of the Equality of Public Burden--On the principle of equality for taxation;公共负担平等的原始意义——论税务平等原则

7.The Analysis of the Negative Effects of Tax Revenue Practice;税收实践对收入公平分配的负面效应及其对策

8.A Study of the Fairness of Agricultural Tax--from the Perspective of Regional Study;农业税负的公平性——基于区域角度的研究

9.The Research on Our Country Tax Negative Level and Policy on Lowering the Tax of the Business Enterprise;我国税负水平与降低企业税负的税改研究

10.With respect to the burdens of the land tax and of supporting the war, the principle of being fair and reasonable must be observed.在土地税和支援战争的负担上,必须采取公平合理的原则。

11.On the Optimization of Tax System in Agricultural Industry;论农业产业中的税制优化——农民“减负"中的公平与效率

12.An analysis of unfair burden about value added tax in China;关于我国增值税税负不公问题的分析

13.Pretax Deduction in Individual Income Tax and Tax Equity;个人所得税税前扣除与税收公平原则

14.Research on Current Incremental Tax Burden Unfairness and the Reform of Chinese Incremental Value Tax System;现行增值税税负不公及增值税制改革研究

15.More tax and cost burden add to HK people.更多税收和政府成平加重港人负担.

16.Rational Choice and Optimal Approach of Macro Tax Burden Level in China;我国宏观税收负担水平的选择和优化

17.A Comparison of Macro-Tax Burden betweem China and Other Developing Countries.;中国与发展中国家宏观税负水平比较

18.Institutional Analysis and Optimized Design on Tax Burden of China中国税负水平的制度分析与优化设计


fair taxes税负公平

3)tax-burden fairness负税公平

4)justice of horizontal burden of taxation[HJ]横向税负公平

5)fair tax payment principle公平税负原则

6)unfair tax burden税负不公

1.However,there are still some problems,such as the chaos of taxes and dues in real estate development and trade link,the disunion of tax revenue system,theunfair tax burden and the lack of management.但是,我国现行房地产税收中还存在一些问题,如房地产开发和交易环节税费交叉混乱、税收政策不统一、税负不公平、偏小的规模不能满足地方财政需要、计税依据不科学、管理不到位,等等。


