300字范文 > 德育概念 concept of moral education英语短句 例句大全

德育概念 concept of moral education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-12 01:21:27


德育概念 concept of moral education英语短句 例句大全

德育概念,concept of moral education

1)concept of moral education德育概念


1.The Moral Education Attributes of Mental Health Education and the Reconstruction of Moral Concept心理健康教育的德育属性及德育概念的重新建构

2.Kuhn’s "Paradigm" Concept and the Use of Moral Education库恩的“范式”概念及其在德育中的借用

3.The Self-identity Concept and Structure of College Students Moral Content高校学生德育内容认同感的概念及结构研究

4.Children 1 family education 1 education morality mixes 1 cheeper moral character is two ideas that having close connection.儿童1家教1幼儿1教育道德和品德是有着紧密联系的两个概念。

5.Enlightenment on School Moral Education of the Changing of Meaning of Daoism and Morality in Traditional Chinese Culture;传统“道德”概念的历史演变对学校德育的现代启示

6.The Changing of Meaning "Morality" in Traditional Chinese and Western Culture and Its Enlightenment to Current School Moral Education;中西传统“道德”概念的历史演变及其现代教育意义

7.Trends in the Reform of Ways of Thinking in Moral Education --F rom Conceptual Thinking to Practical Thinking;道德教育中思维方式的变革趋势——从概念思维到实践思维

8.Understanding Aristotle s Conception of "Virtue" from Five Dimensions;理解亚里士多德“德性”概念的五个维度

9.Double connotations of “morality” in the concept of rule by morality;论以德治国概念中“德”的双重内涵

10.Derrida on the Deconstruction of the Concept of Lovence in Heidegger德里达对海德格尔“爱”的概念的解构

11.A Functional Survey of Plato s Concept of "Idea" Also a Comment on Heidegger s Critique of the Concept;柏拉图“理念”概念的功能审视——兼评海德格尔对这一概念的批判

12.Academic motivation and self-concept are most important terms in Educational Psychology.学习动机、自我概念是教育心理学的重要概念。

13.Definition of Sports Tourism and Discrimination of Relevant Concepts;体育旅游与相关概念辨析及其概念界定

14.How to Use"The New Idea of Moral Education"in Moral Education of the University Teachers;从“德育新观念”看高校教师的德育教育

15.Law and morality are a concept which complement each other.法律与道德,是一对相辅相成的概念。

16.It had largely replaced moral judgements.事实上它已取代了道德上的概念。

17.Indeed, it had largely replaced moral judgements.事实上它已大致取代了道德上概念。

18.Adam Smith Moral Conceptions in a Market Economy论亚当·斯密市场经济概念中的道德观


An analysis of the concept of moral education德育概念辨析

3)Debye concept德拜概念

4)sports concept体育概念

1.Philosophical review of the definition ofsports concept;关于体育概念界定的哲学反思

2.Guangzhou s many exploiters of building take in thesports concept when they exploit the building to keep up the step of development.广州各房地产开发商也应大势而行 ,在楼盘开发经营中纷纷引入体育概念。

5)physical education concept体育概念

1.By reviewing thephysical education concept from historical angle, and thinking the essence of PE in the view of philosophy point, the author points out how to treat physical Education concept with developing method, and to set up "dialogue platform" with variety common and multiply view to understand the essence of physical education.本文通过对体育概念的历史回顾和体育本质的哲学思考,提出用"发展"的认识论看待体育的概念;建立"对话"平台、形成多样性共识、多视角地看待体育的本质,为体育的概念和本质的认识提供新的理论视角。

6)sport concept体育概念

1.From the logics angle,this study analyzed severalsport concepts,pointed out the reasonableness and the contradiction of the concepts and recognized them again from logics,history and comparative science.从逻辑学的角度对现存的几种体育概念进行分析,指出它们的合理与矛盾之处,再从逻辑学、历史学、比较学等角度出发,对体育概念进行再认识。


