300字范文 > 德育地位 Position of Moral Education英语短句 例句大全

德育地位 Position of Moral Education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-09 23:39:00


德育地位 Position of Moral Education英语短句 例句大全

德育地位,Position of Moral Education

1)Position of Moral Education德育地位


1.The Study of the Moral Education s Status in Middle Schools in the Period of Social Reform;社会转型期我国中学德育地位问题研究

2.On the Principle of "Giving Priority to Education" in Moral Education;“育人为本”在学校德育工作中的地位

3.On Dominant Position of Moral Education in Education of Postgraduates;试论德育在研究生教育中的主导地位

4.The key Position of Belief Education at School Moral Education;论信仰教育在学校德育中的核心地位

5.Protruding the Primary Status of Moral Education to Promote Overall Quality Education;突出德育首要地位 全面推进素质教育

6.Discussion on status and effect of moral education about science and technology on moral education in institutions of higher education;论科技道德教育在高校德育中的地位和作用

7.Status,Restriction and Cultivation of Moral Emotions in Moral Education;道德情感在道德教育中的地位、规限与养成

8.On Business Moral Education as the Soul of MBA Curriculum;论商业道德教育在MBA课程的灵魂地位

9.Understanding the Position of the Juvenile Family Morals Education;未成年人家庭道德教育地位的新认识

10.On the Status, Characteristic and the Regularity of the Network Moral Education.;网络德育的学科地位、特点与规律探析

11.The Position and Characteristic of the Measurement and Statistics On Moral Education Evaluation;量化评估在德育评价中的地位及特性

12.A Futher Understanding on the Role of Environmental Ethics Education;关于环境伦理道德教育地位的再认识

13.On its Important Role from the Relationships of Physical Education and Moral Education,Intellectual Education,and Aesthetic Education;从体育与德育智育美育的关系看体育在育人中的地位与作用

14.Research on the Status and Function of Mental Health Education in Moral Education in Colleges;心理健康教育在高校德育中的地位与功能研究

15.Education about Labor Is Significant for Moral Education in Chinese Higher Education;劳动教育在当代高校德育中的重要地位

16.Priority of Ethical Education;浅谈基础教育中德育的重要地位及意义

17.Position and Role of Ethics Education in Implementing Students Character Building in Institutes of Higher Learning;论高校德育在素质教育中的地位与功能实现

18.Discussion on the Position and Role of Psychological Quality Education in Moral Education of College;试论心理素质教育在高校德育中的地位和作用


location of moral education德育定位

3)information site德育阵地

4)moral education base德育基地

1.The universitiesmoral education base is not less than the effective carrier strengthening moral education work presently,it also displays the unique function in other links for the higher education,and becomes the development platform for contemporary college student deeply entering the society,comprehensively developing their own quality.高校德育基地不啻是强化新时期德育工作的有效载体,它在高等教育的其它环节上也扮演着独特的作用,成为当代大学生深入社会、全面拓展自身素质的发展平台,成为他们社会实践基地、专业实习基地和创业实践基地,有助于他们更好地成才成长。

2.Recent years have witnessed a boom in buildingmoral education bases.近年来,德育基地建设迅速发展,中央及地方各级政府加大对德育基地的建设力度,命名了一批未成年人德育基地。

5)moral status道德地位

1.The value andmoral status of human embryo——Ethically justification for human therapeutic cloning;人类胚胎的价值和道德地位——治疗性克隆的合理性

6)On Putting Moral Education in the First Place德育首位论


