300字范文 > 城乡差距 Urban-rural gap英语短句 例句大全

城乡差距 Urban-rural gap英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-04 00:25:49


城乡差距 Urban-rural gap英语短句 例句大全

城乡差距,Urban-rural gap

1)Urban-rural gap城乡差距

1.Regional difference of the influence of urbanization and education investment on urban-rural gap;城市化、教育投资对城乡差距影响的区域差异

2.But in reality,the urban-rural gap in our country is big and the measures taken to narrow the gap are proved to be inefficient.但实际上我国城乡差距悬殊,缩小城乡差距的现有措施成效不佳,且城乡差距仍在扩大。

3.The article studies the evolvement of urban-rural educational expenditure gap in compulsory education from 1993 to ,and finds out that the urban-rural gap ratio of expenditure per-student first increases and decreases and then rises and declines now.本研究考察了1993-中国义务教育经费城乡差距的演变状况,发现义务教育生均经费城乡差距比经历了先增加后下降,再上升又持续下降的演变过程。


1.Narrow the Gaps and Implement the Equivalence Between Rural and Urban Areas;缩小城乡差距 实现“城乡等值化”

2.Urban-rural Differences and the Rank of Priority between the City and the Country in the Coordinated Development;城乡差距和城乡统筹发展的优先次序

3.How to Narrow the Difference between Town and Country and Plan the Development of Them as a whole;缩小城乡差距统筹城乡发展问题研究

4.Shorting the Difference Lying in Harmonizing the Policy and System of City and Country;统筹城乡政策与制度 缩小城乡差距

5.There are also big gaps between urban and rural areas, with the ratio of the incomes of urban and rural residents standing at 3:1.城乡差距也很大,城乡居民收入比为3:1。

6.Regional difference of the influence of urbanization and education investment on urban-rural gap;城市化、教育投资对城乡差距影响的区域差异

7.Increase countryside human capital investment and shortage the distance between city and town;加大农村人力资本投资 缩小城乡差距

8.Urban-Rural Difference:a Case Study;浅析城乡差距与解决途径——以甘肃为例

9.The Income Gap between Rural and Urban People and Unified Development of Urban and Rural Areas in Hebei;河北省城乡收入差距与统筹城乡发展

10.The gap between China"s rich and poor, and between its urban and rural areas, is growing.中国的贫富差距、城乡差异正在扩大。

11.A Study on the Urban-rural Income Gap in the System of Urban Biased;城市偏向制度下的城乡收入差距研究

12.The gap between the rich and poor has increased rapidly because of income discrepancies between cities and villages.由于城乡收入差距的扩大,贫富差距拉大。

13.A Cointegrate Analysis of Income Gap and Educational Disparity in Urban and Rural Areas in China;我国城乡收入差距与教育差距的协整性分析

14.The Relationship between Receipts Disparity and Education Disparity of City and Countryside in Transition Period of China;转型时期中国城乡教育差距与城乡收入差距关系研究

15.The Empirical Study on Education Disparity and Income Disparity between Rural and Urban Area in Our Country我国城乡教育差距与城乡居民收入差距的实证研究

16.The Empirical Study on the Scale of the Net Transference from Country to City and the Gap of Income between City and Country;城乡净迁移规模与城乡收入差距的实证分析

17.Narrow the Urban-rural Income Gap in Sichuan and Achieve the Urban-rural Economic Harmonious Development;缩小四川城乡收入差距 促进城乡经济协调发展

18.Income Gap Will be Drminished by Overall Planing Economic Development Between Urban and Rural Area;统筹城乡经济社会发展 缩小城乡居民收入差距


gap between urban and rural areas城乡差距

1.The imbalance of public goods supplied by the government for cities and countryside has already become the deep-leveled cause which influences narrowing thegap between urban and rural areas.公共产品供给城乡失衡问题,已成为影响我国缩小城乡差距的深层次原因。

2.The loss of balance of public service provided by the government has already become the deep-leveled cause having impacted on narrowing thegap between urban and rural areas.公共服务城乡失衡问题已成为影响我国缩小城乡差距的深层次原因。

3." It is quite clearly that the goal is to establish a urban and rural Scientific Outlook on Development, change the Dual economic structure, Narrow thegap between urban and rural areas, promote ecnomic and social harmony .我州作为边疆少数民族地区,在二元经济结构的背景下,城乡差距比较突出,根源于过多的人口集中于有限的土地上。

3)rural-urban disparity城乡差距

1.The big change happened on the gap within the rural area and therural-urban disparity in China after the reform and the openning.前者主要表现为农村的职业分化、农村的专业化经营、农村的人力资本变化、农村的家庭结构变化、非均衡发展战略、自然资源禀赋差异、农村内部性别之间的差距等;后者主要表现为城乡居民的收入、消费、资产差距将继续拉大,城乡社会事业发展的不平衡有望缓解,城乡差距的区际特征仍将持续,城乡居民的负担结构将会趋同,城乡居民之间的发展机会将进一步缩小等。

4)Rural-urban gap城乡差距

1.Based on this,we explain why the large scale floating flows have not enhanced the peasants-workers’ income,and why the huge rural-urban gap has not led to serious unemployment of rural labors in cities.本文首先辨析了人口流动模型中的刘易斯模式和托达罗模式的关键分歧 ,即农业劳动者在城市的工资是如何决定的 ;在此基础上 ,我们解释了为什么大规模的人口流动没有显著提高农民的收入 ,以及巨大的城乡差距为什么没有导致农业劳动者在城市中的大量失业。

2.As underdeveloped inland province, shannxi puts up obvious dual economic structure, which can be approved by the fact that rural-urban gap always exists in shannxi province.作为经济发展相对落后的内陆农业大省,陕西省社会经济的二元结构明显,突出表现为在城乡差距问题仍然很严重。

5)difference between urban and rural areas城乡差距

1.Based on the two-regional model of the spill-over effect of human capital,using co-integration test and ECM,this paper carries on an empirical study on investment and spill-over effect of rural human capital anddifference between urban and rural areas in China.文章以人力资本溢出效应城乡两区域模型为基础,采用协整检验和误差修正模型,对中国农村人力资本投资及外溢与城乡差距的关系进行实证检验。

6)the gap between urban and rural areas城乡差距

1.Currently, Chongqing has made great achievements in economic construction, traditional agriculture has made rapid development also, butthe gap between urban and rural areas of Chongqing can not be optimistic about the status quo.目前,重庆经济建设取得巨大成就,传统农业也取得较快发展,但重庆城乡差距现状不容乐观。

2.The gap between urban and rural areas is an inevitable stage in the industrialized countries of the world.城乡差距是世界各国在工业化进程中必然要经历的阶段,我国作为发展中国家也不例外。


