300字范文 > 城乡收入差距 urban-rural income gap英语短句 例句大全

城乡收入差距 urban-rural income gap英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-07 00:10:27


城乡收入差距 urban-rural income gap英语短句 例句大全

城乡收入差距,urban-rural income gap

1)urban-rural income gap城乡收入差距

1.The Influence of Urban-rural Income Gap on Economic Efficiency in China中国城乡收入差距对经济效率的影响

2.From the view of financial development,the relations between financial development andurban-rural income gap in Jiangsu from 1978 to were empirical analyzed based on VEC model.以金融发展为视角,基于向量误差修正模型,利用协整检验的方法,对1978—的江苏省的金融发展和城乡收入差距的关系做了实证研究。

3.The rural financial Support is a strategic step to prompt rural economic development and decrease theurban-rural income gap in china.农村金融支持是我国促进农村经济发展和缩小城乡收入差距的战略性措施。


1.The Income Gap between Rural and Urban People and Unified Development of Urban and Rural Areas in Hebei;河北省城乡收入差距与统筹城乡发展

2.A Study on the Urban-rural Income Gap in the System of Urban Biased;城市偏向制度下的城乡收入差距研究

3.The gap between the rich and poor has increased rapidly because of income discrepancies between cities and villages.由于城乡收入差距的扩大,贫富差距拉大。

4.A Cointegrate Analysis of Income Gap and Educational Disparity in Urban and Rural Areas in China;我国城乡收入差距与教育差距的协整性分析

5.The reason and countermeasure of income differential expansion between city and countryside;我国城乡收入差距扩大的原因及对策

6.Fiscal Decentralization, Public Goods Supply, and Income Difference between Urban and Rural Areas;财政分权、公共品供给与城乡收入差距

7.Analysis on Narrowing the Income Gap in Urban and Rural Areas in Jiangxi Province;缩小江西省城乡收入差距的对策探讨

8.Narrow the Income Gap between Urban and Rural Areas and Build a well-off Society in an all round Way;解决城乡收入差距 全面建设小康社会

9.Income Gap Between Urban and Rural Residents and its Social and Economic Consequence;中国城乡收入差距及其社会经济后果

10.Analysis of Financial Development on the Impact of Urban-rural Income Gap金融发展对城乡收入差距的影响分析

11.Fiscal Decentralization,Rural-Urban Income Disparity and Economic Growth in China财政分权、城乡收入差距与经济增长

12.Empirical Research on the Income Gap between Residents of City and Rural Areas in Chongqing;重庆市城乡居民收入差距的实证研究

13.An Empirical Analysis on the Income Gap between Urban and Rural Residents in Shaanxi Province;陕西省城乡居民收入差距的实证分析

14.Study on the Factor Affecting the Income Gap between Urban and Rural Dweller;城乡居民收入差距影响因素实证研究

15.An Experimentation Analysis of Residence Income Difference between Town and Country of Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省城乡居民收入差距实证分析

16.The Empirical Analysis on the Gap between Urban and Rural Residents Incomes in Xianyang City;咸阳市城乡居民收入差距的实证分析

17.Real Example Analysis on Income Differentials Between Town and Country in He nan Province;河南省城乡居民收入差距的实证分析

18.Causes and Countermeasures of Difference Between Urban and Rural in China;我国城乡居民收入差距的成因与对策


Urban-rural income disparity城乡收入差距

1.The threshold effect of the urban-rural income disparity on real economic growth in China;我国城乡收入差距对实际经济增长的阈值效应(英文)

2.Rural Financial Development and the Urban-Rural Income Disparity;中国农村金融发展对城乡收入差距的影响分析——基于1978~数据的协整检验

3.Financial development exerts its impact on urban-rural income disparity through three major effects,that is,the threshold effect,poverty reduction effect and disequilibrium effect.金融发展影响城乡收入差距主要通过三条途径,即金融发展的门槛效应、金融发展的降低贫困效应、金融发展的非均衡效应。

3)income gap between urban and rural areas城乡收入差距

1.There is an urgent need for the solution of theincome gap between urban and rural areas in a new stage of social development for building a well-off society.在全面建设小康社会的发展新阶段,城乡收入差距成为急需解决的问题。

2.This article attempts to offer a general analysis of the regional and professional income gaps as well asincome gap between urban and rural areas in the recent 20 years in China.本文分别对 2 0年来我国城乡收入差距、地区收入差距和行业收入差距的基本情况及其成因、发展趋势进行了分析,并着重对学术界关于收入差距问题的研究成果做了综合性评析。

3.With the help of regression model,this paper analyses factors influencing theincome gap between urban and rural areas,and discovers that the proportion of the tertiary industry employ- ment population is the closest associated with the enlargement of the gap.通过回归模型分析影响城乡收入差距变动的因素,发现第三产业就业人口比重与城乡收入差距之间的关系最为密切,第三产业的健康发展对缩小城乡收入差距,促进和谐社会的构建有重大的影响。

4)urban-rural inequality城乡收入差距

1.Urbanization failures,human-capital andurban-rural inequality;基于灰色关联的我国城乡收入差距成因分析

2.Recently,urban-rural inequality in Hunan increases rapidly,which is challenging growth sustainability,social justness and stability.近年来,湖南省城乡收入差距持续扩大,对经济的持续增长、社会公正与稳定都提出了挑战。

5)the urban-rural income gap城乡收入差距

1.Speed up restructuring the industrial structure in Guizhou and Narrowthe urban-rural income gap加快贵州产业结构调整 缩小城乡收入差距

2.Adding fiscal input to agricultural,compulsory education and health in the rural is one of effective methods to reducethe urban-rural income gap.加大政府对农村的支农、义务教育和医疗卫生投入是缩小城乡收入差距的有效途径之一。

3.Furthermore, it decomposesthe urban-rural income gap into the consumption gap and the savi.本文从宏观经济学“收入=消费+储蓄”这个恒等式和我国经济、人口的相关数据,动态上测算出不同时期我国城市居民和农村居民的收入,总体上估计了我国城乡收入差距的大小,其结果更接近当前我国社会的现实。

6)income gap between urban and rural residents城乡居民收入差距

1.The largeincome gap between urban and rural residents has been not only the contrary to the sustained development of social economy,but also harmful to the fairness and sustain.城乡居民收入差距持续扩大已成为我国社会经济发展的障碍,影响社会的公平和稳定。

2.To research Income gap between urban and rural residents is not only helpful for building the new communism country while revolving its problem but also forcing the procedure of welfare society by balancing the development steps between urban and rural areas.对城乡居民收入差距进行研究,不仅有助于解决“三农问题”,建设社会主义新农村,而且还有助于统筹城乡发展,推进全面小康社会的建设进程。

3.Theincome gap between urban and rural residents have experienced first to expand again after narrowing to narrow further to expand the overall trend, with the national changes in trends have remained fairly consistent fr城乡居民收入差距是发展中国家在经济发展过程中的必然现象。


绝对收入假设与相对收入假设juedui shouru jiashe yu xiangdui shouru jiashe绝对收入假设与相对收入假设absolute income hypothesis and relative income hypothesis关于收入与消费关系即消费者行为方面的理论。绝对收入假设 或称绝对收入理论,是凯恩斯学派在J.M.凯恩斯消费函数等理论基础上建立发展起来,用以说明消费随绝对收入的增加而增加并慢于收入的增加的理论。这一假设有两个要点:①消费者是根据其收入的绝对水平来决定将其现有收入的多大部分用于消费的,绝对收入即收入的绝对量水平;②消费随收入的增长而增长,但消费增长的速率慢于收入增长的速率,在高收入增长时尤其如此。这一理论依据于凯恩斯关于消费函数即边际消费倾向的分析。绝对收入假设的基本涵义如图1。图中□□□=1.00的45°线是收支平衡线,45°线与消费曲线在右上的间距为负储蓄,在左下的间距为净储蓄。图中显示收入渐高时消费曲线向下倾斜,出现较多的净储蓄。相对收入假设 或称相对收入理论,是由J.S.杜森贝里于1949年提出的与绝对收入假设对立的一种理论。根据这一假设,消费者的消费支出不仅依赖于他的现期收入,而且还依赖于其他人的收入水平以及他过去曾达到的最高收入水平。因此,当消费者在收入分配中的相对地位(相对收入)上升时,或当收入超过原来的最高收入时,消费者都会根据其收入的相对变化而增加消费支出。相对收入理论认为,消费者在相对地位上的变化将导致其收入用于消费的部分上升,而不论其绝对收入有否变化。相对收入理论强调消费者的两种心理行为,即攀比效应和示范效应。由于这两种行为,各类同等级的家庭因收入不同所导致的消费差距将得以缩小,并使消费与相对收入保持某种协调的比例,即:家庭消费函数随所有家庭总收入变动而成比例地向上移动。相对收入假设的基本涵义如图2。分歧点 绝对收入假设与相对收入假设相对立的两个分歧点是:①前者认为消费主要由绝对收入水平决定,后者认为消费主要由相对收入决定;②前者认为消费增长与收入增长之间是一种非比例关系,后者认为二者间大体保持一种比例增长关系。关于收入与消费之间的长期关系是比例的或非比例的关系的命题,在宏观经济学中具有重要意义。例如,如果基本消费函数是非比例的,则意味着随着国民收入的增长,储蓄将以更大速率增长,由此即产生出如何把超比例增加的储蓄转化为投资的问题。正是基于这一判断,凯恩斯提出以扩张性财政政策来吸纳这部分超量的储蓄,以避免国民经济走向停滞。如果基本消费函数是比例的,这个问题就不会对未来发展造成梗阻。虽然一些经济学家仍持绝对收入理论观点,但多数经济学家已更倾向于相对收入理论及其他理论。由于经济学家一般同意基本消费函数是成比例的,事实上等于抛弃了绝对收入理论的主要原则。另一方面,一些经济学家根据收入及消费的若干资料进行统计分析后指出:包括半个多世纪的经验数据证实,消费与收入之间的长期关系大致是成比例的。(邓乐平)
