300字范文 > W纠缠态 W entangled state英语短句 例句大全

W纠缠态 W entangled state英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-19 18:36:11


W纠缠态 W entangled state英语短句 例句大全

W纠缠态,W entangled state

1)W entangled stateW纠缠态

1.The results show that if the two atoms are prepared in maximun entangled(EPR)state initially,the maximum of three-body entanglement measure is equated with the perfect three-bodyW entangled state.研究结果表明:当双原子初始处在EPR态时,三体纠缠量最大值与理想W纠缠态纠缠量相同。

2.When the field is vacuum and the two atoms stay in Einstein-Podolsky-Rosem entangled state or disentangled state initially, we obtain that the system will evolve to a three-body approximateW entangled state.在场和两原子初始分别为真空场和纠缠或非纠缠状态下 ,得出体系状态将演化为三体近似W纠缠态 。

2)entangled W state纠缠W态

1.Preparation ofentangled W state via resonant interaction of V-type three-level atoms and two-mode cavity-field;利用V-型三能级原子与双模腔场的共振相互作用制备纠缠W态(英文)

2.Teleportation of a three-particleentangled W state through two-particle entangled quantum channels;三粒子纠缠W态的隐形传态

3.A new protocol of quantum secret sharing for single qubit through anentangled W state is proposed.提出用纠缠W态来完成单个量子位的量子秘密分享方案。


1.The expansion of orthogonal complete set and transformation operator in the teleportation of a three-particle entangled W state三粒子纠缠W态隐形传态的正交完备基展开与算符变换

2.Teleportation for Atomic State via W State and Purifying Non-Maximally on Cavity QED一般W态传送原子态并用腔QED提纯非最大纠缠态

3.Preparation of Quantum Logic Gate, Generation of Entanglement States and Quantification of Thermal Entanglement;量子逻辑门的构建、纠缠态的制备和热纠缠度量

4.Quantum Thermal Entanglement and the Entanglement Teleportation in the Heisenberg Model;海森堡模型中的量子热纠缠与纠缠隐形传态

5.Two-Mode Excited Entangled Coherent States and Their Entanglement Properties;两模激发纠缠相干态及其纠缠特性研究

6.Quantum Entanglement and Nonlocality of Multiphoton Entangled States;多光子纠缠态的量子纠缠与量子非局域性

7.Entropy Evolution of Entangled Atoms Interacting with Light Field;纠缠态原子与光场相互作用系统中的纠缠演化

8.Frequency Conversion of an Entangled State and Experimental Generation of Genuine Four-partite Entangled States with TTPC for Continuous Variables;纠缠光场的频率变换与TTPC纠缠态的产生

9.Concurrence vectors and description of entangled formation for a three-body system共生纠缠向量及其对三体纯纠缠态的描述

10.The Entangled Properties in the Interaction between Two-mode Squeezing Vacuum State Field and Entangled Atoms;双模压缩真空态光场与纠缠态原子相互作用系统中的纠缠特性

11.Study on Teleportation of an Entangled Coherent State and an Entangled Squeezed State by Optical Elements基于光学器件量子隐形传送纠缠相干态和纠缠压缩态的研究

12.Cloning of Two-particle Entangled State and Deleting of BB84 States;二粒子纠缠态的克隆与BB84态的删除

13.An Entanglement Measure and Complete Classification of Tristate Bipartite Pure State Systems;三态两体纯态系统的纠缠分类及度量

14.Deducing Function Space from the Comherent State and Entangled State Representation从相干态与纠缠态表象推导函数空间

15.Quantum Entanglement Swapping Through Mixed BEll-state基于混态贝尔态的量子纠缠交换(英文)

16.Study on Teleportation in Heisenberg Thermally Entangled Channels and Entanglement in Quantum Spin System;海森堡热纠缠信道中量子隐形传态及量子自旋系统中纠缠的研究

17.Teleportation of three-level Entangled state of two-particle via Entanglement Swapping;通过纠缠交换实现两粒子三能级纠缠态的量子隐形传输

18.Study on Purification of Entanglement and Local Distinguishability of Orthogonal Quantum States;纠缠的提取和正交量子态的局域区分


entangled W state纠缠W态

1.Preparation ofentangled W state via resonant interaction of V-type three-level atoms and two-mode cavity-field;利用V-型三能级原子与双模腔场的共振相互作用制备纠缠W态(英文)

2.Teleportation of a three-particleentangled W state through two-particle entangled quantum channels;三粒子纠缠W态的隐形传态

3.A new protocol of quantum secret sharing for single qubit through anentangled W state is proposed.提出用纠缠W态来完成单个量子位的量子秘密分享方案。

3)W type of entangled stateW型纠缠态

4)multi-particles entangled W state多粒子纠缠W态

5)W-type entangled coherent statesW型纠缠相干态

1.A scheme was proposed to generate theW-type entangled coherent states of three-cavity fields, after comparing the differences between the discrete-variable quantum information and the continuous-variable quantum information and taking into account that coherent states were presently of practical use and readily available.通过对比分立变量量子信息过程和连续变量量子信息过程的差别,利用相干态比较容易获得的这个特点,提出一种方案制备三个腔场的W型纠缠相干态。

6)four-particle entangled W state四粒子纠缠W态

1.A scheme for probabilistic teleportation of afour-particle entangled W state is given.提出利用2个二粒子部分纠缠态作为量子信道,实现四粒子纠缠W态的概率隐形传输方案。


