300字范文 > 组合评价法 combinatorial evaluation method英语短句 例句大全

组合评价法 combinatorial evaluation method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-14 10:16:37


组合评价法 combinatorial evaluation method英语短句 例句大全

组合评价法,combinatorial evaluation method

1)combinatorial evaluation method组合评价法

1.Taking a regional logistics industry as an instance,from the view of quantitative and qualitative character,the weights of related indicators are computed bycombinatorial evaluation method.基于物流产业的涵义和特点提出了产业竞争力的概念,根据物流产业的现状,提出了物流产业竞争力评价的多层指标体系,列举了主要的评价方法和具体步骤;针对具体的实例,从定性和定量两个角度,运用组合评价法确定了相关指标的权重,借助多层模糊评价法对一级指标进行了评价分析,有助于区域物流产业核心竞争力的确定。


1.Application of combination evaluation methods to Fujian"s new RCMs in comprehensive evaluation组合评价法在福建省新农合综合评价中的应用

2.The Improved Combination Evaluation Method of Weighted Average and its Application;改进的加权平均组合评价法及其应用

3.Whole Diversity-Based Reasoning for Objective Combined Evaluation;一种基于整体差异的客观组合评价法

4.Application of Combined Evaluation Method to Situate Logistics Park;组合评价法在物流园区选址中的应用

5.Study of combination evaluation method of investing scheme decision with multiple attribution;投资方案多属性决策组合评价法研究

6.Supplier Assessment of Government Procurement on the Base of Combination Appraisal Method基于组合评价法的政府采购供应商评估

7.From "Combination Evaluation" to "One-One Integrating" of Evaluation Method;从评价方法的“组合评价”到“两两集成”

8.Research on Comprehensive Evaluation Methods of Enterprise Competitiveness;企业竞争力综合评价与组合评价方法探讨

9.Research on the Third Party Logistics Evaluation Based on the Combination Evaluation Method;基于“组合评价”方法的第三方物流企业评价选择

prehensive evaluation of power suppliers’ competitive ability based on entropy;基于熵权法的供电商竞争力组合评价

11.Evaluation and Selection Method of Enterprise R&D Portfolio;企业R&D项目组合评价与选择方法

bination Weighting Approach in Performance Evaluation of Enterprise;组合赋权法在企业效绩评价中的应用

13.Calculation Approach and Comment on Electric Tariff of Combined Circulating Units;联合循环机组的电价计算方法与评论

bination evaluation method of air transport industry competence民航运输产业竞争力的组合评价方法

15.Research on Combined Assessing for Academic Periodical Based on Extreme Value Method基于极值法的学术期刊组合评价研究

prehensive industry energy efficiency evaluation based on combination evaluation method (AHM-GF)基于组合评价方法(AHM-GF)的制造企业综合能效评价研究

17.Application of the Optimal Combined Weights Method in Comprehensive Evaluation on Inhabitants Health Status;最优组合赋权法在居民健康综合评价中的应用

18.Research on the method for evaluating combination efficiency;用于组合有效性综合评价的非参数方法研究


Combination Evaluation组合评价法

1.Investment Funds Performance Study Based onCombination Evaluation;在借鉴国外成熟的评价方法和先进的评级体系的基础上,本文采用实证分析和比较分析相结合的研究方法对我国的证券投资基金业绩进行了分析,并针对单一评价方法对基金业绩评价的不足,将组合评价法引入了基金业绩评价中,先对样本基金进行了收益与风险指标分析、风险调整后的收益指标分析、基金业绩来源与归属分析以及业绩持续性分析,然后把以上单一指标的评价结果进行了组合评价分析,建立了一个基于组合评价的基金业绩评价体系。

3)combination evaluation method组合评价方法

1.The existingcombination evaluation method only discusses the problem of combination evaluation system from one level,the combination is too simple and lacks of the systemic problem.针对现有组合评价法只是对组合评价系统一个层面上问题的讨论,组合过于简单,缺乏系统性的问题,提出了一种基于综合评价方法属性层次的新的组合评价方法。

2.To make up for the shortage of the existingcombination evaluation methods (CEMs), a drift-based CEM is proposed on basis of the study on drift measurement in the conclusion of different single evaluation method.运用模糊聚类分析方法确定相容方法集,在对不同评价方法的漂移性进行测度研究的基础上提出了基于漂移度的组合评价方法,弥补现有组合评价方法的不足,最后用一个实例说明本研究实际应用上的有效性。

3.Air transport industry competence was evaluated by usingcombination evaluation method,and its denotation and influencing factors were analyzed.应用组合评价方法评价了民航运输产业竞争力,研究了民航运输产业竞争力的内涵与影响因素,建立了民航运输产业竞争力评价指标体系,运用组合赋权法确定了各层次指标权重,并对~中国、美国、德国、新加坡、日本和韩国的民航运输产业竞争力进行了实证分析。

4)combined evaluation组合评价

bined Evaluation of Science and Technology:An Application of Common Data Ordered Choice Model一种新的科教组合评价方法——共性数据排序选择模型

2.An objectivecombined evaluation method based on whole diversity was proposed in the paper in order to solve the inconsistency.在多属性综合评价中,存在“多方法评价结论非一致性”问题,为探讨解决该问题的方法,本文提出了一种基于整体差异的客观组合评价方法,该方法具有多评价方法自动甄别奖惩、组合结果精确、易于编程实现等特点,最后用一个算例验证了方法的有效性。

3.An objectivecombined evaluation method based on whole diversity and cooperative games is proposed in the paper in order to solve the inconsistency.为探讨解决该问题的方法,本文提出了一种基于整体差异度与合作博弈的客观组合评价方法,该方法具有多种评价方法自动甄别奖惩、组合结果精确、易于实现等特点。

5)combination evaluation组合评价

1.Manufacturing resourcecombination evaluation method oriented to networked manufacturing;面向网络化制造的制造资源组合评价方法研究

2.Study ofcombination evaluation method of investing scheme decision with multiple attribution;投资方案多属性决策组合评价法研究

3.Application ofcombination evaluation for cities comprehensive economic power of delta of Pearl River;组合评价模型在城市综合经济实力评价中应用

6)combinational evaluation组合评价

1.In view of the merits and defects of the subjective weighting methods and the objective weighting methods in water quality evaluation,thecombinational evaluation model based on the genetic algorithm is applied to combine many kinds of evaluation method.基于主观赋权法和客观赋权法对于水质评价有各自的优点和缺点,采用基于遗传算法的组合评价模型,通过该模型将多种评价方法进行组合,并利用遗传算法优化各评价方法的权重,根据评价指标函数值评价出各样本的优劣。

2.In view of the merits and defects of the subjective weighting methods and the objective weighting methods,thecombinational evaluation model based on the genetic algorithm is set up to combine many kinds of evaluation method.基于主观赋权法和客观赋权法有各自的优点和缺点,文章提出一种基于遗传算法的组合评价模型,通过该模型将多种评价方法进行组合,并利用遗传算法优化各评价方法的权重,根据评价指标函数值评价出各样本的优劣。

3.Thecombinational evaluation method which combines TOPSIS with gray correlation degree analysis can improve validity of the evaluation result.以理想解法和灰色关联度分析法为基础进行组合,得到的组合评价方法能够提高评价结果的有效性。


