300字范文 > 所得税税负 income tax burden英语短句 例句大全

所得税税负 income tax burden英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-27 15:41:52


所得税税负 income tax burden英语短句 例句大全

所得税税负,income tax burden

1)income tax burden所得税税负

1.Capital structure plays an important role in the company s operation and development,so the research on the relevance between listed company s capital structure and theincome tax burden have a significant practical sense.资本结构在企业的经营发展中非常重要,研究上市公司资本结构与所得税税负的关系有着重大的现实意义。


1.An Empirical Research on the Relevance Between Capital Structure and Income Tax Burden;资本结构和所得税税负关系实证研究

2.The Incidence of the Enterprise Income Tax in China:A General Equilibrium Analysis;中国企业所得税税负归宿的一般均衡分析

3.Impacts of the Unification of Two Sets of Enterprise Income Tax Laws on Income Tax burden of Domestic Banks;“两法合并”对内资银行所得税税负的影响

4.Research on Individual Income Tax Incidence and Labor Supply in China;我国个人所得税税负归宿与劳动力供给的研究

5.Research on Influences on Listed Companies" Income Tax Burden of Bringing the New Accounting Standards into Practice新会计准则对上市公司所得税税负影响研究

6.Discussion of Enterprise Income Tax Burden by Withdrawing Investment of Korean Enterprises from China在华韩企撤资引起的企业所得税税负思考

7.Investment impact on change of corporate income tax in Hunan论企业所得税税负变动对湖南投资的影响

8.The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting income tax.税务局负责徵收所得税.

9.Income tax: indicating the income tax expenses payable in the current period.九所得税:指本期应负担之所得税费用。

10.Fair Tax Burden:The Realistic Think About The Reform of The Personal Income Tax;公平税负:个人所得税改革的现实思考

11.Negative Effect on Beneficialtaritf of Foreigninvested Enterprises;外资企业所得税税收优惠的负面效应

12.An Empirical Study of Value-added Tax & Income Tax Burden on Enterprise;企业增值税和所得税负担的实证研究

13.Affirmation of Deferred Income tax Liabilities and Deferred Assets;递延所得税负债及递延所得税资产的确认

14.International Tax Competition,Capital Control and Adjustment of Enterprise Income Tax Burden;国际税收竞争、资本管制与企业所得税负担调整

15.Calculation on Effective Tax Burden of Income Tax Taken by Enterprise’s Capital in Our Country;我国企业资本承担所得税实际税负的测算

16.Application of prefrential income tax rate, and exemption of income tax.适用优惠所得税税率,及所得税免除

17.Thinking on Balance Sheet Liability Method for Income Tax;关于所得税资产负债表债务法的思考

18.Discussion on Assets and Liability Under New Income Tax Accounting Standard论新所得税会计准则的资产负债表观


Negative income tax负所得税

1.Passing the lawmaking norm,central coordination,negative income tax mechanism,governme.通过立法规范、中央协调、负所得税机制、政府效能调整、"3R"外在约束等可以规范和引导地方政府间的税收竞争,从而塑造良好的地区形象。

2.Thus,the new personal income tax idea should emphasize a universal tax and the principle of burden,practice negative income tax and low the progressive tax rate,me.因此,新的个人所得税构想中应当强调全民纳税、量能负担原则,实行低累进税率和负所得税税率,同时要改进征管模式。

3)negative income tax system负所得税制

1.Thus, Pass to promote thenegative income tax system, make"low protect"change into" negative tax ".本文认为,通过推行负所得税制,把低保制度、贫困救助制度、个人所得税制度三者联结起来,使"享受低保"变为"负纳税",将全体公民纳入到税法的约束当中,这样既可以较好地维护社会公正分配、控制收入差距,又可以让农民等社会困难群体都成为纳税人,维护税收公平,强化全民纳税意识。

4)negative incoming tax负值所得税

5)deferred income tax liabilities递延所得税负债

1.The core of balance sheet liability method is discussed in the paper, namely, affirmation and measure ofdeferred income tax liabilities and deferred income tax assets.文章主要就资产负债表债务法的核心,即递延所得税负债和递延所得税资产的确认和计量进行了探讨。

6)the negative system of income tax负所得税制度


比例所得税(proportional income tax)比例所得税(proportional income tax):不管个人的应税收入为多少,其税基保持不变的所得税制度。
