300字范文 > 互信 mutual trust英语短句 例句大全

互信 mutual trust英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-29 00:56:06


互信 mutual trust英语短句 例句大全

互信,mutual trust

1)mutual trust互信

1.Behavior-basedmutual trust decision model in grid;网格环境中一种基于行为的互信决策模型

2.Research on Key Techniques for Mutual Trust Mechanism in Grid;网格环境下互信机制关键技术研究

3.The question about how to enhancemutual trust and develop oil cooperation instead of a lose-lose competition,is worth pondering.如何更好地增强互信、开展石油合作,是值得我们深刻思考的问题。


1.relation of mutual understanding or trust between people.人与人之间相互理解相互信任的关系。

2."In the area of security, countries should trust one another and work together to maintain security, foster a new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination."安全上应相互信任,共同维护,树立互信、互利、平等和协作的新安全观.

3.The core of the new security concept should be mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation.新安全观的核心应该是互信、互利、平等、合作。

4.message complementary sense信息互补(链),有义互补(链)

5.The most common forms include interest-rate swaps, currency swaps and credit swaps.最常见的形式包括利率互换、货互换和信用互换。

6.Mutual exclusion can be achieved with the use of a semaphore or mutex.互斥现象能由使用信号灯或互斥完成。

7.it builds credits to trade for favors.这能建立信任以便互助互惠。

8.Research on Mutual Communication of E-Government Information Resources System;电子政务信息资源体系互联互通研究

9.Pricing Mechanism of Access Networks in China s Telecom Industry;我国电信业互联互通的接入定价研究

10.Research on the Interconnection Access Price of Chinese Telecommunication Industry中国电信产业互联互通接入定价研究

11.The relationship between our countries can only be based on trust.我们互相信任的基础上。

12.insurance is uberrime fidei保险以互相信任为基础

13.multilevel interconnection generator多层互连信号发生器

14.Reciprocal Payments and Credit Agreement互惠结算和信贷协定

15.CPU intercommunication中央处理机互相通信

16.swap (mutual credit facilities)对开帐户(互惠信贷)

17.Some governments do not trust the Internet一些政府不信任互联网,

18.ASCII(American Standard Code for information interchange)美国信息互换标准代码


reciprocal relationship互信互动

3)Mutual benefit and trust互利互信

4)mutual information互信息

1.Study on local extremum of object function inmutual information-based image registration;基于互信息图像配准中的局部极值问题研究

2.A method based onmutual information and gradient information for medical image registration;一种基于互信息和梯度信息的医学图像配准算法(英文)

3.Multimodality medical image registration based onmutual information and simulated annealing;基于互信息和模拟退火算法的多模式医学图像配准

5)information interactive信息交互

1.Design and implement of the cascading style service for networkedinformation interactive system;网络化信息交互系统中级联式服务的设计与实现

2.Research and Development of Information Interactive System Based on MAS in ERP Environment;ERP环境下基于多代理的信息交互系统研究和开发

3.The tool information share between upper layer computer systems and the toolinformation interactive between upper computer systems and lower layer NC machining equipments in DNC can be carried out by.该系统可实现DNC中上层计算机系统之间的刀具信息共享以及上层计算机系统与下层数控加工设备之间的刀具信息交

6)mutual information互信息量

1.Overcome of local maximum inmutual information-based image registration;基于互信息量图像配准中目标函数局部极值的克服

2.Realizing generalized registration of medical sequence image usingmutual information criterion;利用互信息量准则实现医学序列图像的广义配准

3.Image registration using high dimensionmutual information;基于高维互信息量的图像配准


信信1.连宿四夜。 2.谓信其可信者。
