300字范文 > 前苏联 Former Soviet Union英语短句 例句大全

前苏联 Former Soviet Union英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-09 23:12:02


前苏联 Former Soviet Union英语短句 例句大全

前苏联,Former Soviet Union

1)Former Soviet Union前苏联

1.The Multi-axle Gondola Car and Tank Car in theFormer Soviet Union;前苏联铁路的多轴敞车与罐车

2.Brief analysis about the influence to China s art education created by former Soviet Union s sketch;前苏联素描对中国美术教育的影响刍论

3.Green Party s Development and Characteristics inFormer Soviet Union and Eastern Europe;前苏联东欧地区绿党的发展变化及其特征


1.the former USSR and its satellites前苏联及其卫星国.

2.of or relating to or characteristic of the former Soviet Union or its people.属于或关于前苏联、前苏联人民的,或有其特点的。

3.the Supreme Soviet( the law-making body of the former Soviet Union )最高苏维埃(前苏联的立法机构).

4.the Soviet Union"s notorious national security organization,那是前苏联声名狼藉的机构。

5.The Iron Curtain came down with the fall of the former Soviet Union.随着前苏联的解体, 铁幕也随之降下。

6.Currently, there are about 50,000 Soviet troops stationed in Poland.目前苏联在波兰的驻军约为五万人。

7.the Eastern Block(指包括前苏联在内的)东欧集团

8.The former soviet union is forme of several autonomous republic.前苏联是由数个自治共和国组成的。

9.The former Soviet Union is formed of several autonomous republic前苏联是由数个自治共和国组成的

10.The US and the former Soviet Union were co-signatories of/to the treaty.美国和前苏联都是条约的签署国.

11.Workshop on International Law and Nationality Laws in the Former USSR国际法和前苏联国籍法讲习班

12.The former Soviet Union offered a good lesson in this respect.在这方面,前苏联就是个好的教训。

13.To study again about Economic-cultural type theory;对前苏联“经济文化类型理论”的再研究

14.The new views of narrative angleof the contemporary novels of former Soviet Union;前苏联当代小说选择与观察的立足点

15.Absent Innovation: A Lesson of Institution of Soviet Union;“创新”缺失:前苏联体制的一个教训

16.The Historical Background of Former Soviet Fast Developing Siberia前苏联加速开发西伯利亚的历史背景

17.China s Avail of the Economic Resources of Former Soviet Union Before and After the Foundation of New China;建国前后中国对前苏联经济资源的利用

18.Dissect the Policies of Soviet Union on Germany before Soviet and Germany War;苏德战争前夕苏联对德国绥靖政策探析


the Soviet Union前苏联

1.Inspiration from the Study on Readers bythe Soviet Union;前苏联的读者研究及其对我们的启示

2.Ethnic Policies ofthe Soviet Union and the Origin of Chechen s Problem;前苏联民族政策与车臣问题的由来

3.Eversince the breakup ofthe Soviet Union to Russia,its political system has undergone a change,but the civil prosecution system has been back to the original point,and its legal supervision tone remains unchanged.从前苏联解体到俄罗斯,尽管政治体制发生了巨变,但其民事检察制度却几经变化又回到了原点,最后基本上保持了前苏联民事检察的原貌,其法律监督的基调仍然未变。

3)USSR[英][,ju: es es "ɑ:(r)][美]["ju "?s "?s "ɑr]前苏联

1.Lenin′s Thoughts on Library Science and Library Development inUSSR;列宁的图书馆学思想与前苏联的图书馆事业

2.On the Transition Mode of Supply System inUSSR;浅析前苏联政府供给型制度变迁方式形成的原因

4)the former Soviet Union前苏联

1.Application of EOR methods inthe former Soviet Union.;前苏联提高采收率技术的应用情况

2.The development process of railway passenger cars in Russia andthe former Soviet Union is expounded.阐述了俄罗斯与前苏联铁路客车的发展过程,介绍了各个时期客车的保有量、本国制造量与进口量,以及批量生产的客车及其转向架的主要技术参数,并简要介绍了俄罗斯铁路动车组近况。

3.Based on the analysis of the historical events inthe former Soviet Union,this article discussed that the key contents in implementing the scientific development view is to focus on people s livelihood,to guarantee people s livelihood,and to improve people s livelihood.通过对前苏联解体的历史事实的分析,认为关注民生,重视民生、保障民生、改善民生是贯彻落实科学发展观的核心内容,是执政党在我国社会主义初级阶段都必须高度重视的问题。

5)Soviet Union前苏联

1.On the Reform of College Entrance Examination and Enrollment System inSoviet Union;前苏联国家高校招生考试制度改革探析

2.As the earliest socialist state since the beginning of history in human society theSoviet Union had been for 74 years, and it attached great importance to theoretic study and social practice of ideological and political education.前苏联作为人类社会有史以来最早的、存在了长达74年之久的社会主义国家,对思想政治教育理论研究和社会实践极为重视。

6)the law of the former USSR前苏联法


苏联科学院图书馆苏联科学院系统中最大的中心图书馆,苏联全国自然科学书目与情报工作中心和协调中心,也是全国书史研究中心。17根据彼得一世的旨意建于彼得堡。1725年划归刚建立的俄国科学院管理。1783年开始接受国内出版物的呈缴本。1987年藏书1000多万册(件),其中国外文献占41%。每年接待读者约 5万人次。馆藏几乎包括所有知识门类,其中18世纪以来的俄文书刊和该院的出版物、国外自然科学文献、手稿和古籍珍本收藏较多。每年补充近 1万种国外定期连续出版物。同 101个国家和地区的3294个机构有文献交换关系。苏联科学院系统各图书馆于20世纪30年代初形成网络,到1975年初共有图书馆617所,藏书8930万册(件),国外文献占40%。该系统现有 4个地区性和专业性网络中心:列宁格勒科学院图书馆中心 (负责联络该地区各研究所图书馆)、社会科学情报研究所中心(1969年前为社会科学基本图书馆,负责联络莫斯科地区各社会科学研究所图书馆)、 苏联科学院自然科学图书馆中心 (1973年在莫斯科苏联科学院专业图书馆网的分部基础上建立,负责联络列宁格勒以外的各自然科学研究所图书馆) 和苏联科学院西伯利亚分院国立公共科技图书馆中心。各网络中心均由苏联科学院主席团的社会科学与自然科学图书馆委员会领导。
