300字范文 > 前苏联经验公式 former Soviet empirical formulas英语短句 例句大全

前苏联经验公式 former Soviet empirical formulas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-06-09 21:56:02


前苏联经验公式 former Soviet empirical formulas英语短句 例句大全

前苏联经验公式,former Soviet empirical formulas

1)former Soviet empirical formulas前苏联经验公式

1.,Gu Gan-chen\"s membrane formulas,Giroud\"s formula and theformer Soviet empirical formulas,to calculate the thickness of the two given types of composite geomembrane for the Renzonghai rockfill dam.在分析防渗复合土工膜力学特性的基础上,结合仁宗海复合土工膜防渗堆石坝工程,分别采用顾淦臣薄膜理论公式、Giroud公式和前苏联经验公式三种确定土工膜厚度的方法对备选的两种规格复合土工膜进行厚度计算和选型分析,选择确定符合强度和变形要求且经济可行的一种复合土工膜。

2)Soviet Experiences苏联经验

1.Sixty Years of Landscape Policies and Development in China(2)Soviet Experiences新中国园林政策与建设60年回眸(二)苏联经验


1.A Comprehensive Study of China s Higher Education Learned from Soviet Union;我国高等教育学习苏联经验研究综述

2.Sixty Years of Landscape Policies and Development in China(2) Soviet Experiences新中国园林政策与建设60年回眸(二)苏联经验

3.This is to disregard the experience of the Soviet Union.这就忽视了苏联的经验。

4.Second, we have the experience of the Soviet Union and other fraternal countries to go by.其次,有苏联和其他兄弟国家的经验。

5.Soviet experience tells us that it is entirely possible.苏联的经验告诉我们,这是完全可能的。

6.The Soviet experience in construction is fairly complete.苏联的建设经验是比较完全的。

7.The fact that we have been able to go fast in our development over the past few years is partly due to Soviet experience and assistance.我们这几年搞得比较快,原因之一就是有苏联的经验,有苏联的帮助。

8.The Chernobyl Nuclear Accident and Lessons Learned苏联切尔诺贝利核电站事故及其经验教训

9.Form and Governance of the State:An Empirical Study of the Soviet Union s Transformation into Russia;国家形态与国家治理——苏联—俄罗斯转型经验研究

10.The Great Practice of the Soviet Union s Industrialization and Its Lessons;苏联国家工业化的伟大实践及其经验教训

11.DENG Xiao-ping s Criticism and Borrowing of the Ruling Experience of the Soviet Communist Party;论邓小平对苏联共产党执政经验的批判和借鉴

12.Reflections on Colleges and Universities Borrowing of the Former Soviet Education Experiences in Chongqing in the 1950s;重庆高校学习前苏联教育经验的历史与反思

parison Between China and former USSR Plus Eastern Europe:Experiences and Problems in Reform;我国同前苏联东欧改革经验与问题的比较

14.The slogan we have advocated all along is to draw on the advanced Soviet experience. Who told you to pick up its backward experience?我们历来提的口号是学习苏联先进经验,谁要你去学习落后经验呀?

15.Here again the Soviet Union has provided us with experience, but some of our comrades take no notice of it.这种经验,苏联也已经提供给我们了,我们的有些同志却没有注意。

16.We should make good use of the experience and lessons of the Soviet Union, so as to avoid losses.我们要善于接受苏联的经验教训,这样就可以少受损失。

17.In view of the experience of the Soviet Union as well as our own, we must see to it that from now on this problem is solved much better.鉴于苏联和我们自己的经验,今后务必更好地解决这个问题。

18.In order to turn China into an industrial country, we must learn conscientiously from the advanced experience of the Soviet Union.为了使我国变为工业国,我们必须认真学习苏联的先进经验。


Soviet Experiences苏联经验

1.Sixty Years of Landscape Policies and Development in China(2)Soviet Experiences新中国园林政策与建设60年回眸(二)苏联经验

3)The Soviet Union economic前苏联经济

4)The Soviet Educational Experience苏联教育经验

5)formula of acid dew point in the thermal calculation from the former U.S.S.R前苏联热力计算酸露点公式

6)literary theory of former Soviet Union前苏联文论模式




前苏联米-24“雌鹿”强击直升机(mi-24 hind attack helicoper)前苏联米里设计局1972年研制的武装直升机。它与美军的ah-64同属重型武装直升机,被称之为“空中坦克”。最大时速310千米,悬停升限4500米,作战半径360千米,最大起飞重量8400千克。主要武器:机头装有1挺12.7毫米机枪,两侧短翼上共有6个挂点,可挂反坦克导弹和火箭弹,最大载弹量2900千克。
