300字范文 > 中国国有企业 Chinese state-owned enterprises英语短句 例句大全

中国国有企业 Chinese state-owned enterprises英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-30 00:45:47


中国国有企业 Chinese state-owned enterprises英语短句 例句大全

中国国有企业,Chinese state-owned enterprises

1)Chinese state-owned enterprises中国国有企业


1.State-owned enterprises are still major tax payers in China.中国国有企业仍是国家纳税的主体。

2.The first step of China"s reform of state-owned-enterprises is to expand their autonomy.扩大企业自主权是中国国有企业改革的第一步。

3.Legislative Regulation in Foreign Investor s Merger and Acquisition of State Owned Enterprise;论外资并购中国国有企业的法律规制

4.Problems of Management Buy-Out in State-Owned Companies of China;中国国有企业管理层收购(MBO)问题研究

5.The Research of State-Owned Enterprise Reform;中国国有企业产权制度改革问题研究

6.The Stock Reformation of Chinese National Companies and the Stock Market;中国国有企业股份制改革与股票市场

7.An Analysis of Financial Governance in Chinese State-owned Enterprise Groups;中国国有企业集团财务治理问题探析

8.On the New Strategy of China State-owned Enterprise Reform after Entry of WTO;论加入WTO后中国国有企业改革新战略

9.The Impact of China s Entry into the WTO Idea of Development on SOE in Our Country and Countermeasures;“入世”对中国国有企业的影响及对策

Revolution New Challenges to State-owned Enterprises;网络革命:中国国有企业面临的新挑战

11.On Management Buy-outs in State-owned Enterprises of China;中国国有企业的管理层收购(MBO)刍议

12.revitalize large and medium-sized state owned enterprises搞活国有大中型企业

13.Egual Protection For Both Public and Non-public Entevprises in Criminal Law;平等保护:刑法中的国有企业与非国有企业

14.Application of Enterprise Financial General Standards in Non-state-owned Enterprises;《企业财务通则》在非国有企业中的应用

15.Research on Enterprise System Innovation of Chinese SOCB;中国国有商业银行企业制度创新研究

16.Of which, the growth of state-owned and state holding enterprises was 8.6%, that of collective enterprises was 7.7%, that of the joint ventures was 14.4%.其中国有及国有控股企业增长8.6%,集体企业增长7.7%,三资企业增长14.4%。

17.We have our advantages,we have the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises and the rural enterprises.我们有优势,有国营大中型企业,有乡镇企业,

18.State-owned firm国有公司,国有企业


Medium and small-sized state-owned enterprises国有中小企业

1.The medium and small-sized state-owned enterprises are the majority to promote state-owned economy, and to construct the market economy.国有中小企业是推动国有经济发展、构建市场经济的主体,是稳定社会的基石。

3)Non-state Owned SMEs非国有中小企业

4)state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises国有大中型企业

1.The establishment of effective encouraging mechanism is the prerequisite for both ensuringstate-owned large and medium-sized enterprises value maintaining and increasing and for realizing their prop role in the national economy.有效激励机制的建立是保证国有大中型企业保值、增值 ,实现其国民经济支柱作用的必要条件。

2.As the core power of China s economic,state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises especially equipment manufacturers participate in the international competition.作为我国经济核心力量的国有大中型企业特别是装备制造企业在全面参与世界竞争之际,人工成本水平既不能因垄断或保护而维持高位,也不能因调控或管理落后导致结构不合理,影响社会公平与企业运作及可持续发展。

3.State-owned large and medium-sized enterprises play a leading role in nation s economy, in order to ensurestate-owned large and medium-sized enterprises to maintain sustainable development, we must insist on the policy of technology innovation.国有大中型企业在我国经济中处于主导地位,要使国有大中型企业保持可持续性发展,必须坚持以技术创新为导向。

5)middle-small nationalize business国有中小型企业

1.Under the analysing of the realism questions of themiddle-small nationalize business.分析了国有中小型企业实行股份制的客观条件,提出股份制实践中存在的一些问题。

6)medium-sized state-owned enterprises中型国有企业


