300字范文 > 综合防除 Comprehensive control英语短句 例句大全

综合防除 Comprehensive control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-12 17:32:21


综合防除 Comprehensive control英语短句 例句大全

综合防除,Comprehensive control

1)Comprehensive control综合防除

1.The studies on the techniques of comprehensive controlof weeds grown in alfafa field;紫花苜蓿草地综合防除杂草技术的研究

2.The distribution of poisonous plants and its harm to animals were studied, and the comprehensive control and utilization were proposed.对新疆天然草地上致使家畜中毒的植物种类的分布和各类有毒成分对家畜的危害进行了研究,并提出了综合防除与开发利用措施。


1.Research of Major Weed Spread Structure and Sampling Technology of Oil Sunflower in Summer Sowing in Western Area of Henan;豫西夏播油葵田杂草综合防除技术研究

2.Study on the Occurrence and Integrated Management of Weeds in Turf;草坪杂草发生分布规律及其综合防除体系的研究

3.Analysis and Synthetic Controlling of Acid Corrosion in Desalinated Water Unit除盐水装置酸性腐蚀分析及综合防治

4.The Population System and Integrated Quarantine and Management of Melon Fly;瓜实蝇种群系统与检疫防除综合技术

5.Persistence of comprehensive treatment and enhancement of waterlog control criteria;坚持综合治理 提高除涝防渍标准

6.General Measures for Treatment of Pancreatic Leak Post-Pancreatoduodenectomy胰十二指肠切除术后胰漏的综合预防

7.And to reinforce comprehensive termite control reservoir Technology除险加固水库白蚁综合防治技术探讨

8.Application of Heterogeneous Acellular Dermal Matrix in Prevention of Gustatory Sweating Syndrome after Parotidectomy预防腮腺切除术后味觉出汗综合征的临床研究

9.Research on Application of Compositive Seepage Prevention Technology Used in Reinforcing Huashan Reservoir;综合防渗技术在华山水库除险加固中的应用研究

10.Preliminary Exploration of Reinforcement of Flood Control Projects and Environmental Remediation of Fu River Lower Reaches of Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River长江中下游府河下游防洪工程除险加固与环境综合整治初探

11.Effects of transverse coloplasty pouch for preventing the occurrence of anterior resection syndrome after low anastomosis for rectal cancer结肠成形术预防低位直肠癌术后前切除综合征的疗效分析

12.Panel of Experts on Integrated Pest Control虫害综合防治专家小组

13.Integrated pest management systems for vegetables were also introduced to reduce the reliance on chemical pesticides.此外,该处并实施蔬菜病虫害综合防治计划,以减少对化学除害剂的倚赖。

14.Discussion on Comprehensive Prevention of Rock Burst on Roof Caving Working Face浅谈综放工作面冲击地压的综合防治

prehensive Control and Countermeasure Information System of Debris-Flow;泥石流综合防治及防治工程信息系统

16.Study on Defence Standard and Policies of Urban Disaster Prevention;城市综合防灾设防目标和设防政策研究

17.Integrated Project on Family Planning, Nutrition and Parasite Control计划生育、营养和寄生虫防治综合项目(综合项目)

18.Multiple Prevention and Treatment of Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex;炉下镇猪呼吸道疾病综合征(PRDC)的综合防治


synthetic division综合除法

1.Taylor s expansion of a polynomial function by usingsynthetic division;利用综合除法把多项式函数Taylor展开

2.The applications ofsynthetic divisions of ascending and reducing power in linear control system升幂与降幂综合除法在线性控制系统中的应用

3.To give a general method on how to find the similitude transformation matrix—matrixsynthetic division.给出了求相似变换矩阵的一种一般方法——矩阵的综合除法。

3)comprehensive control综合防治

1.On the policy ofcomprehensive control of soil erosion and water Loss in China;我国水土流失综合防治政策研究

2.Biological characteristics andcomprehensive control techniques of Camptoloma interiorata;花布灯蛾生物学特性及综合防治技术

3.Ecological environment problems caused by coal producing andcomprehensive control measures in Shendong mining area;神东煤炭开采生态环境问题及综合防治措施

4)comprehensive fire prevention综合防火

1.A series ofcomprehensive fire prevention measures about shield support full negntive pressure vent lating way is used by gob area oxidizing band pressure poured nitrogen,three item foam,full of river sand,float coal spray,stopping agent and retu.大兴煤矿N2-405工作面受火成岩侵入影响煤体变质焦化严重,易自燃发火,通过立项对CO来源及自燃发火参数进行研究,回采期间制定并实施了均压通风、采空区氧化带压注氮气、三项泡沫、充填河砂、浮煤喷洒阻化剂以及回撤过程中采用支撑掩护式全负压通风方法等一系列综合防火措施,取得了最佳防火效果,防止了自燃发火事故发生,保证了工作面安全回采结束。

2.To take reasonablecomprehensive fire prevention measure is the main research object of .在以上分析的基础上得出了适合于金桥矿的综合防灭火措施:从矿井的开采方法、通风系统、顶板管理等环节上都应贯彻和体现防火的要求,再加上专门防火措施,采用灌浆、喷洒阻化剂、注惰性气体等技术,形成综合防火措施。

5)Universal precautions综合预防

6)comprehensive dust prevention综合防尘


