300字范文 > 综合整治 comprehensive control英语短句 例句大全

综合整治 comprehensive control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-14 06:09:33


综合整治 comprehensive control英语短句 例句大全

综合整治,comprehensive control

1)comprehensive control综合整治

1.This paper introduces the connotations of thecomprehensive control planning of county level air pollution,probes into some methods for thecomprehensive control planning of county level air pollution.介绍了县级大气污染综合整治规划的含义,探讨了县级大气污染综合整治规划的方法。

2.According to the succession laws and the ratations of the ecological elements of oasis, the lowest critical value of groundwater level and the supply volume of surface water which deterne the life and death of oasis ,three principles ofcomprehensive control for o.本文在分析额济纳绿洲生态系统历史演变的基础上 ,划分了三个生态演变时期 ,即良性循环期、生态恶化期与生态危机期 ;依据绿洲各生态要素间的依存关系与演变规律 ,提出判定绿洲生死存亡的地表水补给量与地下水水位最低临界值以及对绿洲进行综合整治的三条原则与八项措施。

3.The method and procedure on how to carry outcomprehensive control planning ofurban acoustic environment are discussed.本文论述城市声环境综合整治规划方法和程序,即从城市声环境的质量评价分析、城市噪声污染趋势分析,结合城市总体规划原则。


1.(8) Comprehensive City Renovation(八)环境综合整治

2.III. The Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution and the Comprehensive Improvement of the Urban Environment三、工业污染防治和城市环境综合整治

3.The comprehensive improvement of the urban sewage treatment system and water environment.城市污水处理和水环境综合整治。

4.We should promote marine development and do well in the comprehensive improvement of land and resources.实施海洋开发,搞好国土资源综合整治。

5.Strengthening Comprehensive Administration for Slopping Fields and Increasing Flood protection Capability of the Changjiang River加强坡地综合整治 增强长江防洪能力

6.Study on Water Environment of Shuanglong-Lake after Synthesizing Treatment;双龙湖综合整治后的水环境状况研究

7.Research on Renovation Pattern of Rural Environment in Beijing Mountainous Area;京郊山区农村环境综合整治模式研究

8.Reinforce Comprehensive Improvement Optimize Rural Ecological Emviromnent;加强综合整治 优化农村生态环境


prehensive Treatment of Strip Scrapes on the Recoiling and Splitting Line重卷/剖分机组带钢擦划伤综合整治

11.Discussion on the Model of Mao River Basin Synthetic Renovation and Development茅河小流域综合整治与发展模式探讨

12.Fourth, the prevention and control of pollution is developing toward regional and river valley comprehensive improvement.四是污染防治向区域和流域综合整治发展。

13.Source Abatement & City Integrated Pollution Control by Region各地区污染源限期治理及城市综合整治情况

14.It needs your support and participation to rehabilitate the urban environment.实施城市综合整治需要您的支持和参与。

15.-- Comprehensive improvement of the urban environment and improving the quality of the urban environment.--开展城市环境综合整治,改善城市环境质量。


17.Environment Comprehensive Improvement and Landscaping of Harbin City哈尔滨市环境综合整治与城市园林绿化

18.Systematic Analysis of Environmental Pollution for the Qi River in the Tongchuan City铜川市漆水河水环境污染综合整治研究


comprehensive treatment综合整治

1.The quantitative examination works of urban environmentalcomprehensive treatment in Inner Mongolia from 1996 to 2000 were analyzed fully,the current situation of urban environmental quantitative examination was introduced,and the experiences were summarized,the suggestions were put fowward.本文对 1996 -2 0 0 0年全区城市环境综合整治定量考核工作进行了全面的分析 ,介绍了目前“城考”工作的状况 ,总结了经验 ,对今后的“城考”工作提出了建议。

2.Thecomprehensive treatment and planning of river water environment in Hangzhou rural waterways should be based on the reality in rural areas and development planning,and begin with water environmental functions of rivers.杭州农村河道水环境综合整治规划应立足于农村实际和发展定位,从河道水环境的功能定位着手,以治污为主,以人为本,回归自然,结合工程措施、非工程措施和保障措施,做好河道水环境综合整治和保护工作,使有限的水资源实现优化配置和发挥最大的社会经济与环境生态效益,保障和促进社会主义新农村经济的可持续发展。

3)comprehensive improvement综合整治

1.The history of China′s urban environmental protection is introduced based on the detailed information,the theory of thecomprehensive improvement of urban environment is analysed.本文从我国城市环境的现状出发 ,阐述了我国城市环境保护的历程 ,并在理论分析的基础上 ,提出了我国目前城市综合整治的基本途径。

2.Based on the theory of environmental capacity,thecomprehensive improvement of Wenrui river should emphasize on decreasing the influx of pollution,and with the significant reduction of nutritive material influx,ecological restoration technology could be efficiently applied,it is a reference for improving the water quality of rivers.阐述了温瑞塘河的水质特征、环境容量、现状污染物入河量以及温瑞塘河综合整治现状,指出了要立足于河流环境容量、减少污染物入河量和减少外源性营养物质输入的基础上进行河道水体生态修复可为河道水质治理参考。

3.This thesis introduces briefly the river regulation of Nanjing River in Yangtze River,summa- rizes systematically the engineering fact andcomprehensive improvement of the four key river in Nan- jing River from the 50 years of founding of the People s Republic of China.本文在简述长江南京河段河道演变基本情况的基础上,系统总结了建国50多年以来南京河段四个主要河段、浦口下关河段、梅子洲汊道段、八卦洲汉道段,兴隆洲汊道段的河道演变整治工程的实践及综合整治;介绍了护岸工程的传统技术和新技术的发展;并对长江南京河道整治工作提出建议。

4)integrated renovation综合整治

1.Analysis of water quality of the Qinhuai river valley and the discussion ofintegrated renovation scheme;秦淮河流域水质分析及综合整治方案探讨

2.A strategy study on ecologicalintegrated renovation of Dongchuan region, Yunan Province;云南省东川地区生态综合整治的策略

3.Our countermeasures are to highlight ecological environmentintegrated renovation, viz.对策是重视生态环境综合整治,即生态保护与生态建设同步,环境保护与污染防治同步。

5)comprehensive harnessing综合整治

1.In the recent 10 years of thecomprehensive harnessing of the urban rivers, Shanghai has referred the successful practices of thecomprehensive harnessing of the rivers at home and abroad, discovered the vigorous harnessing experi.上海在近的城市河道综合整治中,借鉴国内外河道综合整治成功的做法,积极地探索整治经验,以点带面,走出了一条城市河道综合整治的成功道路。

2.In Guiyang City, through thecomprehensive harnessing of the urban rivers, the water quality of Nanming River has been improved to make Nanming River present the urban natural and humane landscape of "water becoming clear, bank becoming green and scene becoming beautiful".贵阳市通过对城区河道的综合整治,改善了南明河水质,使得南明河呈现出“水变清、岸变绿、景变美”的城市自然及人文景观,同时在整治过程中依据城市防洪规划要求,在设计、施工中严格执行与实施,提高了贵阳市的城市防洪标准。

6)water environment comprehensive treatment水环境综合整治

1.By cases,this article tries to find methods and measures forwater environment comprehensive treatment plan in such region.本文试图通过实例,探讨这类区域的水环境综合整治规划方法和措施。


