300字范文 > 梅花诗 Poems of plum blossom英语短句 例句大全

梅花诗 Poems of plum blossom英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-23 17:25:00


梅花诗 Poems of plum blossom英语短句 例句大全

梅花诗,Poems of plum blossom

1)Poems of plum blossom梅花诗


1.Yamanoueno Okura s Plum Blossom Poems and Their Aesthetic Themes;欲问寒梅赋诗句 独自赏花度春光——论山上忆良的观梅花诗及其审美意识

2.The Art of Rifacimento and Dramatic Sense of Romantic Drama Poem of Plum Blossom;试论传奇剧《梅花诗》的改编艺术与戏剧观念

3.Plum-blossom -- red, white, green and vermilion -- covered each tree; each tree was a poem in itself.这是梅花,有红梅、白梅、绿梅,还有朱砂梅,一树一树的,每一树梅花都是一树诗。

4.A deer, a deer, the deer is short.梅花鹿,梅花鹿,梅花鹿很

5.When the trees were in full bloom, the emperor would come and enjoy the flowers together with Lady Plum, looking fondly at the trees and composing poems to sing of their beauty, sometimes staying up in the midst of the trees until late into the night.每当梅花盛开时节,玄宗同她一起赏梅赋诗,时至半夜仍流连于梅花丛中。

6.A Comparison between Yuan Zhen s Memorial Poems and Li Shang-Yin s;雪中探梅 雾里看花——元稹、李商隐悼亡诗比较

7.cut-off spotted-deer antler梅花鹿砍茸;梅花鹿两岔砍茸;梅花鹿三岔砍茸

8.Short, short, short, The deer is short.矮,矮,矮,梅花鹿矮。

9.Taking about Mei Flower Spontaneously Relate to Lin Bu--the Tenth Discourse upon Lin Bu and Mei Flower;说着梅花定说君——十论林逋与梅花

10.Pine Breeze,Chrysanthemum Dews,and Snow on Mei Flower--the Ninth Discourse upon Lin Bu and Mei Flower;松风菊露梅花雪——九论林逋与梅花

11.Mei Flower is Lin Bu s Bosom Firend--the Seventh Discourse upon Lin Bu and Mei Flower;一生知己是梅花——七论林逋与梅花

12.The hill where the spotted deer was forced to turn around was then given the name Lu"Hui"Tou or Deer Turning its Head.半岛上,那座梅花鹿回头的山岭,人们给它取了个诗一般的名字: “鹿回头”。

13.The Poems Were Aloof Like Plum--To Review the Potential Effect of Jiang Kui s Narcissism Personality to His Works Aesthetic Style;诗与梅花一样清——试论姜夔的自恋人格对其词作之美学风貌的潜在影响

14.Carrying forward of Mei flower spirit and creating characteristic tourism in Meizhou--Discussion on the development of tourism in Meizhou with theme of Mei flower;弘扬梅花精神,创建梅州特色旅游——发展以梅花为主题的梅州旅游

15.Of, relating to, or forming a quincunx.梅花形的五点排列成的梅花状的,与之有关的或形成梅花状的

16.Explaining Poem and Ritual--The Illumination of “Dropping Are the Fruits from the Plum-tree” in “the Book of Poetry”;解诗与解礼——关于《诗经·摽有梅》的阐释

17.Below was a plum tree grove with branches in full flower.这是一片梅林,红白两种梅花开得正繁。

18.Having no Wife and Son but Having Descendant--the Sixth Discourse upon Lin Bu and Mei Flower;妻梅子鹤得传人——六论林逋与梅花


Collection of Plum Blossom and Its Preface"《梅花诗并序》

3)plum chanting poems梅诗

1.Theplum chanting poems sprang up from the Six Dynasties, matured in Tang Dynasty, and peaked in Song Dynasty.六朝是咏梅诗的初兴期,唐朝是咏梅诗的成熟期,宋朝则是咏梅诗的巅峰期。

4)Prunus mume梅花

1.Micro-propagation ofPrunus mume cultivars for different groups in vitro.;不同种系梅花品种组织培养繁殖研究

2.Investigation on pollen grain quantity and pollen in vitro germination characteristics inPrunus mume;梅花花粉量及离体萌发特性研究

5)Mei Flower梅花

1.Analysis of Chinese Mei flower with prominent position in the world;关于中国梅花走向世界的优势分析

2.Preliminary study on the characteristics and cultivation of Mei flower cultivars for both blossoms and fruits in Wuhan Mei Garden;武汉梅园花果兼用梅花品种性状表现及栽培初探

6)plum blossom梅花

1.Plum blossom tree modeling andplum blossom forest landscape simulation梅花树建模与梅花林景观模拟

2.Theplum blossom resources in Shangfeng Huaguo Mountain area in Shexian County are extremely rich;for example,the ancient plums above 300 years are more than 500.歙县上丰花果山的梅花资源十分丰富,仅300年以上的古梅树就有500余株。

3.This paper mainly analyzes the similarities and differences of flower culture in Japan and China and comparesplum blossom in China and cherry blossom in Japan t.本文通过对中日花文化以及中国的梅花与日本的樱花的比较,揭示中日两国的文化差异及国民性差异。


