300字范文 > 咏梅 the ode to the plum blossom英语短句 例句大全

咏梅 the ode to the plum blossom英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-28 12:29:01


咏梅 the ode to the plum blossom英语短句 例句大全

咏梅,the ode to the plum blossom

1)the ode to the plum blossom咏梅

1.Personification is the most useful figurative speech inthe ode to the plum blossom.“拟人”是咏梅最基本的描写手法。


1.On Personality Complex and Fortune Intone of Li Qing-zhao s Poems in Singing of Plum Blossom;论李清照咏梅词的人格情结与命运咏叹

2.Chanting things, expressing feelings and the Yimin s spirit-- the poet, Yuan Yimin s words chanting the plum;咏物、抒情与遗民情绪——元遗民诗人的咏梅话语

3.An Analysis between the Peony Poems of Tang Dynasty and the Plum Blossom Poems of Song Dynasty;“清香合让梅为最,阳艳丛中许牡丹”——唐咏牡丹诗与宋咏梅诗的比较

4.Analytic studies on singing and appreciating Mei flowers by ancient Chinese scholars;中国古代文人咏梅赏梅审美趣味的分析研究

5.The Full Embodiment of Su Shi s Disposition in His Chant Poems of Plum Blossoms;梅格即人格 契合两无间——谈苏轼的咏梅词

6.More Than Flowers--An Analysis of Li Oingzhao s Ci about plum;此花不与群花比——试论李清照的咏梅词

7.Beauties and Hermits --The Evolution of Two Metaphors in the Ode to the Plum Blossom;“美人”与“高士”——两个咏梅拟象的递变

8.“Bu Suanzi·Yong Mei”:Aged Mao Ze-dong s Probe into Ideal Personality;《卜算子·咏梅》:毛泽东晚年对理想人格的探索

9.Xia majored in Guzheng performance at Nanjing Normal University under Guzheng virtuoso, Professor Yan Ai Hua.进入南京师范大学后随著名演奏家阎爱华、涂咏梅教授主修古筝。

10.Appreciation of Various Versions,Analysis of Different Meanings--A Contrastive Analysis of English Versions of Mao Zedong′s Ode to the Plum Blossom;译文共欣赏,异义相与析——试析毛泽东《咏梅》的四种英译文

11.On Lin Bu s Plum Poems to the Contribution of Literature;总被西湖林处士,不肯分留风月——林逋咏梅绝唱的文学贡献

12.Life Bitterness of Fruitless True Love:An Opinion of Huang Yongmei s Short Story of Gou Jian Da Bei;真爱无告的生命痛楚——读黄咏梅短篇小说《勾肩搭背》

13.“The Idiot Doesn t Seek To Know That the Idiot Is More Unique;Thousands and Thousands of Bead Tears Shed from a Snow-covered Branch”--A Discussion About the Companionship Between Kuang Zhou-yi and Mei Lan-fang and the Ci Poems of Plum Phrases;痴不求知痴更绝 万千珠泪一琼枝——论况周颐与梅兰芳的交往及其咏梅词

14.The Relational Analysis on the Regional Educational Competence and Regional Economic Competence in China;中国区域教育竞争力与区域经济竞争力的关联分析——兼复胡咏梅教授等

15.On "Plum Park",the First Anthology of Tunes of Chanting Objects in Ancient China试论我国古代第一部专题咏物词选《梅苑》

16.From"Legitimate"Ode to History to"Deviated"Ode to History---Also on the Causes for Ode Poems to History;从“正体”咏史到“变体”咏史——兼论咏史诗产生原因

17.A Simple Comparison between Zuo Si s Singing of Historical Personages and Tao Yuanming s Singing of the Poor Scholars;组诗浅比——论左思《咏史》与陶渊明《咏贫士》

18.The Energence and Development of Ruan Ji s Poems of One s Heart and Poems Oding to History;阮籍《咏怀诗》与咏怀诗的产生和发展


Ten Chants at Meixi梅溪十咏

1.Yelu Chucai andTen Chants at Meixi;耶律楚材与《梅溪十咏》

3)Huang Yongmei黄咏梅

1.Life Bitterness of Fruitless True Love:An Opinion ofHuang Yongmei s Short Story of Gou Jian Da Bei;真爱无告的生命痛楚——读黄咏梅短篇小说《勾肩搭背》

4)Yongmei Village咏梅山庄

1.On the Construction of Landscape in Eco-residential Area:A Case Study onYongmei Village in Yadong,Nanjing City;生态住宅区园林建设初步研究——以南京亚东咏梅山庄为例

5)Ci poems on plum咏梅词

1.Plum is an important image of Ci poems on objects in the Song Dynasty,theCi poems on plum in the Song Dynasty have distinct and unique characteristics.梅是宋代咏物词的重要题材,宋代咏梅词在咏物词中自成一体、独具特色。

6)Yongmei poem咏梅诗

1.Mei Yaochen,"the founder" of the song poems,wrote a great deal ofYongmei poems,By analyzing hisYongmei poems,we can know the development situation and the tendency ofYongmei poems in initial period of the Northern Song Dynasty.宋代是咏梅诗的高峰期,梅花自宋以后,文人对其认识发生了变化,审美意趣得到深度的开拓发展。


