300字范文 > 开阳县十里画廊 ten-mile decorated corridor in Kaiyang County英语短句 例句大全

开阳县十里画廊 ten-mile decorated corridor in Kaiyang County英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-07 20:30:10


开阳县十里画廊 ten-mile decorated corridor in Kaiyang County英语短句 例句大全

开阳县十里画廊,ten-mile decorated corridor in Kaiyang County

1)ten-mile decorated corridor in Kaiyang County开阳县十里画廊


1.Discussion on the Afforestation Plan of "Ten-mile Decorated Corridor" Village Tourist Area in Kaiyang County of Guizhou Province开阳县十里画廊乡村旅游区绿化规划探析

2.To be on display, as in a gallery.被展示,如在画廊里

3.What time does the gallery open?画廊什么时候开放?

4.The pictures there were all about mediaeval art.画廊里的画都是关于中古时期艺术。

5.An Semiotic Trilogy, Sunbow Art Gallery, Shanghai, .绘画记号学三部曲>上海,太阳虹画廊,。

6.An avant-garde exhibit is on display at the art gallery.(在画廊里展出现代化的艺术品。)

7.The host is a famous art critic named Wuliang. 15 exhibitions have been held since its opening and these exhibitions create no small stir in art and press circles.顶层画廊开幕至今已做了十五个展览,这些展览在艺术界和新闻界引起了不小的反响。

8.The visitors were in raptures when they saw the pictures on display at the New Gallery.参观者看到新画廊里展出的画时高兴极了。

9.A new art gallery will open next week, would you like to go?有一家新画廊下周开业,你想去看看吗?

10.The Black Figure Salon--analysis of the figures in Catch-22;黑色的人物画廊——《第二十二条军规》人物评析

11.Margaret and Timothy are at the art gallery. They are looking at the exhibits.玛格丽特和提摩西在画廊里。他们正在观赏展览。

12.The county town is a hundred li or so away from here.县城离这有百儿八十里。

13.She went back down the passage and out on to the front verandah.她走回走廊里,然后又坐到前面的阳台上。

14.The new face was like a new picture introduced to the gallery of memory.这张新的脸,仿佛是陈列在记忆的画廊里的一幅新的画。

15.He has an eye for paintings, as the fine specimens in his gallery show.从他画廊里展出的样品,可以看出他对绘画很有鉴赏力。

16.There is a VIP lounge inside the gallery and a café outside, for visitors to take a rest and communicate.画廊内设有VIP休息室,画廊外设有咖啡厅,访客在参观之余可以在这里休息并进行交流沟通。

17.for they had stood in the vestibule sucking their cane-heads,开始都站在门廊里,嘬着自己的手指头,

18.He got up and opened his office door and stood in the doorway.他站起身,打开房门,站在走廊里。


Ten-mile Gallery十里画廊

1.Rebuilding program ofTen-mile Gallery in Zhangjiajie;张家界十里画廊景点改造设计

3)Freer Gallery of Art弗里尔画廊

4)Kaiyang County开阳县

1.The research of the farmland protection based on the food security——A case study ofKaiyang County Guizhou Province基于粮食安全的耕地保护研究——以贵州省开阳县为例

2.This paper achieves an overall evaluation on the rocky desertification sensitivity ofKaiyang County in Guizhou Province,by utilizing GIS and RS technologies to conduct spatial overlaying analysis of raster data with 6 indexes integrated,namely,lithology,slope,photosynthetic vegetation(Pv),land using type,soil erosion degree,and population density.在GIS和RS技术支持下,基于栅格数据的空间叠加分析,以岩性、坡率、植被覆盖率、土地利用、水土流失和人口密度6项指标对贵州省开阳县石漠化敏感性进行综合评价,结果表明:贵州省开阳县石漠化敏感区以轻度和中度敏感区为主,对比开阳县石漠化遥感解译图,具有一致性,说明本研究方法的科学性和适用性,同时为开阳县石漠化综合防治、生态环境保护建设提供了科学依据。


1.The Analysis of the Gallery s Space Feature in Shanghai and the Mechanism of It;上海市区画廊的空间格局及其演变机制研究

2.I will comparegallery operations by Peggy with our nowadays’galleries’in the second appendix which is named as“Gallery operations’mode by Peggy illuminate to nowadays’galleries in our country”, trying to find the limitations and the factors what beget it in our galleries, and will give them my some suggestions about it, as the supplement about the main body of this paper.通过佩吉·古根海姆的画廊运作方式对抽象表现主义艺术作品的推广,从而促成其形成这一实例着手研究,以画廊作为中介机构的角度出发梳理全文脉络,一方面介绍画廊面对艺术界人士的运作管理,另一方面是阐述面对公众部分的运作经营,从这两方面展开分析进而找出在佩吉的案例中对当代画廊运作模式的可鉴之处。

6)art gallery画廊


开阳1.北斗七星的第六星。 2.东汉时洛阳城门名。
