300字范文 > 开阳 Kaiyang英语短句 例句大全

开阳 Kaiyang英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-27 16:05:49


开阳 Kaiyang英语短句 例句大全



1.Mine Exploitation and Environment Synthetic Treatment at YangshuiField inKaiyang Phosphorite of Guizhou;开阳磷矿洋水矿区矿山开采与环境综合治理

2.Investigation and analysis of the source of water and water quality ofKaiyang county;开阳县水源水质调查与分析

3.A preliminary survey of the traditional Chinese herbal drugsin the Nanjiang gorge park ofKaiyang;开阳南江峡谷公园主要药用植物初报


1.keep off the sun避免太阳晒,避开阳光

2.She shaded her eyes from the sun.她遮着眼睛,以避开阳光。

3.The Dilemma and Path of "Urban Village" Transformation in Kaiyang County of Guiyang City“城中村”改造的困境与出路——以贵阳市开阳县为例

4.A photon leaving the sun will be "retarded" by the sun"s gravity.离开太阳的光子因受太阳引力而“减速”。

5.The sun began to thaw the ground out.阳光已开始使地面解冻。

6.Ougon no Taiyo (Golden Sun)黄金的太阳-开启的封印

7.The clouds parted and the sun shone.云层散开,太阳照耀着。

8.The clouds broke and the sun came out.云一散开, 太阳就出来了.

9.The petals of the flowers expanded in the sunshine.花瓣在阳光下张开了.

10.The flowers opened out as the sun rose.太阳升起时花开了。

11.en-loop domestic water heater民用开环太阳能热水器

12.open prebaked anode type cell敞开式预焙阳极电解槽

13.Leaving the brilliant sunshine,离开了明媚的阳光,

14.The snow began to melt when the sun came out.太阳出来时,雪开始融化。

15.An Evaluation in Project Development at the Initial Stage of Jinyang New District of Guiyang;贵阳市金阳新区初期开发规划建设评析

16.Make full use of our country s solar energy resource,develop solar energy photovoltaic industry;充分利用我国太阳能资源,开发太阳能光伏产业

17.The Anlasis on Strategy of "an Auspicious Beginning of a New Years" for the Powerful Cultural Tourism City of Anyang.安阳市“三阳开泰”文化旅游强市战略分析

18.So, Chinese people always say: "Three yangs bring bliss" or "three yangs meet bliss", as blessing words at the beginning of a year.后来人们一直用“三阳开泰”、“三阳交泰”作为一年开头的吉祥语。


Kaiyang region of Guizhou Province贵州开阳

3)Kaiyang and Zhijin开阳-织金

4)opening and closing of yin and yang阴阳开合

1.The second impetus occurred whenopening and closing of yin and yang appeared after Big Bang.第二推动力是在宇宙大爆炸后出现阴阳开合之时发生的,它既是为了抵御第一推动力的递减应运而生,又为宇宙间产生生命而提供了前提条件。

5)slotted anode开槽阳极

6)Kaiyang Phosphate Mine开阳磷矿

1.Based on the in-situ conditions of the ore body under Jinyang Road ofKaiyang Phosphate Mine, the relevant technology for retreating the ore body for protecting the road was investigated.论文结合开阳磷矿金阳公路压矿的具体情况,对公路下的保安矿柱开采技术进行研究。


开阳1.北斗七星的第六星。 2.东汉时洛阳城门名。
