300字范文 > 政治领袖 political leaders英语短句 例句大全

政治领袖 political leaders英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-05 08:40:44


政治领袖 political leaders英语短句 例句大全

政治领袖,political leaders

1)political leaders政治领袖

1.Through probing and ana-lyzing the power ofpolitical leaders and the mass in Athenian democracy,this dissertation demonstrates that the Athenian demo-cratic power is shared by the mass and thepolitical leaders and they co-rule in Athenian democracy.本文通过对雅典民主政治中政治领袖与民众权力的考察和分析,得出结论:雅典民主政治既非"民众的统治",也不是"贵族和富人或者奴隶主阶级的寡头统治",而是民众与政治领袖的共治,民主政治权力为民众和政治领袖所共享。


1.Some political and others religious.有些是政治领袖,有些是宗教领袖。

2.* Political will and example of political leaders*政治领袖的政治意志和以身作则;

3.Atlantic Association of Young Political Leaders大西洋青年政治领袖协会

4.personality cult(excessive admiration of a famous person,esp a political leader)(对名人的)个人崇拜(尤指对政治领袖的).

5.He was at the end of his rope as a political leader.作为一位政治领袖,他已是智穷才尽了。

6.The Study on the Regional Distribution of Political Leader in the Late Qing Dynasty(1840-1912);晚清(1840-19)政治领袖区域分布研究

7.Political Leaders and American Policies in the Second Berlin Crisis;政治领袖与美国的第二次柏林危机政策

8.Political leaders should stay out of the way of market forces and let them work.政治领袖应该放任市场自行消长,不要干预。

9.He is the brother of Clinton J. Sharrett, political leader on Staten Island.他是斯塔登岛的政治领袖克林顿·夏勒特的兄弟。

10.For a political leader, hesitation is apt to connote weakness.对一个政治领袖而言,犹豫含有软弱之意

11.A Review of Abraham Josevich Kaufman,the Political Leader of Harbin Jews;哈尔滨犹太人政治领袖亚伯拉罕·考夫曼评述

12."To succeed in eliminating corruption, an established system and the resolve of political leaders are Both necessary."要成功肃贪,必须要有确立的制度和政治领袖的政治决心,缺一不可。

13.A Historical Study of the Political Relations across the Taiwan Strait in Contemporary China:A Case Study of the Political Leaders Mind;当代中国海峡两岸政治关系的历史透视——政治领袖心态的案例分析

14.Your job, as political leaders, is to encourage such initiatives.作为政治领袖,你们的工作就是要鼓励这种能动力。

15.Singaporeans who witness all these often exclaim: "Luckily our leaders are different!这常令人发出惊叹:"还好我们的政治领袖不是这样的!

16.Leaders may not learn of a launch until they look out their window and see a blinding flash of light.政治领袖也许直到看见窗外眩目的强光,才知道遭到核弹攻击了。

17.He is a writer, a poet and an orator, but above all, he is an outstanding political leader .他是位作家、诗人和演说家,但最重要的是,他是一位杰出的政治领袖。

18.The domination of a political organization by a boss.领袖控制首领对政治组织的控制


political leader政治领袖

1.To start from the study of the concepts ofpolitical leaders from Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, Legalism in the pre-Qin period, this paper analyzes the blind spot of various concepts ofpolitical leaders as well as the corresponding characteristics of all schools of Legalism.本文从考察先秦时期儒、道、墨、法各家政治领袖观入手,分析了各家政治领袖观的盲点和法家各个流派政治领袖观的特点,在系统论述韩非对先秦法家各流派政治领袖观继承与超越的基础上,从“天、民、君、臣”等视角全面论述了《韩非子》中政治角色转换视角下的政治领袖心理特征,进而揭示了《韩非子》中政治领袖心理变化的特征实质上是政治心理学中政治人物心理变化与“角色转换”之间内在联系的具体体现。

2.Apolitical leader,the president of a country,or the head of a political organization,or the advocator or organizer of a political activity,plays a very important role in acquiring and maintaining political authority and in making policy.政治领袖是在政治权力的获取、运作与维护的过程中起重要领导作用的人,他们(她们)既可以是国家元首或政府首脑,也可以是特定政治组织的领导者,或者是对某一特定的政治发展过程起重要作用并影响其政治后果的政治参与者、倡导者、组织者与决策者。

3)Party Leader政党领袖

1.On British Parties Decision-making Mechanism——Analysis of the effect of British Think Tank, Pressure Group andParty Leader on British Social Policy;英国两大政党的决策机制分析——思想库、压力集团和政党领袖对社会政策的影响

4)political thought of the leaders of ancient Chinesepeasant revolts中国古代农民战争领袖政治思想

5)political leadership政治领导

1.And the best and the most realistically way of the construction of missile proliferation governance regime is strengtheningpolitical leadership.加强机制谈判中的政治领导是走出导弹扩散治理机制成长困境的有效方法,也是最现实的出路。

6)political guidance政治引领

1.Betterpolitical guidance to non-CCP intelligentsia has far-reaching significance in the new universities,for it not only meets the objective requirement of the united front work in the new century,but also the requirement to effectively promote tasks such as teaching,academic rese.文章分析了新建本科院校党外知识分子的现状,并提出了加强政治引领的具体对策。


