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领袖 leader英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-28 17:59:49


领袖 leader英语短句 例句大全



1.Mao Ze-dong, the greatleader of Chinese revolution, was the choice of history, because his personal virtues (subjective qualifications) corresponded with the characteristics of Chinese revolution.毛泽东成为中国革命的伟大领袖,是历史选择的结果。

2.For the good running of organization, the appearance ofleader is necessary.“组织意味着寡头统治”,这一极具挑战性的论点是罗伯特·米歇尔斯寡头统治思想的核心所在,组织是大众为实现自己目的所采用的手段,为了使组织良好运转,领袖的产生成为必要。

3.As a widely existing social phenomenon,leader worship has such characteristics as universality, complexity and repeatability.领袖崇拜无论在东方还是在西方对历史发展都产生过重要影响。


1."where leaders are made, not born"领袖的摇篮(标语)

2.group centered leader团体中心领袖 团体中心领袖

3.Some political and others religious.有些是政治领袖,有些是宗教领袖。

4.The leader of a group or movement.领袖一个团队或运动的领袖

5.You are all leaders of faith.各位是“广宣流布的领袖”,是“信心的领袖”。

6.The award for the brightest leader...明日的光辉领袖奖...

7.Award Ceremony for Women Leaders向妇女领袖颁奖仪式

8.She determined to be loyal to her leader.她决定忠于她的领袖。

9.He is worthy to take the lead.他是配当领袖的人。

10.a series of brilliant leaders一个接一个的杰出领袖

11.The leader must be a person of authority.领袖必须是有权威的人.

12.He imposed himself as leader of the workers他自称为工人们的领袖。

13.He was preordained to be our leader.他注定要当我们的领袖。

14.Lord President of the Privy council and Leader of the House of Commons枢密院长兼下院领袖

15.The leaders of the two countries decided to make peace with each other.两国的领袖决定议和。

16.(C)a religious leader in India(C)印度的一位宗教领袖;

17.Bryan remained titular head of the party.布赖恩仍是挂名领袖。

18.He aspired to become their leader.他希望做他们的领袖。



1.On biographic works of contemporaryleaders;略论当代领袖传记文学的创作

2.The paper discusses the driving mechanism of Marxism development from aspects of human practical activity,the diversity of backgrounds,characteristics,requirements and the themes at different historical phases in human society development,the inherent theoretical characters of Marxism,the consciousness and innovative spirit of Marxist parties and their politicalleaders on constructing theories.从人类实践活动、人类社会发展不同历史阶段时代背景、时代特征、时代要求和时代主题的差异性、马克思主义自身的理论品质、马克思主义政党及其政治领袖们关于理论建设的自觉性和创新精神等几个方面论述了马克思主义发展的动力机制。



5)opinion leader意见领袖

1.The Opinion Leader:the Important Variable in the Process of Propagating the Public Policy in Present Rural Area of China;意见领袖:现阶段农村公共政策宣传的重要变量

2.The innovation of this part is to apply the "opinion leader" theory of the "two grades mode of communication" to demonstrate t.用两级传播模式中的"意见领袖"理论阐释了明初小说提倡者的特殊身份以及他们的态度对小说传播的积极影响;勾勒出了明初小说传播的轮廓,用传播学的理论解释了明初小说为什么被禁以及为什么不堪一禁。

3.Then we validate its characteristics of small world networks and successfully find out theopinion leaders in on-line community based on small-world network.将论坛中帖子间的回复关系映射为发帖者之间的关联关系,构造出一个社群网络,并采用了统计物理学中的方法对这个复杂网络进行了特征分析,验证了其具有小世界网络的特征,并对基于小世界网络在线论坛中意见领袖的发现进行了研究,找出了论坛中的意见领袖并验证了其正确性,为进一步研究复杂网络中的人物行为奠定了基础。

6)Leadership Competence领袖才能


