300字范文 > 电视报道 TV Reporting英语短句 例句大全

电视报道 TV Reporting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-10 00:39:50


电视报道 TV Reporting英语短句 例句大全

电视报道,TV Reporting

1)TV Reporting电视报道

1.TV Reporting of Emergent Issuses:A Case Study of the Wenchuan Earthquake;论突发事件的电视传播——以汶川特大地震前期电视报道为例


1.someone who reports news stories via television.通过电视报道新闻的人。

2.There"s TV coverage of the NBA tournament.有个NBA联赛的电视报道。

3.sports coverage on TV电视上的体育新闻报道

4.The Study of the Television Sports Report and the Sports Journalists;电视体育报道与电视体育传播人初探

5.On the Civilian Perspective in TV News Report论电视新闻报道中的“平民化”视角

6.Live Report: An Importance Means in TV Coverage of Social News;现场报道是电视社会新闻报道的重要手段

7.The Advantage arid the rt of TV News Live Broadcasting电视新闻现场报道的传播优势与报道艺术

8.Study on the Olympic Reporting of the Satellite Channel of Beijing Television Station during Beijing Olympic Games北京电视台卫视频道奥运会报道研究

9.It was reported by Suzhou TV station and Jiangsu TV station.苏州电视台,江苏省电视台相继做了报道。

10.They had a reporter on the scene who was covering the event live.电视台派了一位记者去现场报道。

11.The Prime Minister, speaking on television, denied the reports .首相在电视讲话中否认这些报道。

12.The election was given ample coverage on TV.电视上对选举作了广泛的报道.

13.I don"t know. You may look in the TV Guide.我不知道,你可以看看《电视报》。

14.an all night television special on the election电视上整夜的选举专题报道

15.The television show was cut off by a special new report电视节目被一条别特新闻报道打断了。

16.The News Report has always been my favorite TV program.新闻报道,一直是我最喜爱的电视节目。

17.The Development and Extension of Investigative Reporting in China;电视调查性报道在中国的发展与延伸

18.Width and Depth Research about TV In-depth Reporting in SMG;SMG电视新闻深度报道的广度、深度研究


enterprise TV report企业电视报道

1.In light of the features ofenterprise TV report,the paper gives a penetrating analysis of what should be paid attention to enterprise TV written manuscript and how to prepare them for TV broadcast.结合企业电视报道的特点,提出了对企业电视新闻文字稿件的认识;比较深入地分析了企业电视报道文字稿件写作的具体注意事项及如何将报纸稿件修改成适合电视播报的稿件。

3)TV news report电视新闻报道

bined the point view of the audience and the media,through the research of the secret measure on the TV report,this article give an analysis on the characters,the principle,and the forbidden zone of the secret interview,and some mistake of theTV news report.针对媒体上越来越多的偷拍和暗访现象,本文从受众和媒体两个方面,通过对电视新闻报道中所采用隐性采访手段的研究,对隐性采访及其特点、应遵循的原则和隐性采访的禁区,以及在电视新闻报道中应防止的误区等方面进行分析和探讨。

4)the TV reports resources电视报道资源

1.With the enlargement of the production scale of the TV programme,the TV reports resources have become lessand less.电视创作中存在着一个生态环境,在这个环境中,编导、记者通过采访活动获得素材信息即电视报道资源。

5)TV report planning电视报道策划

6)live television reporting电视现场报道

1.The presentlive television reporting employs three forms: 1) reporting from the subjective angle; 2) reporting from the objective angle; 3) combination of the two.电视现场报道是社会人群求新求真和认识多元化的产物。


《美国新闻与世界报道》美国综合性报道和评论的英文周刊。1948年由《美国新闻》和《世界报道》两种杂志合并而成。创办人D.劳伦斯。在华盛顿出版。原属美国新闻与世界报道出版公司,1984年为波士顿地产商兼出版商 M.朱克曼所有。它是美国仅次于《时代》周刊和《新闻周刊》的第3大新闻杂志。除着重报道国际国内新闻外,侧重政治、经济、军事方面的报道,关于军事力量和战略动向的报道、分析,颇受各方重视。内容较严肃,注重专题评述。在世界许多城市设有办事处。期发行量207万份(1986)。
