300字范文 > 电视新闻报道 TV news report英语短句 例句大全

电视新闻报道 TV news report英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-15 10:54:49


电视新闻报道 TV news report英语短句 例句大全

电视新闻报道,TV news report

1)TV news report电视新闻报道

bined the point view of the audience and the media,through the research of the secret measure on the TV report,this article give an analysis on the characters,the principle,and the forbidden zone of the secret interview,and some mistake of theTV news report.针对媒体上越来越多的偷拍和暗访现象,本文从受众和媒体两个方面,通过对电视新闻报道中所采用隐性采访手段的研究,对隐性采访及其特点、应遵循的原则和隐性采访的禁区,以及在电视新闻报道中应防止的误区等方面进行分析和探讨。


1.On the Civilian Perspective in TV News Report论电视新闻报道中的“平民化”视角

2.Corresponding Voice--an Important Element in TV News Report;同期声:电视新闻报道中的重要元素

3.On the Communication Adventages of Nowarday"s TV News Writing from the Angle of TV News Coverage从电视新闻报道看当今电视新闻写作的传播优势

4.Thoughts on the TV News Report in Ethnic Area of Western China;对西部民族地区电视新闻报道创新的思考

5.someone who reports news stories via television.通过电视报道新闻的人。

6.sports coverage on TV电视上的体育新闻报道

7.The television show was cut off by a special new report电视节目被一条别特新闻报道打断了。

8.The News Report has always been my favorite TV program.新闻报道,一直是我最喜爱的电视节目。

9.Width and Depth Research about TV In-depth Reporting in SMG;SMG电视新闻深度报道的广度、深度研究

10.Spot Broadcasting on TV and the Ability of Oral Expression;电视新闻现场报道与记者的口语能力

11.Live Report: An Importance Means in TV Coverage of Social News;现场报道是电视社会新闻报道的重要手段

12.The Advantage arid the rt of TV News Live Broadcasting电视新闻现场报道的传播优势与报道艺术

13.She is always in the news, ie Her doings are regularly reported in the newspapers, on TV, etc.她一向是新闻人物(报纸、 电视等经常报道她的事).

14.The associated press security exclusive right to the video from the London Sunday Times.电视安全报道伦敦星期泰晤士报的独家新闻。

15.The collecting, writing, editing, and presentation of news or news articles in newspapers and magazines and in radio and television broadcasts.新闻工作报刊杂志及广播电视报道中新闻或新闻文章的收集、撰写、编辑、及报道

16.The Practice of Jiangsu Sports TV Channel in News Report of the 10th National Games;江苏电视台体育频道十运会新闻报道实践

17.Research of the Depth Report in Program‘On-time Report’of CCTV News Channel;唱好电视新闻节目的“重头戏”——央视新闻频道整点新闻之深度报道研究

18.UN in Action/CNN World Report联合国在行动中/有线电视新闻网世界报道


TV conference news report电视会议新闻报道

1.TV conference news report plays an import part in disseminating the country s general and specific policies, organizing and impeling the work, supervising the society, agitating and driving.电视会议新闻报道具有传播党和国家方针政策、组织领导与推动工作、社会监督、鼓动激励的重要功能。

3)TV program of in-depth news reporting电视新闻深度报道

1.This thesis is meant to focus on such kind ofTV program of in-depth news reporting.新世纪以来,以深度和广度见长的电视新闻深度报道节目,在节目内容和节目形式上都有了很大的发展。

4)Television News Broadcast电视新闻播报

5)TV news channel电视新闻频道

1.AnTV news channel is the professional TV channel that broadcasts 24-hour news programs every day and is possessed of news attribute.电视新闻频道是指全天24小时播出新闻节目和具有新闻属性节目的专业电视频道。

6)news report新闻报道

1.Dilemma of Contemporary Television News Reporting;当代电视新闻报道的困境

2.On the Appeal to Humanism in News Report;新闻报道中的人道主义诉求

3.Analysis of narrative perspectives innews report;新闻报道的叙事视角分析


