300字范文 > 淮河中游 mid-reach of Huaihe River英语短句 例句大全

淮河中游 mid-reach of Huaihe River英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-30 14:01:37


淮河中游 mid-reach of Huaihe River英语短句 例句大全

淮河中游,mid-reach of Huaihe River

1)mid-reach of Huaihe River淮河中游

1.Analysis on longitudinal profile evolution ofmid-reach of Huaihe River from Honghekou to Fushan淮河中游洪河口至浮山河段纵剖面演变分析


1.Analysis on longitudinal profile evolution of mid-reach of Huaihe River from Honghekou to Fushan淮河中游洪河口至浮山河段纵剖面演变分析

2.Union dispatch model for water quality and quantity in the middle reaches in Huaihe river淮河中游水量水质联合调度模型研究

3.Study on PAHs from the Heavy Chemical Accumulation Area in the Main Stream of the Middle Reaches of Huaihe River淮河中游重化工聚集区干流水体中多环芳烃研究

4.Analysis on Erosion and Deposition of the Middel Reach of Huihe River from Bengbuzha to Laozishan by Using Sectional Method淮河中游蚌埠闸至老子山段断面法冲淤变化分析

5.Study on Pollution Characteristics of PAHs in Sediments from the Middle and Lower Reaches of Huaihe River;淮河中下游底泥多环芳烃污染性状研究

6.Railroads and the social flux in the middle and lower reaches of Huai river region (1908 -1937);铁路与淮河流域中下游地区社会变迁(1908-1937)

7.Distribution Characteristics of Heavy Metals in Sediments from the Middle and Lower Reaches of Huaihe River;淮河中下游河道沉积物重金属元素分布特征研究

8.Distribution and Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mussels from the Middle and Lower Main Stream of Huaihe River淮河中下游干流贝类体中多环芳烃的分布及风险评价(摘要)(英文)

9.The Flood of Huai River in 1950 and the Measures that New Chinese Government Took to Hardness it;1950年淮河流域水灾与新中国初步治淮

10.Analyzing the Water Environment of Tourism Development in the Huaihe River Valley淮河流域旅游业发展的水环境分析

11.Design of the Huaiyin District Sports&Fitness Center of Huaian运河波涛——淮安市淮阴区体育健身中心设计

12.Market Appeal--The Application of Bearing Capacity Matrix in Tourism Development of Urban Historic Areas--Taking Nanjing Inner Qinhuai River Historic Area as A Case;城市历史地段旅游开发中吸引力—承载力矩阵的应用——以南京内秦淮河历史地段为例

13.Holocene aeolian loess and pedogenic environmental change in the upper-reaches of the Huaihe River;淮河上游全新世风成黄土与成壤环境变化研究

14.Source of the Holocene Aeolian Loess-Soil in the Upper Reaches of the Huaihe River;淮河上游全新世风成黄土—土壤物质来源研究

15.Study on Dynamic Change of Landscape Pattern in Upstream Mountain Area of Huaihe Basin淮河流域上游山丘区景观格局动态变化研究

16.Application of Hinge Concrete Sinking Platoon to Waterway Regulation Engineering from Huaibin to Sanhejian in Huaihe River淮河淮滨—三河尖航道整治中混凝土铰链排的应用研究

17.The Huaihe is the actual demarcation line between northern and southern China.中国真正的南北界线是淮河,

18.On the Dividing Line Founction of the Huaihe River for the South and the North in Ancient China;论淮河在中国古代南北方的分界地位


the middle and lower reaches of Huai river region淮河中下游地区

3)middle and upland Huaihe river watershed淮河流域中上游

1.APEX model was tested and used to compare benefits of different land management measures in three experimental plots in themiddle and upland Huaihe river watershed.探讨了APEX(Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender)模型在淮河流域中上游的适宜性。

4)upper reaches of Huaihe River淮河上游

1.Calculation of ecological water demand inupper reaches of Huaihe River淮河上游生态需水量计算分析

2.Theupper reaches of Huaihe River is the area where flood - waterlogging and drought disasters take place frequently.淮河上游修建了大量的水库,收到了显著成效,但在特大暴雨出现年份,由于全力泄洪或溃坝提高了洪峰流量。

3.Based on the land use maps of the study region during 3 different periods(the 1980s,the 1990s and the 2000s),the influence of land use change on the runoff generation in theupper reaches of Huaihe River basin(upstream of Xixian hydrological station) was simulated and analyzed.以淮河上游息县水文站以上为研究区域,基于研究区域3期(20世纪80年代2、0世纪90年代、2000年以后)土地利用图模拟分析土地利用变化对流域产水的影响。

5)Huaihe River downriver淮河下游

6)Upper reaches of the Huaihe River淮河上游

1.Analysis to the experiment results of the magnetic susceptibility and the grain size of loess-soil profile in the Holocene in Xinzheng City,the source of loess-soil in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River is revealed.通过对淮河上游地区河南新郑全新世黄土—古土壤剖面磁化率和粒度的测量分析,揭示了淮河上游地区沙质黄土和古土壤的物质来源。


长江中下游平原自然资源长江中下游平原自然资源natural resources of Changjiang zhongxiayou plainehangiiang zhongxiayou Pingyuan ziran ziyuan长江中下游平原自然资源(natural resou职esofChan却ang而d山e一助wer plain)长江中下游平原位于黄淮海平原以东,江南与东南沿海山地丘陵以北,长江三峡以东地区。主要由长江及其两岸支流冲积而成,包括江汉平原、洞庭湖平原、都阳湖平原、皖中沿江平原、里下河平原及长江三角洲平原,大部分地区海拔低于50米,面积约20万平方千米。全区位于亚热带范围,年均温14~18℃,1月均温O~5.5℃,7月均温27~28℃;年降水量1(XX)~1500毫米,比华北平原多1~2倍,季节分配较均匀;无霜期Zro~270天,〕ro℃积温达45(X)、5以叉)℃。作物可一年两熟,长江以南可发展双季稻连作的三熟制。土层深厚,有机质含量丰富,水田占耕地面积的70%左右。江河沿岸稍高处,土质疏松,排水良好,适宜棉田早作,是中国最重要的粮棉油生产基地。长江天然水系及纵横交错的人工河渠,使这里成为中国河网密度最大的地区,平均1~2千米/平方千米,其中杭嘉湖平原高达12千米/平方千米。境内湖泊星罗棋布,是中国淡水湖泊分布最稠密地区。中国5大淡水湖泊中有4个分布在这里。它们是都阳湖、洞庭湖、太湖、巢湖。其中太湖地区共有大小湖泊(大于0.5平方千米)189个,水域面积占总面积的8.%%,高于全国湖泊率(0.83)的10倍。湖沼地区有丰富的水生生物资源,是中国水生动植物分布最广、产量最丰的地区。保存有中华鳃、扬子鳄、白暨豚等珍稀动物。平原境内长江干流及其众多的大小支流,河长水丰,汉江等河段落差大,适宜建水电坝址,进行多级开发。宜昌至河口段水能蕴藏量为4944.5万千瓦。尤以湖北省境内各河段水能资源格外丰富,长江和汉江过境流量800亿立方米,水能蕴藏量达40以〕万千瓦,仅次于川、滇、藏,居全国第四位,且各水系流域雨季时空分布不一,修建电站可借助长江、汉江丰枯期的先后,进行相互调剂补偿。矿产资源不多。鄂东大冶、宁(南京)芜(湖)及湘中涟源一带分别是中国著名铁矿和锰矿分布地区。(冯嘉苹)
