300字范文 > 《大事小事》栏目 the TV Program Events and Trifles英语短句 例句大全

《大事小事》栏目 the TV Program Events and Trifles英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-29 14:19:38


《大事小事》栏目 the TV Program Events and Trifles英语短句 例句大全

《大事小事》栏目,the TV Program "Events and Trifles"

1)the TV Program "Events and Trifles"《大事小事》栏目

2)stir up the dispute小事闹大


1.Stirring up or Settling down the Dispute:A Reading on a Piece of Tribunal Record of Civil Mediation in Qing Dynasty;小事闹大与大事化小:解读一份清代民事调解的法庭记录

2.He is always kicking up a shine about a trifle.他总是为一点小事大吵大闹。

3.Don"t make a big stink over such trifles.不要为这般的小事大吵大闹。

4.Don"t kick up a row about such trifle.不要为小事去胡闹。

5.They made a scene of trifles.他们为小事当众吵闹。

6.Oh no, your goose is cooked!噢,不好,这件事情闹大了。

7.The whole business of making a fuss is seen as socially undesirable.吵吵闹闹、小题大作压根儿是失礼的。

8.He is always raising a stink about this, that or the other thing.他总是为了这事、那事地大吵大闹。

9.Dealing with the student disturbances is a serious matter.处理学生闹事是一件大事,

10.In a large country like ours, there is nothing to get alarmed about if small numbers of people create disturbances; on the contrary, such disturbances will help us get rid of bureaucracy.在我们这样大的国家里,有少数人闹事,并不值得大惊小怪,倒是足以帮助我们克服官僚主义。

11.If food price be put up too far , people will riot .如果粮食价格涨幅过大,人们就会闹事。

12.drunken soldiers on the rampage喝醉酒而到处闹事的大兵.

13.Factory workers should be clear about the over-all situation and must not stir up any trouble.工人要看清大局,不要闹事情。

14.What"s up? There"s such a loud noise in the corridor.出什么事啦?走廊里喧闹声那么大。

15.Think what a noise it will make!想想看,这件事得闹出多大的动静来!

16.He is always raising a stink about this, that or the other things他总是为了这个、那个的大吵大闹,什麽事都有得吵,有得闹

17.Actually, what concerns us is not the small number of college and university students, the one or two per cent of the total in the country, who took part.我们重视的不是仅占全国大学生百分之一多一点、不到百分之二的一小部分学生的闹事。

18."A crowd of eager and curious schoolboys, understanding little of the matter in hand, except that it gave them a half-holiday,"一大群怀着好奇心来凑热闹的小男孩,对眼前的事态不明所以,只晓得学校放了他们半天假,


stir up the dispute小事闹大

3)settle down the dispute大事化小

4)grand narrative and small narrative"大叙事"与"小叙事"

5)try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all大事化小,小事化了

6)Reduce a Big trouble into a small one,and a small one into nothing大事化小小事化无


