300字范文 > 电视戏曲栏目 the television drama program英语短句 例句大全

电视戏曲栏目 the television drama program英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-04 13:10:25


电视戏曲栏目 the television drama program英语短句 例句大全

电视戏曲栏目,the television drama program

1)the television drama program电视戏曲栏目


1.Globalization and Local Knowledge Renewal and Communication--Take TV Drama Column "Theater Circles Spring" as an Example;全球化与“地方性知识”的复兴及传播——以河南电视台电视戏曲栏目《梨园春》为例

2.Looking for the TV Drama Survival from the Setting up of the Brand of "Li Yuan Chun";从《梨园春》品牌塑造看电视戏曲类栏目的生存之道

3.The "Half the Sky" Has Come of Age--The Trilogy of the Growth of the CCTV Regular Program "Half the Sky《半边天》长大了——中央电视台《半边天》栏目成长三部曲

4.The Centralized Ken Structure of Chinese Drama and Goulanwashe;勾栏瓦舍与中国戏曲的一元化视界结构

5.Discussion on the Art of Theatrical TV Play论戏曲电视剧叙事艺术——兼与舞台戏曲之比较

6.The purpose of this film crew"s travel is to produce a television program about Chinese opera.摄制组此行的目的是拍摄一部关于中国戏曲的电视片。

7.Evaluate Rising and Declining of Dialect Columns Based on "Lao Xi Pian Ba"从《老西谝吧》审视电视方言栏目兴退

8.Making Programs As Doing TV Serials--The Way Out for Dialect TV Program from the Success of"Night talks in a City of Fog"像做电视剧一样做栏目——从《雾都夜话》的成功看方言电视栏目剧之路

9.The Disappearance and Transformation of the Arena of Drama--An Inspection of Three Kinds of TV Opera;戏剧“场”的消失和转化——三种电视戏曲模型巡视

10.We have our own TV program of language training!我们拥有自己的语言培训电视栏目!

11.Research on Brand Development of Chinese People s Livelihood TV News;民生电视新闻栏目的品牌化建设研究

12.Reflections on Special Issue Programme of TV Station;关于城市电视台专刊栏目的几点思考

13.Two categories in television news programm and and their texts;电视新闻栏目及其文本中的两对范畴

14.The Multiple Quanlity of the Newsman andthe on-the-spot TV Column Feature;记者综合素质与纪实类电视栏目特色

15.The Research about Humanistic Care of Emotional TV Serial我国情感类电视栏目的人文关怀研究

16.The Construction of TV Program Brand in Media Inosculation Situation媒介融合背景下电视栏目的品牌塑造

17.On the Make-up and Modeling of the Characters in TV Theatrical Films;浅谈古典戏曲电视片的人物化妆造型

18.The Creation Strategy of Public-spirited Television Column;公益类电视栏目制作策略分析——以CCT2《激情创业》栏目为个案的分析


TV column电视栏目

1.Hosts play a vital role in figuring brand of“TV column”.在电视栏目的品牌塑造中,主持人起着至关重要的作用,主要表现为主观能动作用和催化作用两方面。

2.TheTV column is made by the journalist,editor and director,their comprehensive perfomance directly affect theTV column′s honor.电视栏目是记者、编辑、主持人联合制作的产品 ,记者、编辑、主持人综合素质的高低直接影响电视栏目的好坏。

3.TV column edtion recorrection is an adaptation in the process of it s self-improvement and development.改版是电视栏目在自我完善和发展过程中的一种适应性调节,是在渠道过剩、注意力成为稀缺资源的传播背景下,通过调整和改变电视栏目的内容、结构来引导和满足受众需求,能够引起受众察觉的电视创作、播出行为。

3)TV columns电视栏目

1.Based on the summarizing of the status quo of ChinaTV columns, this paper analyzes the brand value ofTV columns and gives a further discussion on its strategy operation.全球电视产业的全方位竞争格局正在形成,在这一背景中,作为电视台的内容生产单位,电视栏目的品牌建构显得越来越重要。

4)TV programme电视栏目

1.This paper analyzes the environment of the District Sports Channels(DSC),explain theTV programme Activalization with the method of documentary,interview and logic.采用文献综述法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析法,以新闻学、传播学为理论支撑,分析地方体育电视生存状况,对电视栏目活动化进行了解释,从培养受众、广告经营两个角度分析电视栏目活动化的优越性,认为栏目活动化过程中应遵循结合自身定位,整合资源优势,立体化传播的原则,最终得出体育电视栏目能以资源内容为核心,以活动为手段,才能拥有忠实的观众群体,获得较大受众群体量从而收获开拓体育电视市场,获得生存资本。

5)television column电视栏目

1.This essay puts forward the concept, value and image identification system of brandtelevision columns based on marketing management theories.本文运用营销管理理论对电视栏目品牌的概念、价值、形象识别系统进行了阐述。

6)TV Opera电视戏曲

1.The watch and perform diffusion of TV opera has the characteristics of extensiveness, multiplicity, continuity, synchronism and repeatability.本文在前人研究的基础之上,结合学科内部及传播学理论的研究成果,从电影戏曲、电视戏曲、网络戏曲的角度,对戏曲观演传播的变化做全面的研究。


