300字范文 > 电视新闻评论 TV news comment英语短句 例句大全

电视新闻评论 TV news comment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-21 19:57:45


电视新闻评论 TV news comment英语短句 例句大全

电视新闻评论,TV news comment

1)TV news comment电视新闻评论

1.As the outcome of the combination of news comment and TV media,TV news comment has been popular with viewers now.作为新闻评论体裁与电视媒介相结合的产物,电视新闻评论这种体裁自问世以来深受观众欢迎。

2.There are 5 patterns in theTV news comment on the typological angels: inserted comment, expositive comment, narrative comment, mutual comment and miscellaneous comment.从类型学角度考察电视新闻评论,按其不同特征,可分为点评式、主评式、述评式、互评式、杂说式五种。


1.On the primary Qualities of Television News Commentator;浅论电视新闻评论工作者的基本素养

2.The Study of News Commentaries of TV of Disaster of China我国灾难性事件的电视新闻评论研究

3.The Developing Direction of News Review of Television under the Current Media Ecological Environment;当前媒介生态环境下电视新闻评论的发展方向

4.Ideological Nature of TV News Commentary Programs and Interviewing and Editing Principles;电视新闻评论节目的思想性及采编原则

5.Analysis on Present Situation and Research on Countermeasure to Critical Program of City TV News;城市电视新闻评论节目的现状分析与对策研究

6.In the last two years, contrast to the popularity of Television Civil News, the once-favored Chinese TV news commentary program lost audience gradually.近两年来,与电视民生新闻的红透半边天相对照,一度倍受青睐的电视新闻评论节目却日渐式微。

7.On Expanding the Television News Guiding Capacity of Public Opinion under New Media Environment--Taking News1+1 for Instance新的媒介环境下提高电视新闻评论舆论引导力的思考——以《新闻1+1》为例

8.Perplexity and Break Through: the Present Condition and Prospects of TV News Commentary in China;困惑与突围:中国电视新闻评论节目的现状与前瞻

9.An Exploration of Heteroglossia in TV News Interview: An Appraisal Approach;从评价理论看电视新闻访谈的多声性

10.The Influence of TV Civic News Review to the Social Ethics and Moral;电视民生新闻评论对社会伦理道德的影响

11.a Discussion on the Application of Individual Comment in Regional TV News;个性化评论在地域电视新闻主持中的运用

12.Research on the Current Situation of Sports TV News Review Programsand its Development Trend;电视体育新闻评论节目现状与发展趋势研究

13.On the Civilian Perspective in TV News Report论电视新闻报道中的“平民化”视角

14.A Brief Talk on the Application of News Scheme to TV News Program;浅论新闻策划在电视新闻节目中的应用

15.On the Control of News Field over Cultural Production Field--The Commentary of "About Television" and Its Application;试论新闻场对文化生产场的控制——《关于电视》述评及其应用

16.Sports commentary TV program in Beijing Olympic Games对北京奥运会我国电视体育新闻评论节目的思考

17.On the Theoretical Geralizations of TV News Anchors “Talking”;论电视新闻主持人之“说”的理论基础

18.On the Application of Theatrical Devices in TV News Stories;试论电视新闻故事对戏剧手法的借鉴


television news commentator电视新闻评论员

3)TV news commentary电视新闻评论节目

1.In the last two years, contrast to the popularity of Television Civil News, the once-favored ChineseTV news commentary program lost audience gradually.近两年来,与电视民生新闻的红透半边天相对照,一度倍受青睐的电视新闻评论节目却日渐式微。

4)TV civic news review电视民生新闻评论

5)Television review电视新闻述评

1.Television review plays an important role in news editorial as the symbolized political comments.本文在分析、总结电视新闻述评特点的基础上,就电视述评节目的选题、现场画面拍摄、记者提问等问题,联系实际进行了分析和论证,以期对述评节目采制有所帮助,对电视新闻评论学的学科建设有所助益。

6)Journalism Television Criticism新闻式电视批评

1.Journalism Television Criticism:Power Role in Media System of America美国“新闻式电视批评”在媒介体系中的权力角色


