300字范文 > 网络新闻评论 comments of online news英语短句 例句大全

网络新闻评论 comments of online news英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-21 14:29:55


网络新闻评论 comments of online news英语短句 例句大全

网络新闻评论,comments of online news

1)comments of online news网络新闻评论

1.With the establishment of the modernized Internet communication system,thecomments of online news have already become the focus of each news website,and also become the hot subject for those news communication practitioners who study on this,especially.随着现代化网络传播体系的建立,网络新闻评论已成为各个新闻网络的焦点,尤其成为新闻传播工作者研究的热点课题。


1.A breakthrough: on-line news commentaries and the traditional ones;网络新闻评论对传统新闻评论的突破和创新

2.The Effect of the Internet Communication on the Comments of Online News;关于网络传播对网络新闻评论影响的探讨

3.HOW TO EMBODY NETWORK FEATURES OF THE NETWORK NEWS COMMENTARY As the Case of the Network News Commentaries of the 19th Chinese News Awards网络新闻评论如何体现网络特色——以第十九届中国新闻奖网络评论获奖作品为例

4.Research on Enhancing the Influence and Publicity Credit of Netnews Commentary;论增强网络新闻评论的影响力和公信力

5.How to Reinforce the Guidance and Administer the Network News Comments in Internet Era;互联网时代如何加强网络新闻评论的引导和管理

6.Information Inference Based Sentiment Classification for Online News Comments基于信息推理的网络新闻在线评论情绪分类

7.On Establishment of Internet-based Interaction Classroom--A News-comment Teaching Mode互动式网络课堂的建立——新闻评论教学模式

8.Classification and Appraisal Criteria of Online Journalism:Taking Online Journalism Awards in China and Western Countries as an Example网络新闻分类及其评优标准探析——以中西网络新闻奖评选为例

9.The Explanatory Power of Relevance Theory over Internet News Translation论关联理论对网络新闻翻译的阐释力

10.A Study of Chinese-English Online News Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory;从关联理论视角看网络新闻汉英翻译

11.A Study on Linguistic Environment of Newspaper,Radio,TV and Internet News;论报纸、广播、电视、网络新闻语言的语境

12.Professional ethics for network journalists;试论网络新闻工作者的职业道德修养

13.The Vane of Online News Development--the Special Topic of Online News;网络新闻发展的风向标——网络新闻专题

14.Cyber Opinions and the Image of China A Study on a New York Times Article and Its On-line Comments网络舆论与中国形象——对《纽约时报》一篇新闻分析及其网上评论的个案研究

15.Study on the Propaganda and Management of the Internet News;加强网络新闻宣传与管理的对策和评价研究

16.The Building of Evaluation Index System on Net-News Value;网络新闻价值评价指标体系的建立研究

17.The Car Connection is the Web"s automotive authority,with weekly updates of news,reviews,and opinions from around the world."汽车连接"是网络汽车世界的权威。 它发布的世界各地的新闻、综述和评论每周更新一次。

18.Mobile News--Newly Development of Internet Journalism手机新闻——网络新闻传播的新发展


The Investigation of the Netnews Commentary网络新闻评论研究

3)A Tentative Study of the Netnews Commentary网络新闻评论初探

4)Network-news forum网络新闻论坛

1.Network-news forum s design procedure include forum s orientation,selected topic and the whole image plan.网络新闻论坛以其传播的交互性、反馈的快捷性、观点的多元化、言论的匿名性等特性受到越来越多网民的青睐。

5)news comment新闻评论

1.The Research on the Theory and Practice of News Comment of Mao Zedong;毛泽东新闻评论理论与实践研究

2.The development of Internet media,the "fourth media",has led thenews comments into a new ideological content,and also breaks the gap between media and audience.网络媒体这一"第四媒体"的迅速崛起为新闻评论注入了新的思想内涵,也打破了传统媒体中传者与受众的界限,使越来越多的网民参与到网络的评论中来。

6)news review新闻评论

1.Having stepped into a mature stage,news review are attached more and more importance by all media.新闻评论目前已发展到成熟期,越来越受到各种媒体的重视。

2.Economic review is defined as to give a timelynews review toward hot economic news or economic issue.经济时评就是对重大经济新闻或经济领域出现的热点问题、热点现象进行即时评说的一种新闻评论文体。

3.On this basis, the author discusses the types and features of network news, and the competition and integration of network reviews and traditionalnews reviews.网络新闻评论在我国从诞生到现在己经有了十年历程,在数量规模和普及程度上都己经走过了发轫期,影响力也日渐增强。


《IEEE动力工程评论》《IEEE动力工程评论》IEEE Power Engineering Review、盆月为月乙乙切力工程评论芳(丈E尸尸Engine~9 Rev奋切)创刊于1981年,英文月刊,12开本。由美国电气与电于工租师学*(Instituteof Eleetrieal and Electronies Engineers)编辑出版.编辑部地址:BOx13sz,445 Hoe,Lane,Piscataway,NJ08855一1331,USA.;E一mail:[email protected]概.org;网址:http://www··该刊主要刊载美国电气与电子工程师学会动力工程学会的《输电汇刊》、《电力系统汇刊》和《能耳转换汇刊》等三种《汇刊》发表的所有论文的概要和该学会新闻简讯,并选载获奖和有影响的论文以及其他技术性文章。该刊的读者对象是电力科研、设计、运行、施工等部门的科技人员和管理人员.
