300字范文 > 白莲河流域 Bailian River Basin英语短句 例句大全

白莲河流域 Bailian River Basin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-06 02:17:30


白莲河流域 Bailian River Basin英语短句 例句大全

白莲河流域,Bailian River Basin

1)Bailian River Basin白莲河流域

1.Application of VIC Land Surface Hydrological Model in Flow Simulation ofBailian River Basin;VIC陆面水文模型在白莲河流域径流模拟中的应用

2.Both models are applied to the Bailian River basin in Hubei Province to discuss their adaptability in flow simulation of the medium or small basin and their effects are compared.首先对VIC模型与SWAT模型进行了简介,然后将两个模型应用到湖北省白莲河流域,探讨其在中小流域尺度的径流模拟中的适用性,同时进行径流模拟的对比研究。

3.The model was applied in Bailian River basin in Hubei Province to discuss its adaptability in flow simulation of the medium or small basin.以湖北省白莲河流域为研究区,探讨了SWAT模型在中小流域尺度的径流模拟中的适用性,利用白莲河流域的水文气象数据、DEM数据、土壤类型和土地利用等资料建立了白莲河流域的SWAT模型,并选用1995~1999年汛期(4~10月)为模型参数的率定期、2002~汛期(4~10月)为模型参数的检验期。


1.Application of SWAT Model in Bailian River Valley Runoff SimulationSWAT模型在白莲河流域径流模拟中的应用研究

2.Simulation Study on Runoff in Bailian River Basin Based on SWAT Model基于SWAT模型的白莲河流域径流模拟研究

3.Digital Terrain Analysis of Malian River Basin Based on DEM;基于DEM的马莲河流域数字地形分析

4.The Study and Countermeas urs to the Effect of the Soil Erosion on the Ecological Environment around the Bailian River;水土流失对白莲河库区生态环境的影响及对策

5.Bailian Cult‘s Anti_Qing Struggles in Han River Valley;嘉庆年间白莲教在汉水流域的反清斗争

6.Fractal dimensions of the daily stream flow of Malian drainage were calculated according to the Fractal Theory.对马莲河流域各水文站的日径流过程形态分维进行了对比分析。

7.Analysis on the Effect of Malianhe Watershed Soil and Water Conservation World Bank Loan Project on Ecological Environment of Qing Yang City;马莲河流域水保世行贷款项目对庆阳市生态环境影响分析评价

8.Studies on Water Conservation Capacity Evaluation of Forest and Building Model of Forest in Lianxiahe Small Watershed;莲峡河小流域森林涵养水源功能评价及典型造林设计研究

9.Excessive propagation of Eichhornia crassipes in Bailianhe Reservoir and its preventive countermeasure;白莲河水库凤眼莲过度繁殖及其防治对策

10.The Lotus festival kicked off at Dailam( Tainan) White River, where visitors not only see lotus in full bloom but also get to watch farmers harvest lotus and try shelling lotus seeds hands-on.台南县白河镇莲花节昨方开幕﹐乎旅客欣赏当咧开耶莲花﹐嘛有看郎收割莲花、嘛会使试剥莲子。

11.Research on Hydrodynamic Behavior of Flow Through Eichhornia Crassipe in Ecological Watercourse;凤眼莲生态型河道水流特性试验研究

12.Estimation models of aspen shelter belt evapotrans piration in Tarim River Basin;塔里木河流域白杨农田防护林蒸散量估算模型

13.Research on the Sustainable Agricultural Development of Baideng River Basin in Yanggao County阳高县白登河流域可持续农业发展研究

14.Perennial Dynamic Variation of Annual Precipitation in Baiyanghe Basin白杨河流域年降水量多年变化特性分析

15.Planning and Design in Multi-perspective for the Bailianjing Riverfront of the Shanghai World Expo上海世博园区白莲泾河地区多视角规划设计

16.Mirror surface concrete construction technology of wave wall of Bailianhe Hydropower Station白莲河电站防浪墙镜面混凝土施工技术

17.Study on Riverine Carbon Flux and Erosion of Zhujiang (Pearl) River Drainage Basin;珠江流域河流碳通量与流域侵蚀研究

18.Cooperation of the riparian countries in international river basin--a case of the Red River国际河流流域国的合作——以红河流域为例


Malian River Basin马莲河流域

1.Digital terrain analysis ofMalian River Basin based on DEM;基于DEM的马莲河流域数字地形分析

3)Baihe watershed白河流域

1.Based on the landscape pattern ofBaihe watershed in 2000 and atmosphere and runoff from 1990 to and the sediment and water quality from year 2001 to , sensitive parameter have been analysised and calibrated and verified.白河流域属于密云水库上游地区,是北京市主要供水水源地,其水质安全对北京生产生活起着重要的作用。

4)Chaobaihe River Basin潮白河流域

1.Soil and water conservation of reservoir watershed and its water yield:A case study ofChaobaihe River Basin on the upper reaches of Miyun Reservoir;水库集水区水土保持与流域产水量——以密云水库上游潮白河流域为例

2.Chaobaihe river basin is one of the main water sources in Beijing.潮白河流域是北京市主要的供水源地之一,但是由于各种因素的影响,已经出现了沙化现象。

5)Baisha river drainage area白沙河流域

1.Taking the Baisha river which was the first level tributaries of the Tianquan river as the study object, the impact to landscape elements, landscape structure and landscape function of the small hydropower rundle development inBaisha river drainage area were analyzed by the numbers in this study.本研究以岷江水系天全河一级支流——白沙河为研究对象,系统分析了白沙河流域小水电梯级开发的景观要素、景观结构与景观功能影响,构建了流域小水电梯级开发的景观影响综合评价体系,并运用构建的综合评价体系对白沙河流域小水电梯级开发的景观影响进行了评价。

6)Baideng River Basin白登河流域

1.Research on the Sustainable Agricultural Development ofBaideng River Basin in Yanggao County阳高县白登河流域可持续农业发展研究




位于昭通市中部的大关县,属省级风景名胜区,可游览面积107平方公里。区内包括;黄莲河景区、青龙洞景区、罗汉坝景区。景区内飞瀑倒悬、秀丽多姿、气势雄壮,溶洞内千姿百态、仪态万方,森林神秘莫测、气势森森。该景区以瀑布群、溶洞和原始森林为其主要特色,兼之可实地品味 清朝贡品——翠华茶,更增加不少情趣。是消夏避暑、旅游度假的 良好所在。
