300字范文 > 电视新闻叙事 TV News Narrative英语短句 例句大全

电视新闻叙事 TV News Narrative英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-08 22:34:38


电视新闻叙事 TV News Narrative英语短句 例句大全

电视新闻叙事,TV News Narrative

1)TV News Narrative电视新闻叙事


1.The Constitution of News Objectivity by Narrative Position in TV News;电视新闻叙事视角对新闻客观性的建构

2.CHANGE OF PERSPECTIVES IN TV NEWS NARRATION AND THEME CONSTRUCION--A Study of a CCTV News Item;电视新闻叙事的视角转换与主题建构——以央视《新闻联播》播出的一则新闻为例

3.On Narrative Art of TV News Survey Programs: THE NEWS INVESTIGATION As An Example;浅析电视新闻调查类节目的叙事艺术——以央视《新闻调查》节目为例

4.Narratology Research of Television News "Interpretative Reporting" in China Now;中国当下电视新闻中“解释性报道”的叙事学研究

5.On Authenticity of TV"s Livelihood News电视民生新闻:在故事化的叙述中坚守新闻的真实性

6.The brief discussion about the false narrative way and improvement of the TV program of the news about people’s livelihood;略论电视民生新闻节目“亲民化”的叙事误区及其改进

7.The Narrated Analysis of News Programs Based on the Audience Rating收视率导向下的新闻栏目的新叙事方式

8.Apply Sufficiently Narrate the Visual Angle,Strengthens Broadcasting News can Nature;充分运用叙事视角,增强广播新闻可听性

9.A Pioneering Monograph of Teleplay Narratology--A Review of Yang Xinmin s Academic Achievements in A Study of Teleplay Narrative;电视剧叙事理论的开山之作——评杨新敏的《电视剧叙事研究》

10.Analysis on Narrative Forms in The Storilization of Television: TV Drama Program "LEGEND" on Jiangxi TV as an Example新闻故事化的叙事话语分析——以江西卫视《传奇故事》为例

11.Chinese Television Drama: The New Tactics of Picture-narrative in the Living Room;中国电视剧:客厅里的图像叙事新策略

12.The news of the airplane crash was broadcast on the spot over IV.飞机失事的新闻通过电视实况传播。

13.On the Application of Theatrical Devices in TV News Stories;试论电视新闻故事对戏剧手法的借鉴

14.The Study of News Commentaries of TV of Disaster of China我国灾难性事件的电视新闻评论研究

15.An Analysis of American Text Narration--The Second Study of Literature Angle of View on Pulitzer Prize Works;美国新闻文本的叙事学分析——普利策新闻奖作品的文学视角研究之二

16.A New Vision in Fiction Narration: Space Narration;小说叙事研究的新视野——空间叙事

17.The narrative focus on current political news analysis--take "News 60" as an example时政新闻的叙事聚焦分析——以《新闻六十分》为例

18.Making High-quality TV News of the People s Livelihood--Taking the TV Program "Events and Trifles" Held by Urumqi TV Station;打造电视民生新闻的精品——以乌鲁木齐电视台《大事小事》为例


journalistic narrative新闻叙事

1.From the perspective ofjournalistic narrative, it attempts to analyze the demerits of eulogistic reporting,thinkng that its weaknesses mainly consist in the formalization and patternization ofjournalistic narrative,tedious pseud-narrative and the lack of journalistic value,etc.从新闻叙事的角度对表彰报道中存在的缺失进行探析,认为其不足之处主要表现在新闻叙事的程序化和模式化、干瘪的"伪"叙事以及新闻价值的缺乏等方面。

2.New-century fiction shows a kind of mixture of literary narrative andjournalistic narrative.新世纪小说呈现出文学叙事与新闻叙事的杂糅和纠缠。

3)news narration新闻叙事

1.News narration is influenced by the emergence of commercial,conventional,and timely public culture jointly with the development of new media technology and modern publicity circulation,which make the subjects ofnews narration more popular and individual,the content more entertaining and lively,and the techniques more perpetual,story-like and fresh.其中,作为商业性、世俗性和时效性的大众文化的产生,与新媒体技术和现代传播手段的发展,共同影响着其中的新闻叙事,使叙事的主体更加平民化、个体化,使叙事的内容更加娱乐化、日常生活化,使叙事的方法更加感性化、故事化和陌生化。

2.As can be found that, in the field of news practice,“infor-story”is in vogue, while in the field of news theory,news narration is concerned by researchers.近年来,新闻作为一种重要的叙事类型已逐渐为新闻学界和新闻业界所认可,体现在新闻实践中,便是“新闻故事化”的日趋盛行,而新闻理论研究中,新闻叙事也受到相当一批学者的关注,并有相关理论成果面世,这些均促进了新闻叙事学研究的蓬勃开展。

3.This paper grasps and generalizes the key characteristics of the paradigm shift ofnews narration since 1990\"s.本文对1990年代以来的新闻叙事的范式转换特点做了提纲挈领式的概括和分析。

4)news narrative新闻叙事

1.The essay is concerned with the following aesthetic characters“lifelike”、 “picturesque”、“refined”and expounds the relationship between aesthetic characteristice andnews narrative.文章从史传文学中的“传神”、“如画”、“蕴藉”等审美特性入手,阐述了与新闻叙事的关系。

2.Newspaper narrative is one kind of the media forms ofnews narrative.报纸新闻叙事是新闻叙事的一种传媒表现形态,它以报纸为载体叙述新闻事件,传播新闻信息,表达报道意见,体现了将新闻信息作为叙述内容,由叙述者(记者、编辑和媒体)传递给接受者(读者)的一种动态过程。

5)news narratology新闻叙事学

1.News narratological acceptance is an important part of thenews narratology, News nattator, news narratee and standard narratee are subjects during the news narratological process, the basic elements of the news text affect the meaning of the news text.新闻叙事接受是新闻叙事学的一个重要部分,叙事者、接受者和标准接受者组成了新闻叙事流程中的主体,新闻文本的基本组成元素影响着新闻文本意义的生成。

2.Modern News Narratology is the theoretical foundation of this paper.有鉴于社会新闻对市民报的重大意义,本文将《新快报》和《羊城晚报》近两个月中具有代表性的社会新闻文本作为案例,用新闻叙事学理论加以分析,通过理论联系实际,阐述“有意义的、有价值的、有市场的”的社会新闻文本写作方向。

6)journalistic narration新闻式叙事


