300字范文 > 政府行政成本 administrative costs of government英语短句 例句大全

政府行政成本 administrative costs of government英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-07 21:59:24


政府行政成本 administrative costs of government英语短句 例句大全

政府行政成本,administrative costs of government

1)administrative costs of government政府行政成本

1.To fulfill its mission, government needs expenditure which is calledadministrative costs of government.国家为履行其职能必然要耗费一定的成本,政府行政成本支出直接来源于财政收入。


1.The Current Situation,Causes,and Countermeasures of the National Executive Cost;我国政府行政成本的现状、成因及对策

2.A Study on Chinese Administrative Cost from the View of Saving-type Government节约型政府视野下我国政府行政成本研究

3.Public Budget: the Hinge of Controlling the Cost of Government Administration;公共预算:控制政府行政成本的枢纽

4.Study on the Issues of the Administrative Costs Control of Local Authority in Our Country我国地方政府行政成本控制问题研究

5.A study on government s administrative cost control based on a standard cost system;基于标准成本系统的政府行政成本管理研究

6.Research on the Relationship between Administrative Costs of Government and Financial Revenue in China我国政府行政成本与财政收入关系研究

7.Research on the Administration Cost Management Policy in E-government Environment电子政务环境下政府行政成本管理策略研究

8.On the Controlling the Cost of Legalization of Government Administration--In the Perspective of Controlling the Cost of Legalization of Government论经济危机下的政府行政成本控制——以政府行政法治化成本控制为视角

9.Research on Admnisitration Cost-From New Institution Economics Perspective;新制度经济学视角下的政府行政成本问题研究

10.The Research on the Fine Management of the Administrative Cost in the County Governments of Minority Areas;民族地区县级政府行政成本精细化管理研究

11.The Analysis and Discussion of Local Government Administrative Cost;地方政府行政成本的问题分析与对策探讨

12.The Study of Government Scale and Administration Cost;政府组织规模与行政成本的财政思考


14.The Research of Administrative Cost in the Administration of Our Government我国政府行政管理中行政成本问题研究

15.On Irrational Government Behavior and Government s Cost Rigidity;略论非合理性政府行为与政府成本刚性

16.The Financial Transparency and Administrative Cost Control in China s Local Governments;我国地方政府的财政透明与行政成本控制

17.Discussion on Influence of the Governments Control Costs upon The Abstract Administrative Activities;试论政府的管制成本对抽象行政行为的影响

18.Local Government Administration Coordination Cost Control Research地方政府行政协调成本现状、成因与控制对策


Function Cost of Government政府运行成本

1.The Analysis of HighFunction Cost of Government and the Solutions;高政府运行成本成因分析及解决思路探讨

3)governmental cost政府成本

1.In order to comprehensively summarize and deeply analyze thegovernmental costs in the delivery of public goods,this paper utilizes some analytical methods and models in economics to release the characteristics of public goods,to discuss the productive structure of public goods,and to understand how to analyze the cost of public goods quantitatively.为了全面概括、深入解剖公共产品生产经营中的政府成本问题,主要采用经济学分析方法,在建立模型的基础上就公共产品的特性、公共产品的生产结构以及如何量化分析公共产品的成本等方面进行了论述,使各级政府与社会公众能够客观认识我国政府成本在公共产品生产经营活动中的严重程度。

4)government cost政府成本

1.An Economic Analysis of Government Cost——A thought of the transfer of government functions;政府成本的经济学分析——对地方政府职能转变的再思考

2.Analysis on the Assessment Indicators and the Influence Factors of the Government Cost;我国政府成本若干评价指标及影响因素分析

5)government costs政府成本

1.The researches of thegovernment costs in our country had already yielded some results,but still had to be continued.政府行为应该算经济帐即政府有其自身成本的问题,我国的政府成本理论研究已经取得一定的成果,但也存在一些问题。

2.Our country was one of the countries of highgovernment costs in the world,.我国是世界上政府高成本运行的国家之一,我国特殊的国情决定了降低政府成本工作是一项系统工作。

3.Essential theoretical preparations for performance control ofgovernment costs can be made by studying the definitions and components ofgovernment costs,determining their extension,and describing their interconnections.分析政府成本的内涵特点和构成要素,确定外延边界、描述相互关系,是政府成本绩效控制的必要的理论准备。

6)cost-focused government成本型政府


