300字范文 > 政府税收成本 The cost of government revenue英语短句 例句大全

政府税收成本 The cost of government revenue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-16 12:22:31


政府税收成本 The cost of government revenue英语短句 例句大全

政府税收成本,The cost of government revenue

1)The cost of government revenue政府税收成本

1.The cost of government revenue affected by a country\"s level of economic development, the tax system, tax collection and management, tax officials and tax environment, the qua其中,税务机关为实现税收预定目标所支出的成本即就是政府税收成本,这是本文所要研究的对象。

2)partial tax transfer to local government地方政府税收分成

3)governmental cost政府成本

1.In order to comprehensively summarize and deeply analyze thegovernmental costs in the delivery of public goods,this paper utilizes some analytical methods and models in economics to release the characteristics of public goods,to discuss the productive structure of public goods,and to understand how to analyze the cost of public goods quantitatively.为了全面概括、深入解剖公共产品生产经营中的政府成本问题,主要采用经济学分析方法,在建立模型的基础上就公共产品的特性、公共产品的生产结构以及如何量化分析公共产品的成本等方面进行了论述,使各级政府与社会公众能够客观认识我国政府成本在公共产品生产经营活动中的严重程度。


1.China s Government Administration Reform from the Point of View of Government Cost;从政府成本角度看我国政府管理改革

2.Preliminary Exploration of the Control of Government Cost in View of the Government Ability;政府能力视角下的政府成本控制初探

3.On Irrational Government Behavior and Government s Cost Rigidity;略论非合理性政府行为与政府成本刚性

4.only the suitable government function and scale can make government cost moderate and can create the greatest achievement.只有当政府职能适当,并且政府规模适度时,政府成本才适度,政府绩效才最高。

5.Class Surpassing of Marx s Analysis Concerning Government Cost;马克思关于政府成本分析的阶级超越

6.How to Cut Down Purchasement Cost in Market Governments Purchasement System;完善政府采购制度 降低政府采购成本

7.The Study of Government Scale and Administration Cost;政府组织规模与行政成本的财政思考

8.The Current Situation,Causes,and Countermeasures of the National Executive Cost;我国政府行政成本的现状、成因及对策

9.A Study on Chinese Administrative Cost from the View of Saving-type Government节约型政府视野下我国政府行政成本研究

10.A study on government s administrative cost control based on a standard cost system;基于标准成本系统的政府行政成本管理研究

11.Transaction Cost, Government Levels and the Reform of Fiscal Federalism;交易成本、政府级次与财政体制改革


13.Public Budget: the Hinge of Controlling the Cost of Government Administration;公共预算:控制政府行政成本的枢纽

14.Study on the Issues of the Administrative Costs Control of Local Authority in Our Country我国地方政府行政成本控制问题研究

15.Role of Government,Ownership Property and Cost of Equity;政府角色、所有权性质与权益资本成本

16.The Research of Administrative Cost in the Administration of Our Government我国政府行政管理中行政成本问题研究

17.Analysis of Reagan Government s Deficit Finance from the Perspective of Transaction Cost Politics;里根政府赤字财政的交易成本政治学分析

18.The Financial Transparency and Administrative Cost Control in China s Local Governments;我国地方政府的财政透明与行政成本控制


partial tax transfer to local government地方政府税收分成

3)governmental cost政府成本

1.In order to comprehensively summarize and deeply analyze thegovernmental costs in the delivery of public goods,this paper utilizes some analytical methods and models in economics to release the characteristics of public goods,to discuss the productive structure of public goods,and to understand how to analyze the cost of public goods quantitatively.为了全面概括、深入解剖公共产品生产经营中的政府成本问题,主要采用经济学分析方法,在建立模型的基础上就公共产品的特性、公共产品的生产结构以及如何量化分析公共产品的成本等方面进行了论述,使各级政府与社会公众能够客观认识我国政府成本在公共产品生产经营活动中的严重程度。

4)government cost政府成本

1.An Economic Analysis of Government Cost——A thought of the transfer of government functions;政府成本的经济学分析——对地方政府职能转变的再思考

2.Analysis on the Assessment Indicators and the Influence Factors of the Government Cost;我国政府成本若干评价指标及影响因素分析

5)government costs政府成本

1.The researches of thegovernment costs in our country had already yielded some results,but still had to be continued.政府行为应该算经济帐即政府有其自身成本的问题,我国的政府成本理论研究已经取得一定的成果,但也存在一些问题。

2.Our country was one of the countries of highgovernment costs in the world,.我国是世界上政府高成本运行的国家之一,我国特殊的国情决定了降低政府成本工作是一项系统工作。

3.Essential theoretical preparations for performance control ofgovernment costs can be made by studying the definitions and components ofgovernment costs,determining their extension,and describing their interconnections.分析政府成本的内涵特点和构成要素,确定外延边界、描述相互关系,是政府成本绩效控制的必要的理论准备。

6)tax cost税收成本

1.Reducingtax cost and improving tax efficiency;降低税收成本 提高税收效率

2.Author points out that financial management plays an major role in economic activities of enterprises to reducetax cost and realize maximizing economic returns.介绍了企业在税务筹划中所应遵循的基本原则、基本方法 ,对企业在进行投资、筹资、运营等经济活动中减少税收成本、实现收益最大化具有指导性意

3.The two relations must be dwelt with well in controlling ourtax cost,the relation of administering tax by law and controllingtax cost,the relation of cost of levying cost and cost of paying tax,and short-term cost and long-term cost.当前控制我国税收成本应正确处理两种关系:依法治税与税收成本控制的关系;征税成本与纳税成本、短期成本与长期成本的关系。


