300字范文 > 能级管理制度 energy-rank management system英语短句 例句大全

能级管理制度 energy-rank management system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-13 14:34:15


能级管理制度 energy-rank management system英语短句 例句大全

能级管理制度,energy-rank management system

1)energy-rank management system能级管理制度

2)competence level management能级管理

1.Then it is proposed that the competence-based idea should be formed in the government and the institution ofcompetence level management should be designed according to the situation of Wuhan.因此,在公务员能力建设中必须倡导能力本位的管理理念,尽快设计符合我国实际的公务员能级管理制度。

2.Thecompetence level management system reform currently implemented in the tax system is to explore and elaborate the public servant management system.本文通过对厦门市地方税务局稽查局能级管理改革实践的案例分析说明其理论与实践意义,指出能级管理改革的实质是在组织系统中建立“各尽其能”的运作机制,建立学习型、创新型、能力型组织。


1.The management according to ability grade:a helpful exploration to innovate the management of our civil servant system;能级管理:我国公务员管理创新的有益探索

2.The Conformity and Rebuilding of Tax Department s Competence and Level Management System;税务部门能级管理体系的整合与重塑

3.Some Idea of Carrying out the Competence Level Administration in Jiangxi Office, SAT;江西省国税系统推行能级管理的若干思考

4.Manages the Function by the Human Nature Management Promotion Universities Class and Grade;以人性化管理提升高校班级管理功能

5.In particular, the cadres at the various levels do not have the requisite ability to command and manage.特别是各级干部的指挥、管理能力弱。

6.Research on Operation Management and Energy Saving Measures of High-lift Step Pump Station高扬程梯级泵站运行管理与节能措施

7.Empirical Analysis on Ability and Level System Reform of State Administration of Taxation Bureau;国税部门能级制管理改革的实证分析

8.Study of the Capacity of County-level Government in Public Crisis Management;公共危机管理中的县级政府能力研究

9.On How to Develop the College Students Creative Abilities in Class Management at Colleges and Universities;高校班级管理中学生创新能力的培养

10.To Develop Students Independence from the Point of Class Management;从班级管理着手培养学生的自主能力

11.Research on Chinese Country-level Governments" Management Function in Public Order: Location of the View of Port and Evaluating Indicators我国县级政府社会治安管理职能研究

12.Functional Upgrading of TDCS and Dispatch Management InformationTDCS功能升级与调度管理信息化

13.senior manager高级管理人员,高级经理

14.Senior Managers, directors and executors who want to improve leader ability.需要提高领导才能的高级管理人员、管和执行者。

15.Can admins universally unlock or lock the unlocked weapons and features for use on their server?管理员可以设定玩家能不能使用等级武器吗?

16.Application of the Energy Level Principle in Building A Contingent of Managerial Personnel for Capital Construction;能级原理在基建管理队伍建设中的应用

17.An entry - level position in an accounting environment, which ultimately leads to financial management.会计部门的初级职务,最后能够管理财务。

18.The selection or removal of officers is an important managerial function of the board of directors.任免高级职员是董事会的一项重要的管理职能。


competence level management能级管理

1.Then it is proposed that the competence-based idea should be formed in the government and the institution ofcompetence level management should be designed according to the situation of Wuhan.因此,在公务员能力建设中必须倡导能力本位的管理理念,尽快设计符合我国实际的公务员能级管理制度。

2.Thecompetence level management system reform currently implemented in the tax system is to explore and elaborate the public servant management system.本文通过对厦门市地方税务局稽查局能级管理改革实践的案例分析说明其理论与实践意义,指出能级管理改革的实质是在组织系统中建立“各尽其能”的运作机制,建立学习型、创新型、能力型组织。

3)the Managing mechanism节能管理制度

4)Quantitative Classification Management System量化分级管理制度

5)management control level管理控制级

6)management system管理制度

1.“Two-Card”management system in electrical production;浅谈电力安全生产中的“两票”管理制度

2.A survey of the patients’ admissive degree to themanagement system of ward in the department of orthopaedics and its countermeasures;骨科病人对病房管理制度认可程度的调查分析及对策

3.Humane hypothesis,organizational capability andmanagement system;人性假设、组织能力与管理制度


能级分子式:CAS号:性质:处于束缚态的微观粒子具有一系列不连续的确定的能量值,每一个这样的能量值称为一个能级。例如电子能级(electron energy level)就是原子、分子或晶体中的电子所具有的分立的能量数值。把各能级按高低顺序用多条水平线排列就构成了能级图(energy level diagram)。能级图在直观地描述体系的能级结构、讨论辐射和吸收、研究微粒的活性和稳定性等方面都具有十分重要的作用。
