300字范文 > 政府财政投入 government financial investment英语短句 例句大全

政府财政投入 government financial investment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-23 06:53:28


政府财政投入 government financial investment英语短句 例句大全

政府财政投入,government financial investment

1)government financial investment政府财政投入


1.The Urgent Needs of Financial Investment from Local Government for the Development of the Newly-founded Four-year College;论新建本科院校的发展亟需地方政府财政投入

2.An Empirical Analysis of the Influence of the Government Input on the Growth of Agricultural Production;政府财政投入对农业生产增长影响的实证分析

3.Research on the Problem of the Government Finance Investing the Early Childhood Education幼儿教育发展中的政府财政投入问题研究

4.The Research on the Government s Public Finance Devotion Responsibilities of the Rural Compulsory Education;我国农村义务教育各级政府财政投入责任分担研究

5."government receipts, revenues"政府收入,政府财政收入,岁入

6.Study on the Financial Support to Agriculture from Government--A Perspective of International comparison;政府农业财政投入分析——基于国际比较的视角

7.A Discussion of Cognizance of Performance Evaluation on Local Governamnet Financial Investment in Science and Technology (S&T);论地方政府财政科技投入绩效评价的思路

8.An Analysis of the Effect of Public Finance Input on Consumption我国政府公共财政投入的消费效应分析

9.The central government has also increased its fund input and support of other forms through all kinds of special financial transfer payment as well as financial transfer payment under the preferential policy for ethnic minorities.中央政府还通过各种专项财政转移支付、民族优惠政策财政转移支付,加大资金的投入和支持。

10.Research on Evaluation Model of Output Efficiency of Science and Technology Input from Local Government Finance;地方政府财政科技投入产出效率测度模型的研究

11.Study on Breakthrough to an Evaluation Model for Performance of Local Government Financial Investment in Science and Technology;地方政府财政科技投入绩效评价模型的突破口研究

12.How the Categorization Reform of Government Income and Expense Influence on Financial Investment and Assessment for Education;政府收支分类改革对财政性教育经费投入与评价的影响

13.Suggestions about Constructing Increasing System of Government s Financial Assist-Agriculture Capital Steadable Devotion;建立政府财政支农资金稳定投入增长机制的建议

14.Analysis on the general characteristics of government investment in health inspection and supervision institutions between 2001 and 2001~政府对卫生监督机构财政投入总体特征分析

15.A Theoretical Analysis of China s Government Fiscal Investment to Agriculture;中国政府财政对农业投资的理论分析

16.Demonstration Analysis of Financial Funds to Agriculture in China;我国政府财政对农业投资的实证分析

17.The Risky Investment and Local Government s Role;风险投资与地方政府财政的作用定位

18.The Measurement of In/output effects of Science and Technology in Shanghais Industry Company--An Input PerSpective Based on Science and Technology of Government Finance;上海市工业企业科技投入产出效率测度与评价——基于政府财政科技投入的视角


Government investment政府投入

1.The three difficulties of“ government investment, hospital development and medical services utilization” mean thedeeper dissensions of healthcare reform.我国城镇医疗服务体制改革面临“政府投入难、医院发展难、群众就医难”的“三难”,凸显改革深层次矛盾。

2.The research shows that Shaanxi province should develop local economy,adjust the subject structures,increase government investment and expand vocational and technical educatio.为了探讨陕西省高等教育发展的现状,采用文献分析及数量统计分析方法,对影响陕西高等教育发展的相关因素如毛入学率、经费投入、学科结构、学校布局等诸多问题进行剖析,研究表明:陕西省应当从发展地方经济、调整高校学科结构、加大高等教育的政府投入、大力发展职业技术教育等方面采取措施,解决高等教育发展所面临的问题。

3.The government investment should be shared between the central and the local government.应建立符合中国国情和发展路径的农村义务教育财政体制 ,政府投入应由中央政府和地方政府分担。

3)government input政府投入

1.In order to know how to answer the question that our education input is not enough, and some point out that the only way is to enhance thegovernment input.解决我国教育投入不足问题有人指出唯一出路是加大政府投入,有人指出只有走教育市场化道路。

2.It showed thatgovernment input and private input in health substituted each other from the model we built.对我国卫生的政府投入和私人投入进行建模分析,结果表明,从总体上看,我国卫生领域内政府投入与私人投入之间存在替代关系。

3.The primary reason causing the inequality and low-accessibility of China health care system is the inadequate and irrationalgovernment input in health care.现阶段,我国医药卫生体制改革的重点之一是应通过增加政府投入来提高医药卫生服务的公平性与可及性,如何增加政府投入是改革成败的关键。

4)financial investment财政投入

1.Dependence of agricultural mechanization onfinancial investment;农业机械化发展对财政投入的依存度研究

2.Study on property right of agriculturalfinancial investment——taking agricultural area of science and technology for example;农业财政投入的产权问题研究——以农业科技园区为例

3.Relation model offinancial investment in higher education and economic growth in China中国高等教育财政投入与经济增长关系模型

5)Financial Input财政投入

1.Influence of theFinancial Input Towards TB Control in Hunan Province;财政投入对我省现代结核病控制工作的影响

2.Fishery development and financial input;渔业发展与财政投入研究

3.Based on analysis of the Characteristics of agricultural mechanization public goods and the condition of Shanxi Province, this thesis studied the financial input for agricultural mechanization in order to realize the development goal of agricultural mechanization in Shanxi Province in .在农机化的公共产品特性分析基础上,结合山西省的实际情况,研究了山西省为实现农机化发展目标所需要的财政投入力度,通过几个方案的比较分析,提出了可供选择的方案,并对山西省农机化的进一步发展提出了几点建议。

6)fiscal investment财政投入


