300字范文 > 政府投入 Government investment英语短句 例句大全

政府投入 Government investment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-11 21:37:29


政府投入 Government investment英语短句 例句大全

政府投入,Government investment

1)Government investment政府投入

1.The three difficulties of“ government investment, hospital development and medical services utilization” mean thedeeper dissensions of healthcare reform.我国城镇医疗服务体制改革面临“政府投入难、医院发展难、群众就医难”的“三难”,凸显改革深层次矛盾。

2.The research shows that Shaanxi province should develop local economy,adjust the subject structures,increase government investment and expand vocational and technical educatio.为了探讨陕西省高等教育发展的现状,采用文献分析及数量统计分析方法,对影响陕西高等教育发展的相关因素如毛入学率、经费投入、学科结构、学校布局等诸多问题进行剖析,研究表明:陕西省应当从发展地方经济、调整高校学科结构、加大高等教育的政府投入、大力发展职业技术教育等方面采取措施,解决高等教育发展所面临的问题。

3.The government investment should be shared between the central and the local government.应建立符合中国国情和发展路径的农村义务教育财政体制 ,政府投入应由中央政府和地方政府分担。


1.On the Government"s Financial Duty in the Implement of "Two-First" Policy“两为主”政策中的政府投入责任探析

2.Optimization Research on Public Funding Pattern for Public Universities in China;中国公立高校政府投入模式优化研究

3.Analysis on the Effect of Governmental S&T Input to Other S&T Input in China;我国政府科技投入对其他科技投入的效应分析

4.Plenty of government money has been pumped in, but with slim results.政府为此投入了大量资金,但收效寥寥。

5.Governments at all levels must invest more in agriculture, rural areas and farmers.各级政府都要增加对“三农”的投入。

6.The military government flung its opponents into prison军政府把反对派投入监狱。

7.a grant to a person or school for some educational project.政府在教育上对个人或学校的投入。

8.grant of financial aid as from a government to an educational institution.政府对教育事业的经济投入。

9.Government investment would be the kiss of life to the coal industry.政府的投资将会给煤炭工业注入活力。

10.The money is usually placed in short-term government securities.资金一般投入到短期政府有价证券中。

11.A Study on Government R&D Investment"s Effect to Chinese Employment;政府R&D投入对中国就业的效应研究

12.Analysis on the Effect of Gov. Soft-input on Economic Growth;政府软投入在经济增长中的作用分析

13.The Study on Extent of Effort in Government Funding for Education on China s Provincial-level;省级政府教育经费投入努力程度研究

14.The Performance Analysis on Government R&D Input Based on Process;基于过程的政府R&D投入绩效分析

15.A Fair Choice: the Standard of Poverty and Input to Alleviate Poverty from the Government;抉择公平:贫困标准与政府的扶贫投入

16.Chinese Strategies of Increasing Governmental Input in Scientific and Technologic Advance;政府科技投入的国际趋势及我国策略

17.A Study on Effects of the R&D Expenditure of Government on the Chinese Employment;中国政府R&D投入对就业的效应研究

18.Research on Jiangxi Government R&D Fund Investment and Disposition;江西政府R&D资金投入及配置研究


government input政府投入

1.In order to know how to answer the question that our education input is not enough, and some point out that the only way is to enhance thegovernment input.解决我国教育投入不足问题有人指出唯一出路是加大政府投入,有人指出只有走教育市场化道路。

2.It showed thatgovernment input and private input in health substituted each other from the model we built.对我国卫生的政府投入和私人投入进行建模分析,结果表明,从总体上看,我国卫生领域内政府投入与私人投入之间存在替代关系。

3.The primary reason causing the inequality and low-accessibility of China health care system is the inadequate and irrationalgovernment input in health care.现阶段,我国医药卫生体制改革的重点之一是应通过增加政府投入来提高医药卫生服务的公平性与可及性,如何增加政府投入是改革成败的关键。

3)gov"s soft-input政府软投入

4)government financial investment政府财政投入

5)governmental R&D input政府科研投入

1.This paper analyzes on the relationship between our country sgovernmental R&D input and the GDP by using Johansen s co-integration method,finding out that there is a long-term dynamic equilibrium relationship between the two sides.利用Johansen协整方法分析了我国政府科研投入与GDP的关系,发现两者之间存在长期的动态均衡关系。

6)government R&D investment政府R&D投入

1.Based on the literature summary,it sets up the linear model that thegovernment R&D investment influences the enterprise R&D investment.在简要综述相关研究文献的基础上,构建了政府R&D投入影响企业R&D投入的线形模型,以1991-我国政府与企业R&D投入为例,从宏观层次上实证检验了政府R&D投入对企业R&D投入的诱导效应,并基于建设创新型国家的视角,阐释了研究结论的政策含义。


