300字范文 > 现实启示 realistic enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

现实启示 realistic enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-29 20:55:02


现实启示 realistic enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

现实启示,realistic enlightenment

1)realistic enlightenment现实启示

1.People first——The development andrealistic enlightenment of western management theories;人的回归——西方管理理论的发展历程与现实启示

2.On the Realistic Enlightenment of the Theory of Realistic Individual;论“现实的个人”理论的现实启示


1.Jiang Ze-min s Thoughts on Reformation,Development and Stabilization and the Realistic Inspiration;江泽民改革发展稳定思想及现实启示

2.Mach s Thought-Economy Principle and Its Realistic Inspiration;马赫的“思维经济原则”及其现实启示

3.On Jiang Longji s Thoughts on College Moral Education and It s Relevations;论江隆基的大学德育思想及现实启示

4.Discuss on the Ancient Idea of "Depending on the People" and Its Implication;试论古代“以民为本”思想及现实启示

5.On Realistic Enlightenment of Purpose Reason and Instrumental Reason;目的理性与工具理性关系的现实启示

6.Evolution of Dual Economic Theory and Inspiration for Reality;二元经济理论的发展演变及现实启示

7.Political Opinion and Realistic Enlightenment of Wait to Visit and Record Bright and Safely;《明夷待访录》的政治主张与现实启示

8.Power and Supervision Thought in Lenin s Later Years and Their Significance;列宁晚年权力监督思想及其现实启示

9.DENG Xiao-ping s Concept of Incremental Reform and Its Current Enlightenment;邓小平的渐进改革思想及其现实启示

10.On Deng Xiaoping"s Viewpoint of National Interests and Practice Enlightenment邓小平国家利益观及其现实启示探析

11.The reality Apocalypse of the social critical thinking in the communist party manifesto《共产党宣言》社会批判思想的现实启示

12.Mao Zedong to Chinese Modernization Path Exploration and Its Reality Enlightenment;毛泽东对中国现代化道路的探索及其现实启示

13.Enlightenment of the Probing of the Process and Reality of the Rural Modernization of the CPC;中国共产党探索农村现代化的历程和现实启示

14.The Practice of the Party Cadre Education in Yan an Period and its Realistic Significance;延安时期党的干部教育实践及其现实启示

15.The Histoy Progress And The Reality Enlightment Of The Thought Line To Seek Truth From Facts;实事求是思想路线的历史沿革及现实启示

16.Fulfilling user expectations of affordances实现用户期望的启示

17.a theologian who believes that the prophecies of the Apocalypse have already been fulfilled.认为《启示录》的预言已经实现的神学者。

18.Teaching Practice and Apocalypse of Modern Field Military Nursing《现代野战护理学》教学实践及启示


practical inspiration现实启示

3)Practical Enlightenment现实启示

1.The main body presents respectively the basis,the theoretical system,and the practical enlightenment of the theory in three chapters.正文包括三个部分,由任弼时思想政治工作理论基础、内容体系和现实启示构成。

4)modern enlightenment现代启示

1.Moral Connotation of Traditional Wisdom and its Modern Enlightenment;论传统明智的道德蕴涵及其现代启示

2.Regional Architecture Culture Characteristic of the Mous Manor and Its Modern Enlightenment;牟氏庄园的地域建筑文化特性及现代启示

3.Debate of ancient times and now provides a deepmodern enlightenment for us: literature and art develop with the development of social life in generally .古今之争给我们提供了一个深刻的现代启示:总体上看,文学艺术是随着社会生活的发展而发展的,但文学艺术的发展与社会生活有不平衡的一面;同时,后代的文艺总是受到前代优秀作品的影响,前代作品也是在后代作品的相对参照下来显示其意义的。

5)modern inspiration现代启示

6)enlightenment from experience实践启示


