300字范文 > 法律类高职教育 legal vocational education英语短句 例句大全

法律类高职教育 legal vocational education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-02 02:46:08


法律类高职教育 legal vocational education英语短句 例句大全

法律类高职教育,legal vocational education

1)legal vocational education法律类高职教育

2)higher vocational education in law法律高职教育

1.Teaching methods,the key of improving teaching quality,need to have their own characteristics forhigher vocational education in law.目前所运用的教学方法还存在着一些不适应法律高等职业教育教学需要和素质教育要求的问题,我们应当更新观念,把握特点,整体推进,深化改革,并采取配套措施,确保教学方法改革的顺利有效实施,逐步摸索出具有法律高职教育特色的教学方法。


1.The Teaching Methods of Law in Higher Vocational Education;深化法律高职教育教学方法改革问题探讨

2.The Application of Law Clinic In Higher Vocational College of Law;法律诊所教育在法律高职专业中的应用

3.On the Improvement of China s Higher Vocational Education s Legal System;论我国高等职业教育法律制度的完善

4.The Orientation and Deveopment Direction of Chinese Higher Occupation Law Education;我国高职法律教育的定位与发展方向

5.Construction of Clinical Leagal Education Teaching Mode in the Higher Techincal and Vocational School;论高职高专诊所式法律教育教学模式的构建

6.Improving Identification Law of Professional Skills To Promote the Development of Higher Vocational Education;完善职业技能鉴定法律 促进高等职业教育发展

7.Strengthening Education in Legality in Vocational and Technical Colleges, and Improving the Students Law Accomplishment;加强高职院校法制教育,全面提高学生法律素养

8.Research on Introducing "Clinial Style of Legal Education" of Higher Law Vocational Education hi China;论“诊所式法律教育”在我国高等法律职业教育中的引入

9.On Clinical Legal Education and Higher Legal Teachers Qualities;浅谈诊所式教育与高职法律教师的素质

10.A Superficial Discussion of the Law Education in the Higher Modern School and its Development;浅议现代高等职业学校法律教育及其发展完善

11.Talking about Basic Problems of Higher Vocational Legal Education;浅论我国高等职业法律教育的几个基本问题

12.Legal Regulation to Higher Vocational Education in Foreign Countries and Its Reference Meaning;国外对高等职业教育的法律调节及其借鉴意义

ments on the Systems of Legal Vocational High Education in America and Canada;美国加拿大高等法律职业教育制度简评

14.Analysis on the Risk of Legal Lack in the Development of Higher Vocational Education高等职业教育发展过程中法律缺失风险分析

15.On Problems in ABC to Law Class in Higher Vocational Colleges and Countermeasures当前高职院校法律基础教育的问题与对策

16.Strengthening the Students" Legal Literacy Training in Higher Vocational Education高等职业教育应加强大学生法律素养的培养

17.Studying the Running Laws of Higher Vocational and Technical Education for its Development;研究高职办学规律 发展高等职业教育

18.Developing Higher Vocational Education of Law to Perfect China s Legal Educational System;发展法律职业教育 完善法学教育体系


higher vocational education in law法律高职教育

1.Teaching methods,the key of improving teaching quality,need to have their own characteristics forhigher vocational education in law.目前所运用的教学方法还存在着一些不适应法律高等职业教育教学需要和素质教育要求的问题,我们应当更新观念,把握特点,整体推进,深化改革,并采取配套措施,确保教学方法改革的顺利有效实施,逐步摸索出具有法律高职教育特色的教学方法。

3)paralegal education高职法律教育

1.This article gives a briefintroduction to American attorneys and legal education, to American paralegals in terms of the definition and their responsibilities, to American Certified Legal Assistant andparalegal education, to the National Federation of Paralegal Associations, Inc.本文简要介绍了美国律师及法律教育现状,介绍了美国律师助理定义、职责、职业资格认证考试,介绍了美国律师助理教育、律师助理协会联合会、律师助理教育协会等,以期对我国高职法律教育人才培养模式有所启迪。

4)higher vocational legal education高等职业法律教育

1.On the foundation of analyzing characteristics ofhigher vocational legal education, it is thought that in Chinahigher vocational legal education should make a reservation mainly in the level of education of undergraduate and master of law.本文在分析高等职业法律教育特征的基础之上,认为我国高等职业法律教育应主要定位在本科教育和法律硕士教育层次,大专层次法律教育随着我国高等法学教育的进一步发展,可以逐渐淡出法律职业教育市场。

5)legal vocational high education高等法律职业教育

1.Theirlegal vocational high education have constituted the mechanism of educational management that the market is the center of the students and that the students are the center of the school.美国、加拿大的高等法律职业教育在两国法律教育体系中占有重要地位 ,并已形成了多种教育层次和各具特色的体系 ,形成了学生以市场为中心 ,学校以学生为中心的教育管理体制。

6)legal system of higher vocational education高职教育法律体系

1.From the point of view that constitutionality of higher vocational education is an inevitable tendency in the current world, combined the actual condition of China, this paper discusses some problems such as the framework oflegal system of higher vocational education, etc.论文从高职教育法治化是当今世界高职教育发展必然趋势出发,结合我国的国情,探讨了我国高职教育法律体系的架构和如何实现高职教育法治化等问题。


育育1.活泼自如貌。 2.生长茂盛貌。
