300字范文 > 高职教育 higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

高职教育 higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-05 11:03:45


高职教育 higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

高职教育,higher vocational education

1)higher vocational education高职教育

1.Role of psychological consultation in thehigher vocational education;心理咨询在高职教育中的作用

2.Investigation on reform of methods of examination inhigher vocational education;高职教育考试方式改革探讨

3."Dual Certificates" System,a Critical Route to the Higher Vocational Education Development;“双证书”制度是我国高职教育发展的必由之路


1.Vocational Education Attribute and Higher Education Attribute of Higher Vocational Education;试论高职教育的职教属性与高教属性

2.The Character of Vocational Technology Education in Higher Vocational Education;高职教育要以“职业技术”教育为特色

3.Higher Vocational Education Calls for Innovative Education Reconsideration on the "Vocational Character" and "Higher Character" of Higher Vocational Education;高职教育呼唤创新教育——对高职教育中“职业性”与“高等性”的再认识

4.The High Vocational Teaching Quality of Popular High Education;把握高职教育质量标准,切实提高高职教育质量

5.Differences between Adult s Higher Education and Regular Vocational Education;成人高等教育与普通高职教育的差异

6.On the Relations Between Higher Vocational Education and Higher Education;浅析普通高职教育同高等教育的关系

7.Carry out Educational Innovation & Promote the Quality of Higher Vocational Education;贯彻教育创新思想,提高高职教育质量

8.Study on "Refinement","Practice","Project" of Higher Vocational Education;高职教育的“精”、“实”、“工”探析

9.Renewing Educational Concept,Changing Vocational Education;更新教育理念 改革高职教育教学

10.Enlightenment of German Higher Vocational Education to Our Country;浅析德国高等职业教育对我国高职教育的启示

11.To Affirm the Position Fully and to Take the Function Completely of Higher Vocational Education;全面落实高职教育地位,充分发挥高职教育作用

12.Inspiration drawn fromhigher-vocational education abroad;国外高职教育的发展对我国高职教育的启示

13.Researching the Rule of Higher Vocational Education of Promote Chinese Higher Vocational Education Development Healthily;认识高职教育规律 推动我国高职教育健康发展

14.Inspiration to Mainland"s Higher Vocational Education by Taiwan"s Technical & Vocational Education台湾高等技职教育体制对大陆高职教育的启示

15.The Revelations of Higher Vocational and Technical Education of Hong Kong and Taiwan to Mainland港台高等职业技术教育对内地高职教育的启示

16.Innovating Education among the Staff and Workers to Improve Their Quality Education;创新职工教育方法 提高职工教育质量

17.Deepening Vocational Education Reform and Improving Vocational Education Level;深化职业教育改革 提高职业教育水平

18.Popular Higher Education and the Quality of Higher Occupational Education;高等教育大众化与高职高专教育质量


Vocational education高职教育

1.Analysis to the impossibility of vocational education of medicine;医学高职教育的不可行性分析

2.To Create a Newly Feature of Running a School in Vocational Education;高职教育办学特色的构建与实施

3.Teaching reform of measurement lesson in vocational education;高职教育测量课教学改革的探讨

3)high vocational education高职教育

1.Try to discuss the brand managing ofhigh vocational education as enterprise;刍议高职教育品牌的企业化经营

2.How to fully apply modern educational technology tohigh vocational education;现代教育技术如何充分应用于高职教育

3.On the Teaching Material Building of the High Vocational Education;关于高职教育教材建设的几点建议

4)Higher Professional education高职教育

1.Investigation of training program of mould speciality in higher professional education;高职教育模具专业实践性教学环节的研究

2.How to Enforce Higher Professional Education Informization in New Situation;新形势下如何加强高职教育信息化

3.On Present Situation of Higher Professional Education after (China s) Entering into WTO;入世后高职教育的若干思考

5)advanced vocational education高职教育

1.The Use of Information Technology at Advanced Vocational Education;信息技术在高职教育中的应用

2.The right approach of curriculum reconstruction ofadvanced vocational education——Construct one employ-oriented morden curriculum system;高职教育课程重建的正途——构建以就业为导向的现代课程体系

3.Advanced vocational education focuses on cultivating the students vocational competencies, including not only so called vocational skills, but also key competencies, which is more important.高职教育要特别注重学生职业能力的培养,除了一般意义上的职业技能以外,尤其应重视学生关键能力的培养。

6)Higher education高职教育

1.Quality curriculum and school-based curriculum development are the "construction wings"of the higher vocational course , which has just started school-based curriculum, curriculum reform is the "soft rib" Therefore,Higher education school-based curriculum reform is bound to become the top priority.因此,作为课程改革“软肋”的校本课程开发必将成为高职教育改革的关键。

2.At present, with the promotion of the popularization and expansion of scale of higher education, five-year vocational education has also shown a rapid development momentum.自1999年江苏省首届五年制高职学生毕业以来,高职教育已为江苏经济建设和生产一线培养了一批受到用人单位和社会欢迎的高等技术应用性人才。

3.At present, higher education has occupied half of China\"s higher education, higher education really become an important part.当前,高职教育已占据我国高等教育的半壁江山,实实在在成为我国高等教育的重要组成部分。


育育 育 ①动物生育,繁殖。《素问·五常政大论》:“岁有胎孕不育。” ②植物生长。《素问·五常政大论》:“气布而蕃育。”
