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法益 legal interest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-28 12:07:40


法益 legal interest英语短句 例句大全

法益,legal interest

1)legal interest法益

1.On the basis of distinguishing different kinds of environmental rights theories and according to analyzing the essence and key elements of legal right, we can easily conclude that environmental rights are not legal rights, butlegal interest.在辨析各种环境权性质学说的基础上,通过对权利本质及其要素的分析,不难得出环境权不是一种法律权利而是一种法益。

2.But according to analyzing by view of thelegal interest content,we will find they don t violate thelegal interests of unit s bribery crime yet.但如果我们从单位受贿罪法益的视角来看,版面费行为只不过是一种相关单位秉公办理的正常管理活动,它并未侵害单位受贿罪的法益,也不构成单位受贿罪。

3.As a basic category of law,legal interest can be classified in accordance with such criteria as the subject oflegal interest, the protection degree, and the existence of form and content.法益是法律的基本范畴。


1.The Legal Interests of Perjury and Its Constitutive Elements Interpretation伪证罪法益及其构成要件的法益解释

2.Legal interest is defined as the interest and value confirmed and protected by law.法益是指由法律确认和保护的利益和价值。

3.On the Legal Benefit of Environmental Law--A Recognization on the Basis of Environmental Law论环境法法益:对环境法基础的再认识

4.equity method of accounting产权会计法、权益公计法

5.The legitimate (lawful) rights and interests are protected By law.合法权益受法律保护

6.There"s no use crying over spilt milk.无法挽回的事哭也无益。

7.Public Lending Right Scheme图书借阅权益补偿办法

8.Law of Consumer Protection消费者利益保护法学

9.and Ibhar and Elishua and Elpelet益辖,以利书亚,以法列,

10.The legitimate rights and interests of women and children must be effectively protected.维护妇女、儿童合法权益。

11.VI. Legitimate Rights and Interests of Women and Children六、妇女、儿童的合法权益

12.Protect the legal rights and interests of the self-employed workers保护个体户的合法权益

13.Study on Comparison between the Model of Income Methods of Mining Rights and Assets Appraisal矿业权评估收益法与资产评估收益法模型比较

14.Property Right Protection in Property Right Law and Property Right Adjustment in Urban Rural Planning Law《物权法》的权益保护与《城乡规划法》的权益调整

15.Legislation, such as a tax law, that benefits only one segment of the population.税法法规,如税法,只能使一部分人受益

16.A Brief Talk on How to Safeguard the LabourersLegitimate Rights and Interests in a Better Way;《劳动法》是劳动者捍卫合法权益的法宝

17.On the Economic Legal Protection on Peasants Rights;论农民权益的经济法保护——以利益与利益机制为视角

18.Second, the scope of legal aid has kept expanding, benefiting a growing number of people.第二,法律援助的范围不断扩大,受益人日益增多。


Legal interests法益

1.By studying the criminal legislation and its effect in practice,we can know that when it comes to legal interests,the criminalizing of not to give help with others peril is ill grounded and will face an unexpected dilemma.通过对见危不助犯罪化的刑事立法本身及其在法律实践中的实际效果进行分析与研究表明,将见危不助行为犯罪化的做法,无法在法益判断上寻求到立法的根据,司法实践中也会遭遇无法解决的困难。

2.The systematic position of legal interests may be analyzed in two aspects,one of which is the relation between legal interests and positive law,the other is the field where the legal interests are dis- cussed.法益的体系性位置可以从法益与实定法的关系、讨论法益问题的领域两个角度来分析。

3.The legal interests of currency crimes include distributing authority of currency and public credit of currency.货币犯罪的法益既包括国家的货币发行权,又包括货币的公共信用;货币犯罪中原则上,伪造既包括伪造也包括变造,伪造既包括有形伪造,也包括无形伪造;变造既包括有形变造,也包括无形变造;刑法总则第十四条关于犯罪故意的规定决定了货币犯罪行为人对“货币”的性质均应当明知;持有假币罪过重的法定刑设置违背了持有型犯罪的法理。

3)legal benefit法益

1.According to modern criminal law, the primarylegal benefit in the crime of bigamy refers to the right that a party in marital relations enjoys by demanding the fidelity of his/ her spouse, and monogamy is actually the secondarylegal benefit.从实然的角度讲,现行刑法中重婚罪的主要法益是配偶在夫妻关系中要求对方忠实于自己的权利,次要法益才是一夫一妻制。

2.The author explains it from three aspects, such as the basic theories of environmental law,legal benefit, and the natural character of human being and so on.并就此分别从环境法基础理论,法益理论,以及自然属性意义上的人应该具有防卫权三个方面进行了阐述,并最终得出结论。

3.Then it re-thinks the nature of environment law from the main and the content oflegal benefit of environment law.并且从环境法法益主体和环境法法益内容的角度对环境法性质进行再思考——环境法是环境资源经营利用法。

4)law benefit法益

1.Based on the above, the author provides his own idea, that is, the direct aim for penalty is common prevention and special prevention, and its basic purpose is to protectlaw benefit在此基础上提出笔者的看法,即刑罚直接目的是一般预防和特别预防,根本目的是保护法益。

2.Thelaw benefit of the crime of kidnapping is citizen s freedom of person.绑架罪的法益是公民的人身自由;绑架罪既遂的标志是绑架行为的完成;绑架罪是继续犯;绑架过程中劫走被绑架人财物,即使数额巨大,也不能以抢劫罪判处死刑;杀人未遂或者重伤的即使造成严重残疾,也不能以故意杀人罪或者故意伤害罪判处死刑;对绑架罪不应配置死刑,应借鉴日本刑法第二百二十八条之二的规定,增设基于释放被绑架人而减轻其刑的规定;应废除关于为索取法律不予保护的债务而非法扣押、拘禁他人定非法拘禁罪的司法解释。

3.Thelaw benefit of the crime of kidnapping and selling women and children and the crime of bribing women and children kidnapped and sold is human dignity and it s super-personallaw benefit.拐卖妇女、儿童罪和收买被拐卖的妇女、儿童罪的法益是人格尊严 ,且系超个人法益。

5)the legal interest of the criminal law刑法法益

1.The legal interest of the criminal law has a function of guiding the interpretation of criminal law; besides, to concludethe legal interest of the criminal law should also follow the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime.刑法法益对于解释刑法规范具有指导功能,同时刑法法益内容的归纳,也必须遵循罪刑法定原则的要求。

6)legal benefits of civil law民法法益

1.In this paper,legal benefits of civil law in broad sense refer to all the benefits which deserves civil law protection,and it is the benefits that the civil law protected or should protect rather than the civil right in narrow sense.广义民法法益是指所有值得为民法所保护的利益,包括已为民法所保护之利益和应为民法所保护之利益两部分;狭义上是指民事权利之外的已为或应为民法所保护之利益,包括为民法所保护的非权利化利益和应为民法所保护之利益两部分。


