300字范文 > 法益权衡 Weigh of legal interest英语短句 例句大全

法益权衡 Weigh of legal interest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-02 14:57:09


法益权衡 Weigh of legal interest英语短句 例句大全

法益权衡,Weigh of legal interest

1)Weigh of legal interest法益权衡

2)equitable interest衡平法权益

3)balance of rights and interests权益平衡

1.The core content of maintenance fund system is the collection and employment of funds,which relates to thebalance of rights and interests between owners of real estate,involves good governance in the field of the public good and accordingly necessary balance between public administration and private autonomy.专项物业维修资金制度的核心内容就是资金的归集和使用等,既涉及业主之间的复杂的权益平衡问题,又涉及政府在社会公共问题上的治理以及与私人自治权益协调平衡的问题。

4)balance of benefit利益权衡


1.The General Right to Personality and the Principle of Interests Balancing in German Tort Law;德国侵权法上一般人格权制度及利益权衡原则

2.Weighing advantages of business subject s reputation right and news reporting right;商主体名誉权与新闻报道权之利益权衡

3.The Interests Weighting of Voluntary Information Disclosures of Listed Company;上市公司自愿性信息披露的利益权衡

4.Multiple Interests,Fair Share and the Balance of Bureaucrat interests:A Further Research on Postulate of"Comparing-interests Human"多元利益、公平分配与官僚利益权衡——对“比较利益人”假设的一个深化

5.On the Conflict and Balancing of Interest between the Right to Privacy and the Right to Information;论隐私权和知情权的冲突及利益衡量

6.Rights Protection and Benefits Being Balanced --Study on Spouse Right to Know and Privacy;权利保护和利益平衡——论配偶知情权与隐私权

7.Balance of Interest:the Inherent Mechanism of Copyright Law--Analysise on the mechanism of balance of interest;利益平衡:著作权法内在协调机制——解析著作权法利益平衡机制

8.Interest Balance of Intellectual Property in Internet Times:From the Prospective of Copyright;网络时代知识产权利益平衡——以著作权利益平衡制度为核心的解读

9.On Conceptual Basis of Moral Right Protection of Copyright Holders in Cyberspace;版权作品权益分配的利益平衡理论再思考

10.Benefit Game and Benefit Balance concerning the Small-Property-Right House小产权房中的利益博弈和利益平衡研究

11.On Application of the Interest Measure in Environmental Torts Cases;论利益衡量在环境侵权案件中的应用

12.On the Interests Weighing in Environmental Tort" Civil Remedies;环境侵权排除责任利益衡量机制研究

13.The Balance of Distribution of Risk and Profit between Shareholder and Creditor in One-Man Company;论一人公司股东与债权人利益的平衡

14.Conflicts and the Interest Comparation Between Freedom of the Press and Personality Right;新闻自由与人格权的冲突与利益衡量

15.On the Balance of Benefit in the Conditional Sales;论所有权保留买卖制度中的利益平衡

16.Balancing of Interests in the Application of Foreign Tort Law涉外侵权行为法律适用中的利益衡量

17.To Solve the Problem of "the Small Property Right House":from the View of Interest Measurement利益衡量视角下“小产权房”的出路探究

18.Benefit Equilibrium in Shareholding Separation Revolution:Looking for Contract Base for Benefit Equilibrium;论股权分置改革中的利益均衡——寻找利益均衡的契约基础


equitable interest衡平法权益

3)balance of rights and interests权益平衡

1.The core content of maintenance fund system is the collection and employment of funds,which relates to thebalance of rights and interests between owners of real estate,involves good governance in the field of the public good and accordingly necessary balance between public administration and private autonomy.专项物业维修资金制度的核心内容就是资金的归集和使用等,既涉及业主之间的复杂的权益平衡问题,又涉及政府在社会公共问题上的治理以及与私人自治权益协调平衡的问题。

4)balance of benefit利益权衡

5)unbalanced interest权益失衡

1.This paper contends that the economic growth will not lead to social equity automatically and theunbalanced interests resulted in the weakening social equity sense of people.经济增长不能自动地解决社会公平问题,权益失衡是导致社会公平感弱化的根本原因。

6)Interest-balancing principle法律权益平衡原则


