300字范文 > 抛锚式教学 Anchored Instruction英语短句 例句大全

抛锚式教学 Anchored Instruction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-01 13:47:19


抛锚式教学 Anchored Instruction英语短句 例句大全

抛锚式教学,Anchored Instruction

1)Anchored Instruction抛锚式教学

1.ApplyingAnchored Instruction to Teaching Secretarial English;抛锚式教学在涉外文秘英语教学中的应用

2.Research onAnchored Instruction Application in the ‘Educational Information Process’ Course抛锚式教学在《教育信息处理》课程教学中的应用


1.The Application of Dropping Anchor Teaching Mode in the Geography Teaching;抛锚式教学模式在地理教学中的运用

2.Application of anchored instruction to English intensive reading class in university抛锚式教学模式在大学英语精读教学中的应用

3.Probing the application of "Podcasting" on English Oral Teaching and Learning in Anchored Institution;播客在抛锚式教学模式下辅助口语教学的探讨

4.Application of Anchored Teaching Model in the Teaching of Sex-linked Heredity;抛锚式教学模式在“伴性遗传”教学中的应用

5.Practice of Anchored Instructional Model in the Reformation for Experimental Teaching of Environmental Monitoring抛锚式教学模式在环境监测实验教学中的应用

6.On the Implementation of Anchored Instruction in Basic English Teaching论抛锚式教学模式在基础英语教学中的应用

7.Research on Anchored Instruction Application in the ‘Educational Information Process’ Course抛锚式教学在《教育信息处理》课程教学中的应用

8.The Comparison and Research of the Mathematical "Situations and Problems" Teaching and Anchored Instruction;数学“情境—问题”教学与抛锚式教学之比较研究

9.The Application of Dropping Anchor Teaching Approach to the British and American Literature Class;抛锚式教学模式在英美文学选读中的应用

10.English Audiovisual and Speaking Teaching Based on Method of Anchored-Instruction;抛锚式教学法在英语视听说教学中的应用

11.Applying Anchored Instruction to Teaching Secretarial English;抛锚式教学在涉外文秘英语教学中的应用

12.A Research Based on Advanced Vocational Applied Writing Cast Anchor Pattern Teaching Mode;基于高职应用写作的抛锚式教学模式研究

13.Problem-Based Anchored Instruction-A Comparative Research of Chinese and American Cases;基于问题的抛锚式教学——中美案例的比较研究

14.The Experimental Study on Anchored Instruction Model Based on General Course of Basketball Teaching抛锚式教学模式在篮球普修课教学中的实验研究

15.Application of Constructivist Anchor-Like Teaching Strategy to Classroom Teaching;建构主义的抛锚式教学策略在课堂教学中的应用

16.Application of anchored instruction under constructivism teaching mode in clinical practice teaching临床见习带教中引入抛锚式教学法的应用研究体会

17.Anchored Instruction vs.Teachers"Multiple Roles--Research on Constructivism Used for the Reform of College English Listening and Speaking Teaching抛锚式教学模式与教师的多元化作用——建构主义理论在大学英语听说课教学中的应用

18.The use of anchored instructional model in physical situated learning --An instructional exploration of “composition and resolution of motion”;物理情境学习中抛锚式教学模式的应用——“运动的合成和分解”一节的教学探索


anchored instructional model抛锚式教学模式

1.The use ofanchored instructional model in physical situated learning ——An instructional exploration of “composition and resolution of motion”;物理情境学习中抛锚式教学模式的应用——“运动的合成和分解”一节的教学探索


1.English audiovisual and speaking teaching based on method ofanchored-instruction by use of multimedia computer can create a real English language situation for the students and improve their ability of using the language.网络多媒体中采用抛锚式教学法进行英语视听说教学,可以为学生创设真实的语言环境,培养学生实际运用语言的能力。

4)casting-anchor teaching tactics抛锚式教学策略

1.The definition and features ofcasting-anchor teaching tactics are introduced firstly in this paper.文章阐述了抛锚式教学策略的定义、特点以及在“模拟电子技术”课程中应用的优势分析,并在此基础上结合“模拟电子技术”课程中基本放大电路静态工作点的稳定这部分教学内容,具体提出了抛锚式教学的设计原则和教学步骤;最后总结了这种策略在教学实践中的效果以及对教师提出的要求。

5)anchored instruction抛锚式教学法

1.Application ofanchored instruction under constructivism teaching mode in clinical practice teaching临床见习带教中引入抛锚式教学法的应用研究体会

6)anchored situational teaching抛锚式情景性教学

1.Applying to characteristics of adult learning,anchored situational teaching could improve learners comprehensive ability of language s.抛锚式情景性教学适应于成人外语学习的特点,使学生能够在师生间、生生间的交流与合作中提高他们的听、说、读、写等外语综合能力,从而为社会培养创造性人才创造条件。


